
Glass Heart Hero by Lindsey Iler

kaydanielsromance's review

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A suspenseful, dark read with twisty turns and a delicious bad boy hero! 

Breaker is a dark hero who doesn't see himself in that light whatsoever. He's a tattooed bad boy who lives in a glass house with the devil and his demons. While Breaker may be the nicest demon that lives at Glass House, it still doesn't make him less of a monster, at least in his eyes. However, if you ask his buddies, his buddies girls, and even Delaney, the title of hero comes in many forms, and just because you may be a monster, doesn't lesson you from being a hero when the situation calls for it.

Breaker will do anything to save those he cares about and he doesn't care what those consequences are. Sounds pretty heroic if you ask me? However, according to Breaker, because those morals of his would make him do anything from giving the shirt off his back up to digging the grave to bury the body he help decimate, well he has no compass when it comes to what his limit is, hence he doesn't see himself as a hero. Still...the fact that he cares and will be there no matter what, yeah Breaker is completely sigh worthy.

Now, don't discredit in thinking Breaker is a complete monster, Breaker is definitely the one guy among his friends who probably has more of a conscience and a soft spot than any of the others. He's the one who lead both Marek and Byron to see semblance of reason, he keeps Dixon out major trouble, and he now looks after the girls who have become special to each of them as well. But who keeps Breaker safe and keeps the demons from riding too hard on his back?

What drives this dark hero and what haunts him? It is both the same girl that brings him sanity and drives him crazy. Delaney has been with him through a lot already, but last semester broke her. She ran after her friend, Palmer, went through a harrowing ordeal and Delaney was dragged into it and barely escaped. Instead of staying and finding comfort with her friends and more importantly Breaker, she went home and ended up finding solace in a straight laced, khaki/polo wearing boy named Tripp. 

Tripp and Breaker go head to head over winning Delaney's affections, while the boys at Glass Heart also continue working on uncovering the conspiracy that almost lead to the girls demise last semester. A conspiracy that runs decades deep and is more twisted into their backgrounds than they all realize.

Glass Heart Hero is full of suspense, action, and steamy heat. Delaney and Breaker work on a relationship that is broken by a past full of demons and a future that has a potential for more. Can they push past them and really make a relationship work based on a foundation full of darkness?

Welcome back to Glass Heart Academy where lies, deceit and corruption are just part of the education.

bookboyfriendandhusbandmake3's review

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Every page of each book in this series pulls you deeper into the Glass Heart Academy world where the Glass Heart Boys live by a code that is first and foremost loyalty to one another no matter the cost.

Delaney is every shade of fierce a survivor and a girl who runs when life is too heavy which I can relate to because I may not “physically” run but I do “run” straight into a book to escape into when I feel as though reality is too heavy to carry but when you catch the eye of one of these Glass Heart boys he won’t let you run far.

Breaker was the calm one with the quick wit and a smile but oh stars there's so much more to him than I ever imagined. When he was calm it was like the small embers of a fire but all it takes is a moment to ignite those embers into a sinful inferno of rage. He was a perfect mix of swoony and possessive alpha. He now holds the award as my favorite Glass Heart Boy.

From reading the previous books I had already felt that Breaker and Delaney had a connection but that was only a glimpse into the depths of what they shared. The connection they shared was 2 souls that were intertwined so deeply that one didn’t exist without the other.

Lindsey Iler’s writing is purely magic once I was engrossed in Glass Heart Hero from beginning to end. A compelling blend of hypnotic chemistry, a fierce heroine, a Glass Heart Hero, Breaker isn’t your average hero, feels for days, steam, witty banter, and a group of friends that are the epitome of unconditional love and loyalty.

thebusybookmom's review

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Breaker's book just steps up the Glass Heart series to epic proportions. Lindsey took the momentum from Palmer and Mareck, and turned it up a notch to give us Delaney and Breaker!

Breaker has seen some terrible things, and Delaney is a survivor who shows an epic strength. These two throw off a tension that is palpable every times they are in a room together. The line between love and hate gets blurred with every interaction.

Lindsey continues to blow me away with these series and I have to own thes paperbacks!

kfriend's review

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Glass Heart Hero is hands down Lindsey's best book to date. Addictively suspenseful, enthrallingly dark and gritty, and teeming with an intense and complicated character chemistry- this story completely consumed me! Breaker and Delaney, two heroes in their own way, fighting to survive the savage Glass Heart world, and both completely own my heart. This series is such a riveting thrill ride, but what makes it so compelling is its emotional center- the profound character connections and the loyalty of a chosen family. I could live in this world forever!

Breaker has always been my soft spot- he’s a character that stole every scene. He’s kind a light to him- a bright kindness, a tenderness that the others didn’t, but we also knew there was darkness and pain lurking beneath his edgy, jovial facade. I love how his possessive, alpha, darkness seeps out in this story. But he’s also still the unusual hero we love- patient, resilient, determined- he let’s Delaney heal, lets her find her path to him on her terms. I didn’t know I could love him more- but I was wrong. And Delaney is a beautiful but broken soul- we still see her fire, but we also see how much this world has harmed her.

Lindsey picks up their complicated relationship in a totally unexpected place, and as per usual, the Glass Heart boys take a dangerous, broody, and volatile path to resolving the complicated emotional obstacles keeping Delaney and Breaker apart. There is a maddening push pull resistance, especially from Delaney- SO much angst, denial, unresolved feelings and tension. But Breaker and Delaney have a special bond, and experiencing the darkness and trauma they did together only deepened it, made it more solid, even if it is momentarily fragile. There is a DEEP chemistry here- an intimate emotional connective tissue that just gripped my heart. Trauma and evil and pain may have fractured their relationship, but they are truly unbreakable. They see and understand each other- show up for each other in ways only they can.

This loyal and protective chosen family may have a skewed moral compass thanks to this dangerous, corrupted elite world- but there is an honorable code, a trust, and a profound love that unites them. When one falls, when one falters, the others lean in- and as much as I loved B and D, I also loved seeing the Glass Heart family only strengthen.. Secrets, mystery, danger- they are no match for them. They may not be traditional heroes, but in their own story, in their own world? They are the only heroes they need.

bookish_dandan's review

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This book was very well written, just like the others in the series! The author is very talented! Personally though, I just didn’t connect with this book. There were just aspects of the characters and the story that I didn’t enjoy. That being said it was still a really good book. The ending really did tie up their story nicely though!

kswear79's review

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When I asked for Breaker I’m not sure I was expecting this. Breaker has been my favorite because he just steals your heart, but no matter what he will not back down. They’re broken, which we knew, just how broken is what’s new! Breaker & Delany’s story is a heartbreaking story gave me a clearer understanding of who they are. This book is definitely in my top reads of Lindsey’s, she definitely hit this out of the park with dark & enthralling.

sammers19's review

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Argh... I couldn't wait for Breakers story I absolutely loved him from the very first book in the series.
I've loved all the books in this series so far but Breaker is my absolute favorite out of the bunch.
Delaney took some time to get use to I wasn't fond on how she treated Breaker even with everything that that was going on, But Breaker was also my boy. This has easily been my top book of 2021 so far. I can't wait to read more from Lindsey.

becsa's review

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Barrett "Breaker" Davenport is a lacrosse player and one of the most powerful boys at school. He has had feelings for Delaney for a long time but doesn't feel like he can have a normal relationship and constantly pushes Delaney away.

Delaney Chambers is best friends with Palmer and has begun dating Tripp DuPont after going home to escape from Breaker. She knows she isn't over Breaker but also knows that he will always push her away and won't let her get close to him, although they both care about each other.

When Tripp challenges Breaker to run a gauntlet in Delaney's honor will he accept and will Delaney be able to figure out which one of them truly has her back?

This is such an amazing series!!!

Breaker is such a jerk but we know from the last book how much he truly cares about Delaney even if he doesn't want anybody else to know. I love his relationship with Palmer and the close bond that they share as well as his relationship with his best friends Marek, Dixon and Byron.

Delaney is interesting as she really can't help how she feels about Breaker yet she continues to date Tripp, even though she gradually sees a different side of him with how he treats certain people, like her staff. Yet she also very grateful that he was there for her when she needed a friend which seems to make her feel a certain guilt towards him.

The gauntlet battle was interesting in that Tripp seemed to know things about Breaker that he shouldn't and that seemed to add more mystery into the book. My jaw was on the ground so many times and my heart was seriously broken so many times reading this!!

When Breaker went to see his aunt and sisters my heart broke a little as you start learning about certain things and it really made sense on why Breaker was so guarded. I loved that he slowly began to repair the relationships as they were ultimately so important to him.

When Delaney found out certain things about what was going on with her family I felt terrible for her as I knew things would only get worse which didn't seem possible.

I found Madison super interesting and I hope we get a lot more of her in the future.

At a certain point we learn about other things happening in the "background" and my jaw hit the ground as things came together! OMG!!!

The way things ended was just fantastic but when we learn about a possible weak link it's setting up the next book and I can't wait!!!

sophielizzie's review

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Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I have been waiting for Delaney and Breaker's story since we got those hints in Marek's book! I've been so excited to see their side of things and see where their story takes off!

This book blew me away, not only the characters, but also their relationship and the plot! I can't wait to see what more this series has to offer!

Definitely check out this book and the series, if you're looking for a great Romance and Mystery!

heather0918's review

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Great continuation!

Breaker and Delaney’s story was amazing! But I have to admit it didn’t have that same jaw dropping effect like the original with Marek and Palmer. That story was fire! This one was still great and definitely worth the read. I’m looking forward to Dixon and Reagan next!