
Anomaly by Nathan M. Farrugia

dionis's review

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Really enjoying this series.

kingjason's review

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This series is all coming together nicely. Episode 4 feels like the grown up book in the series, previously there have been car chases, outlandish fighting in totally mad situations, shooting and explosions. Episode 4 takes a darker, edgier route, it's all close quarter fighting, knives, bars and fists and the fighting is in normal places, the streets, stairwells and the roof of a bus. It gives it a real slick feel, I spent a lot of my time on the edge of my seat as the long fight scenes go on and on, these characters have such stamina!

The writing is great, the plot is tight and you can start to see where things are heading as all the groups are becoming more visible to the reader. The scariest thing about this book is that the world could easily go the way of the Purity party.

sarah42783's review

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Why it took me such a bloody fishing long time to pick this series up again is and forever shall be one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Because Helix is most definitely Slightly Very Good (SVG™) and stuff.

To think the poor thing has been laying, abandoned, lonely and on the brink of suicide, in the unfathomable depths of my Kindle Nefarious Reading Apparatus for the last three years. While I was mostly reading Super Extra Crappy Stuff (SECS™) Not So Wondrous Stuff (NSWS™).

Now I understand why my murderous kids have been a teensy little bit concerned as shrimp about my mental health of late, and sporting Most Befuddled Looks (MBL™) on their cute little homicidal faces. I mean, look at my dizygotic twins, Bertie and Gustav here. It’s going to take years of physiotherapy for them to recover from their beloved daddy’s spectacular uncharacteristic lack of judgment when it comes to reading material, if you ask me.

Poor babies.

P.S. Yes, I shall write a proper review for this Moderately Entertaining Book (MEB™) in the not so near future. Possibly. Maybe. (You might perhaps want to give this series a try while waiting for my fascinating review to magically pop up in your feed and stuff.)

· Book 1: Helix ★★★★
· Book 2: Exile ★★★★
· Book 3: Interceptor ★★★★★
· Book 5: Inversion ★★★★★
· Book 6: Exclave ★★★★