47 reviews for:


Jennifer Estep


This one was dark. I cannot believe I'm sixteen books in and not tired of the storyline. In fact I am pissed I have to wait so long for the next book. :/
dark emotional mysterious tense medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Plot
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Yes
Flaws of characters a main focus: Complicated

In Snared, book sixteen of the Elemental Assassin series, fearsome elemental assassin and Ashland’s underworld queen Gin Blanco’s hunt for information on the the shadowy group of criminal elites responsible for the death of her mother gets derailed by a sister’s desperate plea to find her missing sibling. Never one to do anything halfway, Gin throws all her resources, including her mixed group of talented and connected friends and family members, into searching for any trace of the missing young woman. Each piece of uncovered evidence brings them closer and closer to a sinister and disturbing realization – real evil exists in Ashland and there’s a body count to prove it.

Similar to other books in the series, Gin once again seems to have forgotten a lot of things from her past, including important people and events, only for the memories to surface at opportune times in the plot when she sleeps (or slips into unconsciousness) in the midst of stressful situations. This happens on three separate occasions in this book alone – although, to be fair, it’s the same event being remembered, just a little bit more being recalled each time. At this point I think maybe Gin could benefit from a brain scan – or maybe a visit to a hypnotherapist. She’s just missing too many chunks of time here; this can’t be normal?

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I loved the Criminal Minds vibe with the pursuit of a vicious serial killer, desperately piecing together clues, and racing against the clock to save the latest victim. On the other hand, the plot felt a little predictable and the clues were a little too heavy handed and obvious. But then again, even though I pretty much had it figured out from early on, Estep is such a talented writer that I enjoyed the investigation, takedown, and detailed descriptions of Gin “nobody’s-victim” Blanco being a BAMF.

Overall, Snared wasn’t my favorite book of the Elemental Assassin series so far, but I still really liked it. From the tone of this book, the author seems to be heading in a darker direction and Gin’s focus, always intense, is starting to border on obsession. I’m curious to see where Estep is going with this new Circle storyline and continue to have faith in her ability to spin an intricate web of new villains and interesting plotlines.

*I received an ARC of this book to review. You can find this review and others like it at BookAndCoffeeAddict.com, along with recommendations for a fantastic cup of coffee.

Love where this series is going and taking us.

I received an ARC of this novel with thanks to NetGalley and he publisher, in exchange for a honest and voluntary review.

Gin is Back with yet another mystery/adventure/thrillride. This time one of her friend/business acquaintance’s sister is missing and it is up to Gin to find her before her clock runs out.

Honestly i had given up reading the series at book 12. But reading this book has ignited my curiosity in the series now i'm regretting leaving the series. But you all know what that means.... TO THE LIBRARY! (lets just hope they are availible for an entire series re read).

Yes thats right folks i am willing to do a re read because of this book.
it sucks you into her world. either that or i just missed being part of her world again. Either way this book just made me want more! I should have known really. I mean the series has made it to number 16 after all.

This book is to be experienced and i honestly feel like i could give out massive spoilers so i'm going the less is more option.... should you read it? I'd say yes. Should you buy it? if you have the rest of the series i'd say why not, i don't think you would regret it.


A serial killer and a twist at the end I definitely suspected was coming. Another solid, fun, if slightly predictable entry.

Some mini mysteries were solved but now there are more to solve. When is the next book coming out?

2.5 *shrugs* stars

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Have you ever read a series and wondered how in the heck did we get to book 16 of the series?


That is me at this moment. It isn’t a bad series and the repetitions of the first books have died out a little. But either I’ve become a much better sleuth in my reading OR this series is becoming really predictable in a lot of ways.

What I liked. In every book there is at least something I like and for this one it was the swap up of the normal Gin against some insert criminal mastermind here to Gin and the search for a serial killer. It was a good swap up but I totally knew who the serial killer was before mid book and where he was keeping his next victim.

The coroner Ryan is a new favorite character and I like that he seems to be in a very strange Spider Fan Club of sorts. Gin’s entire team are all really good characters. I’d like a little more development on a few of them in particular but maybe that is coming.

Concerns and Little Nagging Things in the Back of my Head. Well I have a few for this series. One being that I guessed a lot of the plot. But more than that I wonder how many more books JE is planning on cranking out before wrapping it up. I mean am I committed to 20, 25 more than that. I’d really like some sort of end date in mind. How long is it going to take to find the leader of this elusive circle???

My biggest pet peeve with this series is that it seems Gin remembers or flashes back to some super important detail from her past that is the big clue in the present often. I’m usually okay with this a few times in a series but this happens in almost every Gin book. Either she flashes to the past and sees something important or Fletcher has remarkably left some clue she finds even though he died in book 1. I’m a little put out by this one specifically because it revolved again around the night that Gin’s family died. We’ve seen this particular one a few times and every time some new thing happens in that recollection to fit into the current book. It just feels so convenient.

I’d like some movement on the relationship front with Owen and Gin. I mean they are together but I think their relationship has stalled. Owen has turned into some flat paper cut out version of a prefect boyfriend. He shows up to help in everything she is doing, he never has his own thing going on, he supports and agrees with everything she does. They don’t argue or even banter. I mean just a discussion about living together or hey maybe we should both get tested so that we don’t have to use condoms and the pill with sex anymore. Something??? Anything??? Nope it is all perfect in Gin Owen land all of the time now.

Overall I liked the plot line change up but I could do with less flash backs to reveal new information and more assassinating and present day sleuthing to find the bad guys. It isn't a bad book but it also didn't really make me like the series more either.

This book creeped me out a little bit, the Dollmaker really was out of his mind. Gin learns more about the circle and just how ruthless they can be. They don’t want who is in The Circle getting out and they will do what they have to, to make sure it doesn’t. Only they know just how savvy Gin is and how much she needs to take them down.
Another great addition to the series.
Still enjoying the narration.

It was a decent read but it felt like another filler novel in this series. Lately most of them have almost the same premise and some of the things were obvious from the start - like the fact Elissa's disappearance was connected to Riviera and that it was Porter who's the Dollmaker not Riviera.

There were some minor revelations concerning Gin's mother and Tucker but it still feels like the author is stretching it out as much as possible. I've said for the previous novel how Gin is slowly starting to annoy me as well as the way author writes her magic so I won't repeat myself but I'm just going to emphasize it again.

Anyway I invested a lot in reading this series (16 books!) so I'll keep reading but I hope there's some major movement in the main plot soon.