
The Naughty List by Suzanne Young

greenbeanteenqueen's review

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About the Book: Think you know cheerleaders? Think again! The Smitten Kittens aren't just the school spirit squad, they're a secret society that will spy on guys to see if they're cheating. Think your guy is on The Naughty List? Text the Society of Smitten Kittens (SOS) and they'll find out for you. Everything seems to be going great until head cheerleader Tessa's own boyfriend Aiden shows up as a suspect on The Naughty List. Now things aren't so strawberry smoothie...

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I love the idea for this book-spying cheerleaders and cheating boyfriends. And while the book is unique and fun, I was left a little disappointed. It was a fun book, but I just wanted more substance and character development. The Naughty List reminds me of something that could easily be adapted as a CW TV show.

Tessa and Aiden were the only characters I really got to know-the rest of the squad all blended together and I had a hard time keeping each girl straight. You also don't learn much about anyone else and I would have liked to know more about the Smitten Kittens as well as Tessa and Aiden. That being said, I did enjoy what was there. I loved the background for the forming of SOS and I loved the idea of these girls going out and finding cheaters. And the reports they wrote up for clients cracked me up! And Tessa's pretend curse words were always fun and creative-I don't know how Ms. Young came up with so many.

While I liked Tessa and Aiden, I got frustrated with them. They never tried to talk about things and instead sex was their way of communicating. I wanted them to just talk to each other and work things out instead of assuming things. But then again, that's the formula that makes chick lit work-not talking and misunderstandings-so I shouldn't complain too much. I really hated Chloe and Christian-they were icky and swarmy and I really couldn't stand them! Again, I would have liked to know more about them, but they were great characters to dislike.

Even though I had the story figured out, I still had fun reading it. The ending wasn't my favorite, but it leaves the book open for the next in the series, which I'll be looking forward to reading. The Naughty List is a fun frothy read that chick lit readers will be sure to enjoy.

inconceivably's review

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Maybe I just wasn't in the mood, but I just couldn't finish this one.

nahiacal's review

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Un 2'5 en realidad.

The Naughty List nos cuenta la historia de Tessa Crimson, la jefa de las animadoras de su instituto. Y bueno, lo típico, sale con el capitán del equipo de baloncesto Aiden Wilder. Pero Tessa y sus amigas no son solo animadoras, también son parte de una organización sin ánimo de lucro llamada SOS. ¿Que hacen en esta organización? Desenmascarar novios infieles. Las alumnas de sus instituto se ponen en contacto con ellas y estas investigan a su novio como verdaderas espías y con artilugios. El problema es que todos los casos que ha recibido la SOS han resultado positivos, es decir, han confirmado la infidelidad y eso empieza a cansar a Tessa. Y su vida da un giro de 360º cuando Christian y Chloe Ferril aparecen en su vida.
Esta novela, bueno... Es, no se como explicarlo. Me ha gustado pero por otra parte ha habido momentos en la que la he odiado. La relación Aiden-Tessa es una de las cosas que más me ha gustado pero a la vez he odiado. Al principio parecen la pareja perfecta, se quieren y se lo demuestran. Pero a medida que avanza la novela la relación empieza a resultar pegajosa. Y no solo eso, empieza a tomar un rumbo extraño.
Después tenemos a Christian, posiblemente el personaje que más he odiado. Al principio parece el típico chico que va detrás de una chica sin descanso hasta que consigue lo que quiere pero... Sin comentarios. Odio puro. Y mejor no hablar de Chloe, su hermana. Ha empezado con mal píe conmigo desde el primero momento en el que sale pero al llegar al final me dan ganas de matarla.
En fin, es una novela que no me ha gustado del todo pero que si me ha dejado con ganas de más, (más que nada para ver si en el siguiente libro mejora la cosa) así que me leeré el próximo libro.

saragrochowski's review

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Suzanne Young's debut novel was so unbelievably fun! I loved the entire premise and the characters and dialogue had me laughing aloud! THE NAUGHTY LIST has prompted me to make sure I always have room on my bookshelf for Young's novels.

The most noteable aspect of Young's novel is the creative language. Tessa, the main character, doesn't curse, but uses substitute words and phrases. I too use substitutes for swearing, so I found Tessa's practice entertaining - and I picked up a few more phrases to add to my repetoire! And that is so strawberry smoothie!

My favorite part of the novel was all the spy tactics and undercover work the girls do to catch cheaters in action. The action was great and I could clearly imagine all of the sticky situations they found themselves in!

I really identified with Tessa, especially her hopelessness about guys and their faithfulness. I definitely understood why Tessa slipped into her negative mindset, especially with all the cheating she observes. I liked that Young kept readers unsure about Tessa's boyfriend's faithfulness... I really wasn't sure if her was cheating or not until near the end of the novel.

I feel that I must mention that this book is not as "fluffy" as the summary may lead you to believe. Yes, it is an extremely fun read, but I feel that it has some substance too!

Ratings (out of 10):
Plot: 10
Characters: 10
Writing: 10
Romance: 10
Total: 48/50 (A)

Cover Comments:
I thought that the cover of THE NAUGHTY LIST fit the feel of the book. The pink was eye-catching and as cute as the Smitten Kittens themselves. The fact that the shades are partway down draws attention to spying aspect of the novel. Plus, I love the tagline: Is your boyfriend on it?

theaprilnichole's review

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If you are looking for an easy, quick read then this is a good book for that. I thought it was cute. The get to follow the journey of Tessa. She may be a cheerleader but her and her squad hold a secret. They have held onto this secret for two years. It astarts to take a toll on Tessa and her relationship with Aiden. Tessa is a pretty likeable character that I kept hoping things would work out for her.

I liked gettingn to see them go on assignments to see if someone is cheating. You get to see all aspects. There are 2 new students too that get thrown into the mix or I guess I should say they throw themselves into the mix. The cheerleaders are just what you would think. A group so close that they don't just cheer together and spy together but they are friends and close enough that they stick up for each other and are there for each other when one is going through something.

This is the kind of book that if you wanted and had the time you could probably read in one sitting. All the characters have there own personalities that you don't feel like they have spent too much together that they are acting like each other since they are cheerleaders.

anna_reads_too_much's review

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This book was amazing. I lovedddd it. It was very original, and Tessa had a wonderful voice. I found the substitutes for swear words very entertaining... though the first time I saw "strawberry smoothie," it took me a while to catch onto what it meant.

This is one of the books where I didn't like the ending! I wished it would've ended a different way, which I'm not going to say because it would spoil everyyything. But I'm also not the author, and the author is who decides how the book ends.

I did mark this book on on characters for a few reasons. One, a few of them seemed really cliche. Also, sometimes Tessa just acted too... perky. I know this was her personality, I do realize that, but sometimes I did think it could've been toned down a little bit.

Overall, though, The Naughty List is a wonderful book! I enjoyed it, and I didn't want to put it down when I was reading it. It sucked me in right from the beginning and I couldn't wait until it was over. :) Look for this one to be out in stores on February 4!

sammeehicks's review

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I found this one really cute and really good fun. It felt really fresh and original - although I'm not sure how believable I found the SOS part of the story I really loved it and found it an excellent premise for a series.

I loved Tessa's voice and can't wait to spend more time with her in future installments. I loved her perky attitude and aversion to swear words - some of the things she said (or thought) instead made me laugh out loud. I also really loved her relationship with Aiden. I completely adored him and thought he was really sweet and a great match for Tessa.

I found the story really gripping and didn't find it predictable. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and the ending surprised me - I really liked it and it sets up the next book nicely.

I hope there are many more of these books to come - I have preordered the next two already and can't wait to read them.

kirstscard's review

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I really enjoyed this book, it was something different from the vampires and paranormal books that I had been reading at the moment. I liked how Tessa was a cheerleader with a secret, like all the other cheerleaders she is a SOS member. I really enjoyed that the SOS group where the main part of the book and the plot was based around the SOS and the cheerleaders involvement within the school.

I liked how the book unfolded and how Tessa was really happy with her relationship with Aiden to start off with and then throughout the book new characters are introduced and Tessa starts to think silly things about Aiden that cause her to get paranoid.

I really didn't like the characters Chloe and Christian because they were very scheming and plotting which I didn't like. They seemed like they didn't have any really potential to gain anything from doing the things that they did to Tessa and Aiden.

I'm so glad that there is another two books in the series because I will be pre-ordering these books because I can't wait until June for the next one to be published. A great book for anyone that loves a good chick-lit novel.

astoryuntold's review

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Holy moly guacamole! This book was swell!

No joke, this is how Tessa spoke…

The Naughty List totally took me by surprise. I was in the mood for a light, funny high school drama (I’ve been binge-re-watching Veronica Mars and I am currently obsessed) and I thought I got that in spades at the beginning of the book, but as it turned out, not quite so.

Tessa was the teen equivalent of a 50’s Stepford wife. She was the head cheerleader, constantly perky, never swore, and a straight A student. I can confirmed she baked, but I'm pretty sure she did.
Her boyfriend Aiden was the most perfect, dreamiest boy ever and the captain of the basketball team. What Aiden didn’t know though was that Tessa had a secret, and that she was the leader of a group called SOS, dedicated to exposing cheating boyfriends.
Just as the perfect veneer of Aiden and Tessa’s relationship begins to crack, new kids Christian and Chloe are determined to give it the final blow.

So, pretty straightforward right? Tessa finds out after a series of misunderstandings that Aiden is not as perfect as she thought he was and is in fact a major dick, all with the help of her selfless sidekick Christian, who Tessa sees in another light and begins to like and fall in love with.
I mean I have read hundreds of the type of books and they are all the same, an overdone trope which I don’t particularly mind as long as I’m in the mood for it and it is done well.
Turns out, I completely pre and misjudged the Naughty List. I thought it was just another of those cookie cutter teen angst high school dramas but it was the opposite of that. I have to give mad props to Young, she fooled me in the best possible way.

I liked how she showed that Tessa was more than met the eye and that yes, she was exhausted from trying to be perfect all the time and balancing school and relationships and cheerleading and SOS and how she desperately wanted a break from everything. But at the same time and even after that realisation, Young didn’t completely change Tessa by removing every part of her that made her, well, her. Tessa just transformed to a more “mature” person (just a little, let’s not get crazy) who has learned a lot from past mistakes and most importantly how to cut herself some slack occasionally.

As for Aiden, he was the perfect boyfriend. I mean, he was. I am trying to find a fault in him and I can’t. I totally expected him to be a douche but he so wasn’t. It was really nice to see both him and Tessa come to a mutual understanding in the end, even though it would momentarily and knowingly suck for them. The lack of unnecessary over the top drama and angst was refreshing.

I can’t reveal much about the plot I’m afraid even though I really really want to. My advice is to go into the Naughty List spoiler free and give it a chance to pleasantly surprise you. As funny and preppy as should be, I guarantee it will appeal to all YA high school fans out there!

shutupnread's review

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Definitely very creative and imaginative plot. Imagine a group of cheerleaders being part-time secret spies to catch boys cheating on their girlfriends. So unbelievable, right? It's definitely different but in a good way. Just the idea of cheerleaders catch cheating boyfriends makes me laugh because, if you think about it, it's pretty ironic that cheerleaders are doing the catching. Not that I'm not stereotyping or anything...hahaha

Anyway, the plot is definitely fast-paced and within a few chapters, you'll find yourself completely hooked by the hilarious antics the cheerleaders go through, the adoring relationship between Tessa and her boyfriend, Aiden, and just the sheer cuteness of the whole thing. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but whatever it was, this book definitely exceeded my expectations.

Tessa was a very lovable character. Her aversion to cursing was definitely ironic yet interesting and her random shouts of food was extremely funny. To me, she was just one of those ridiculously cute little girls. In a way, she didn't really act her age.

Some of the other characters have a lasting impression as well. Even though the role they played might have been small, the impact to the plot is great.

I also enjoyed reading about some of the cases that SOS had received. Now, if you think about it, the author of this book is definitely pro-cheerleaders. Everything in this book is basically the opposite of typical aka stereotypical cheerleader behavior: helping others, shying away from cursing, etc. etc. However, the one part where I felt like it was finally typical cheerleader behavior, it was the conclusion of the cases that they receive. The way they tell their clients their conclusion definitely had a superior tone to it - something cheerleaders today tend to have. Admittedly, it was refreshing to read the verdicts they gave out because it finally seemed like all was right with the world again.

Anyway, The Naughty List was a fun read and I would like to read the second book despite the weird cheerleader behaviors that are depicted here.