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ellesoftly's review
wow i read this in elementary school after i dug it out of our shared classroom bookshelf. will need to revist. i remember falling in love with it??
aftanith's review
I had never heard of this book until I found an ex-library copy for sale at my local branch. Historical MG for $0.10? What on earth would I have to lose? Well, I'm honestly not the world's biggest fan of historical fiction (though I do read it on occasion), so the book languished on my shelves for a few years. I've been slowly eBaying off my 1000+ book collection for the past year or so now, and I wanted to make sure I gave this book a go before I got rid of it.
All in all, Beyond the Burning Time was solid MG historical fiction. It's no Witch of Blackbird Pond (disclaimer: it's probably been nearly a decade since I read that one, so my memories of it are almost certainly a bit off, but I remember loving it!), but it's a solid story about witch hysteria set in the village of Salem and neighboring Salem Town. It uses the backdrop of the real life tragedy to tell a fictional story of a family victimized by the many false accusations flying around town, and while I think it does a good job pointing out the inherent misogyny, greed, etc. motivating such hysteria periods of history, I wonder if the book doesn't suffer a bit for centering itself on fictional people instead of one of the many real historical figures who are relegated to supporting roles here.
(And honestly, I would suggest literally any edit that got Gilly out of the book. He's a potentially problematic character--I'm not knowledgeable enough on the nuance of portrayals of the disabled in media to say either way--and his POV sections legitimately made me nauseated, what with his stomach-churning fetish for some dead guy's old shoes and foot-sweat-smell--and I'm gagging just writing that--and his truly disturbing, documented-on-page thought process while stalking that very dead man's widow. WHY, LASKY, WHY?)
So while I enjoyed this well enough (in the sense that I couldn't honestly say I regret reading it), I don't think it's a book that I'll ever be revisiting, and I'll definitely be adding my copy to the "for eBay" pile. I've only got enough shelf space for real favorites these days, and while Beyond the Burning Time was leagues better than the last thing I read from Lasky (the bulk of the Ga'Hoole series), it's definitely not even in the outer orbit of being a new favorite.
(It is also, disappointingly, not the witch book I have vague memories of reading as a small child, which I'm still on the lookout for. Literally all I remember of that book was that there were maybe two main little kid characters--no idea of their age(s)--and there was something about a witch in a lake. If anyone's got suggestions on what that might've been, I would've read this sometime probably between 2000 and 2005; I'd love to hear any ideas anyone might have!)
All in all, Beyond the Burning Time was solid MG historical fiction. It's no Witch of Blackbird Pond (disclaimer: it's probably been nearly a decade since I read that one, so my memories of it are almost certainly a bit off, but I remember loving it!), but it's a solid story about witch hysteria set in the village of Salem and neighboring Salem Town. It uses the backdrop of the real life tragedy to tell a fictional story of a family victimized by the many false accusations flying around town, and while I think it does a good job pointing out the inherent misogyny, greed, etc. motivating such hysteria periods of history, I wonder if the book doesn't suffer a bit for centering itself on fictional people instead of one of the many real historical figures who are relegated to supporting roles here.
(And honestly, I would suggest literally any edit that got Gilly out of the book. He's a potentially problematic character--I'm not knowledgeable enough on the nuance of portrayals of the disabled in media to say either way--and his POV sections legitimately made me nauseated, what with his stomach-churning fetish for some dead guy's old shoes and foot-sweat-smell--and I'm gagging just writing that--and his truly disturbing, documented-on-page thought process while stalking that very dead man's widow. WHY, LASKY, WHY?)
More than anything, though, I think the book suffers a bit in its last fifty pages or so as it tries to wrangle a happy ending for the characters. I expected Virginia to die; she did not. Odd though it is to say that I'm disappointed a children's book didn't kill off the children's mother... I am. The circumstances that come together to enable Virginia's survival are undeniably contrived. They're properly built up, more or less--(almost) all the pieces to the puzzle were properly foreshadowed, to the point that savvy readers will know by 1/3 of the way through the book that those elements will be used somehow in the climax--but I genuinely never expected those elements to build up to a conclusion that kept Virginia alive, and I'm not entirely convinced that I can suspend my disbelief to the point of accepting the logic behind that they did. It all makes sense, sure; it's just that after building up an entire narrative of utter, unfair, unavoidable tragedy, like a train being deliberately driven off the tracks... it just feels false for that someone to pull the emotional crux of the story out of the way of that train at the very last second. *shrug*So while I enjoyed this well enough (in the sense that I couldn't honestly say I regret reading it), I don't think it's a book that I'll ever be revisiting, and I'll definitely be adding my copy to the "for eBay" pile. I've only got enough shelf space for real favorites these days, and while Beyond the Burning Time was leagues better than the last thing I read from Lasky (the bulk of the Ga'Hoole series), it's definitely not even in the outer orbit of being a new favorite.
(It is also, disappointingly, not the witch book I have vague memories of reading as a small child, which I'm still on the lookout for. Literally all I remember of that book was that there were maybe two main little kid characters--no idea of their age(s)--and there was something about a witch in a lake. If anyone's got suggestions on what that might've been, I would've read this sometime probably between 2000 and 2005; I'd love to hear any ideas anyone might have!)
rayne709's review
An interesting story about a family Iiving on the edge of the Salem witch trials, trying to hold on to their sanity as everyone else's slips away.
kate_lynn's review
Boring for an adult to read, but I imagine that children who haven’t learned much about Salem yet would enjoy it.
tenas262's review
Read this in 8th grade for English. I guess it's a good book with many themes in it, but the characters, namely the side characters on the antagonist's side, were just REALLY frustrating! This made the book VERY frustrating for me but I got over it later.
elna17a9a's review
The Salem Witch trials are an infuriating period in our history - puritans swept up in hysteria and jealousy and greed, pointing fingers at and condemning each other to death for the slightest things.
Mary Chase , unfortunately, lives through this, watching in horror as respected men and women are accused. Eventually, when her own mother is accused, she and her brother realize that there is no saving Salem, so they might as well save themselves.
The writing is a little purple for me, and hinders the ease and flow of reading. But the feelings - of despair, of anger, of frustration and disgust - that she experiences are invoked in the reader perfectly.
Mary Chase , unfortunately, lives through this, watching in horror as respected men and women are accused. Eventually, when her own mother is accused, she and her brother realize that there is no saving Salem, so they might as well save themselves.
The writing is a little purple for me, and hinders the ease and flow of reading. But the feelings - of despair, of anger, of frustration and disgust - that she experiences are invoked in the reader perfectly.