vulveeta's review against another edition

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what a nonstop thrill ride in stupidity! here are some choice quotes: [trigger warning for rape, murder, etc.]-

"She was smiling at me when she signed it. I thought, You don't look too bent out of shape for a rape victim."

"As a female, I could tell you exactly why that girl had leggings hanging off her left leg. That’s because women who have sex in the backs of cars end up with leggings hanging off one leg."

"The police never quite proved Suspect #2 was in the area at the time of Sarah’s murder. One of the reasons that some people thought it might be him was because he worked with horses, and Sarah had two hangers wrapped around her head. But if you look at any kind of pornography or bondage, you find lots of women with bridles around their heads. That’s the way brutal men control women." BDSM NOT SAME AS BRUTAL RAPE AND MURDER, HULK SMASH (i actually don't remember if that case involved rape but she's bringing pornography into the mix so i'mma just include it)

"So this cross-dressing weirdo was a decent suspect." NO

"He didn’t technically rape her, but he did roll her onto her stomach, putting something under her belly to elevate her buttocks." is detailing a case about unwanted sexual contact really a good time to debate technically rape?

"Also, the killer looked in on the children. Why? What interest, if he wasn’t a rapist, would he have in checking out sleeping kids? And, since there were teenage girls in the house, a rapist would have been more than pleased to make such a find." rapists don't solely rape young women, you know that, right? some rapists in fact prefer older women because they are more vulnerable and "weak" JESUS FUCK

"She thought the low voice sounded like it belonged to a black man, although “it could have been somebody with a Southern twang accent.” It was not a voice Laurie recognized" so i get that pat brown didn't say that, but the fact that she included it kind of leaves me to believe that she believes in black voices as a thing

"He also said Doris knew things about him he had never told anyone. Was he suggesting she was psychic?" what? that sounds to me like he fucking told the lady shit he never told anyone else, for christ's sake

"A lot of men who are considered child predators are not pedophiles. A pedophile is somebody who has an obsession with having sex with children, with childlike children, little children. A pedophile is not necessarily a sexual predator, because some pedophiles don’t do anything about it, they just think about it a lot." who gives a shit, people who want to fuck children regardless of acting on urges are shitty people


danigerous's review against another edition

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Nice little book about how a Martha Stewart can easily turn into a Miss Marple. To be honest it was an engaging read, but there were some parts that were really annoying. The author makes it look as if just about anybody can become a profiler, but the worst part is where she usually comes across as a know-it-all and not for one minute thinks she could be wrong. True that even though somebody might be a professional in a certain area, their words, sometimes, need to be taken with a grain of salt, but that goes doubly for non-pros, which she is. What really pissed me off was the bashing of John Douglas. The only times she mentioned him was in relation to something she thought he did wrong. Oh John Douglas made this mistake, oh, John Douglas misprofiled this or that. Seriously! The guy is a Quantico material and has been working for the FBI for so long, not to mention that he was one of the first profilers. He might have had a few cases that didn't go well, and he might have been a bit overly glamorized by Hollywood, but first, one cannot expect a 100% success rate in this sphere and second, at least he has solved cases, whereas pretty much all that this author can offer is profiles that she submitted to the investigators, but the majority of the cases mentioned in the book were never resolved, how could the reader be sure that what she was telling was right? Anyone can say anything they want and even sound convincing doing it, but it needs to be backed up by facts.
Anyway, props to Pat Brown for making such a huge transition, still, attacking the people who have established themselves as professionals, won't help her prove her point.