
TS901: Anomaly: Rise of the Rebels by Tish Thawer, Stacey Rourke

jasmyn9's review

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TS901: Anomaly was an amazing start to a series and the beginning a beautiful, if very flawed and post-apocalyptic, world. When a chemical intended to help humanity was introduced into the water, it had some surprising results. Individuals with certain DNA were mutated and forced into the Hive – picture detainment camp.
Thia makes it her mission to escape the Hive and expose the truth behind the TS901 chemical and how the government has been using the people mutated by it. There are a lot of twists and turns as the escape progresses and Thia and crew attempt to infiltrate a government facility to free the people held there.
Thia was an intriguing character that really draws the spotlight in the story. Even though surrounded by strong males and females she managed to shine, but somehow without taking away from the other characters. I can’t wait to get started on the rest of the series.

trulybooked's review

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[I received a free copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.]

Before we go any further, let me say that I like the writing in this book and also don’t like it. Sometimes, I don’t know what it is, but it almost feels like the book has been written by two different people.

Beyond that good first impression, we continued on in the same vein. The world seemed interesting and there were puns in the novel that seemed intentional such as “Snaky guard lashed at them both with his venomous glare.” Basically, they were both cringe-worthy and great all in one (I love puns, I'm not sorry).

Aside from some minor pet peeves about the naming conventions, we were off to the races. But before we move on from those names, it drove me nuts that the names of the two factions were the Naries (Ordinary) and the Malies (Anomaly). There were even people called the Maly Munchers (who basically want to ride some Maly python) and I cringed all the way out the door.

But once I got past my petty, petty quibbles, the story was pretty solid. There were interesting implementations of the mutant powers that I hadn’t seen or thought of, a few reveals that were great, and don’t even get me started on Gigi.

Gigi, sweet Gigi, was a gift from god. She was the one who truly introduced the strong x-men vibes that would stay throughout the story, but she was a joy every time she graced the page.

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angelastl's review

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This is so good!! Nonstop action, plenty of drama, a hint of a love story. It's an amazing book.

hncald78's review

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A fresh take on a theme. Loved this book. Very fast paced. The characters were very well developed. Just when you thought you knew what was going to happen, you found out you were wrong. Sass and sarcastic dialogue - my favorite. Gigi needs to be my friend...seriously. Cannot say enough good things about this. Cannot wait for the next book!!

ltg584's review

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3.5 stars

TS901 introduces us to a promising new series from a pair of established authors. I've read many a book by Stacey Rourke, and was delighted to have a new series to get into! I haven't read any of Tish Thawer's books before, but TS901 may prove to be the gateway book to a new addiction.

I loved the vibe right off the bat, dark and gritty, with some serious foreshadowing. It was exactly what I was in the mood for. Don't worry, though, if you think it's going to be too dark for you. It takes a turn towards being more light-hearted, and became almost sassy and sarcastic. Thia is my ideal protagonist. She's strong and capable, ready to kick some serious ass, but she doesn't have it all figured out just yet. Thia has some great sidekicks, complete with some very powerful abilities, which promise to open up the series to some intriguing possibilities.

It didn't feel the most organized at times, probably due to there being two authors. I mean, I can't even imagine how hard it must be to combine two distinct writing styles, trying to mesh but not drown each other out. There is a benefit, however, to this style, which is that it also lent the story a feeling of spontaneity. It felt unpredictable, where really, anything is possible.

A copy of this book was provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review.

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