
The Fourth Realm by Michael Chatfield

enchanterheir's review

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I love this series!

witchylevy's review

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I love the ending.
The way this book, and the series, builds up is so perfectly satisfying. Each of the characters becomes important to me as I read. The losses are genuinely and emotionally experienced. This is a new favorite series, and I have high hopes for where it leads.

raj_page's review

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After reading this book I'm in a love-hate relationship with this series right now.

Ten Realms series is awesome because the main characters are fantastic. They are genuinely good people but at the same time they are warriors, crafters and city builders and much more. It's very easy to fall in love with Erik and Rugrat.

But in this book, the pacing was really off. There were even unnecessary recaps in the middle of the book. Felt like some things were added just as a padding. Especially the fight in Vuzgal. It dragged.

I normally love multiple PoV characters and I genuinely like to know what is happening in Alva as well. But here the PoV went awry in the middle of the book.
Also, does the writer has a weird fascination with obnoxious people who underestimate our main characters and try to bully them. Used so many times in the series that I'm seriously tired of the troupe.

But regardless, the book shines the most when Erik and Rugrat are at the center of focus. Also, in retrospect, the development in Alva and Vuzgal and all the new dungeons and the crafter associations were exhilarating. I really hope the later books focus more on Erik and Rugrat.

readerxxx's review

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The copy that I got from amazon was an Unproofread version of the book and no update is available. The author claimed amazon posted the wrong version but after contacting him he made no attempt to send me a good copy. Frustrating. It’s a good book but the version I got was almost unreadable with multiple errors per page.

thinde's review

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I'm worried about how much pointless filler is creeping into these books. I don't want to sit in on a chapter-long town meeting with no conflict, plot development or character growth.

alkyer's review

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So much better

The book is soooo much better without all the spelling mistakes that are rampant in the previous books. It made it so much easier to read and enjoy! There are still a few left, but its nothing in comparison to the other books. That aside, im loving how the characters grow and develop. Cant wait to see what's in store! Im also loving that you allow the "good guys" to experience setbacks and failure, it helps the story a lot.

All in all, i think i can say this is, for me, the most enjoyable book so far in the series.

mystic5523's review

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I'm disappointed. The story continues to be great, but I would have much rather waited another month or two to get my hands on it while it went through another round of two of editing. Many, many typos and spelling errors and transposition error abounded and even seemingly missing sentences. Not to mention the conclusion of the climactic final battle feels like it's missing several pages. Hopefully the author takes a bit more time with the next one and maybe even goes back and fixes this one.

kesnit's review

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This book is finally back up to the standards that I know the author can write. The first book was amazing, but the second and third got very chaotic and sometimes hard to follow. This one is back to the straightforward writing of Book 1.

One thing I love about these books is how honest and honorable the Alva people are. As I have said about previous books, they could be Marty Stu's, but the author manages to make them people who see joy in their accomplishments, rather than overbearing pride. (There is pride, but it is the pride of accomplishing a goal and not gloating.)

I look forward to Book 5 (and hope the author finally writes 6!)

sirwilhelm's review

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I’m frankly a bit disappointed with this one. They spend what feels like half the book on a single battle and it’s incredibly drawn out. There isn’t any advancement in cultivation and things just kind of happen. The shift to modern day fighting styles is a bit weird and forced, their capabilities with production doesn’t make much sense. Looking forward to them finding more people from earth but I need a break before starting the fifth book.

The time spent on other characters besides the main duo is getting too high as well, and I heard that it gets even worse in the fifth book. I think I’m officially dropping this series, maybe if I ever run out of good LitRPG I’ll come back but for now this one just isn’t holding up.


tayleigh's review

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They were in the war realm and there was only one battle. They got control of a city and a dungeon by not fighting. My least favorite book of the series. I will keep reading the series and hope it gets better. I was just bored with it and in a realm that was built up to be action packed and it wasn't. They just got lucky with taking the city and dungeon which made it seem cheap. Also only minor characters died.

There is also so many different characters that is hard to keep track of. There are multiple characters POV per chapters and it just is hard to have to figure out who is talking and takes me out of the book. I've had this same complaint for the past few books and it just seems to be getting worse.