
Power Study by Maria V. Snyder

iamasam28's review

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I enjoyed this 8 chapter excerpt about Janco and Ari, they are two of my favorite character in this series.

obr's review

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One for the Ari & Janco fans; unnecessary to read but an insight into their dynamic whiile they hunt down a rogue Sitian sword-wielder's secret. I felt it started well, but rapidly moved from a normal pace to one that made everything happen too fast to really feel digestible and so took away some of the twists interest.

maggieha's review

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*3,7/5 stars*

Power Study is a fun novella, which takes place soon after Fire Study, it's told from Janco's and Ari's pov. *And I absolutely adore these two! Especially Janco's pov was amazing.*

Available on author's website:

“May be a spy. ‘May’ being the key word.” Maren looked at Ari. “What’s next?”
“Hey,” Janco said. “How come you always ask him? He’s just the muscle. I’m the brains of this outfit.”

allys18's review

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Ari y Janco sin duda son de mis personajes favoritos de la saga y leer sobre una de sus aventuras, sin duda fue genial. Me mate de risa con estos dos y sobre todo con las ocurrencias de Janco

Me encanto que Maren también apareciera en el relato. Adoro al trío de segundos de Valek, de hecho me gustaría que tuvieran más interacción que la poca que tienen en el primer libro… ojalá en los siguientes de la saga tengamos más de su maravillosa dinámica grupal.

seriouslysarah's review

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3.5 stars/4? Kinda long for the nothing that happened, but I do enjoy Ari and Janco and I enjoyed reading their POVs and seeing how they interact with eachother more closely. I really love these two guys!

megan_roze's review

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Who doesn't love a bit of Ari and Janco playfulness? Haha.

I've missed their banter. A nice story for the series.

safaeita's review

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a nice good read it is actually better then assassin study so i enjoyed reading it a little bit ^^

yusabriel's review

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A cute story to give a bit more depth to Ari and Janco.

katofdiamonds's review

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lovelovelove Ari and Janco ^.^

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makerner's review

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