
Icarus and Daedalus by Josephine Preston Peabody

melogna's review

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The story of Icarus is a classic Greek myth of a man named Daedalus who decides to build wings from feathers and wax. Once he realizes he can use them to fly, he creates some for his son Icarus as well. He warns the boy not to fly too close to the ground or too high to the sun because it will melt his wings. The boy doesn't listen to any of the warnings from his father and when he finally has the opportunity to fly, he is amazed. He soars through the sigh and begins to ascend more and more. Eventually, the feathers begin to fall as the wax melts and he falls into the ocean. Daedalus goes searching for his son but he is not able to find him and knows that he has drown. Daedalus hangs his wings up in a temple as a tribute and vowed to never fly again. This is a classic story that most students will know in elementary school. The story is to listen to the words of our parents and elders because they know things that we don't and to make sure we are doing what is safe. There are so many different versions of this story that I think it could be used for all grade levels K-12 and all students can receive the moral.