
The Watcher by Lisa Voisin

veracruzzzzz's review

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First thing's first; let me talk about the good things:

The action ramped up one page into the book, caught my attention and never let go. I have no complaints about needless filler-text between the first and last chapters.
Because excessive descriptions, unrelated events, convoluted misunderstandings and the likes wear me down sometimes. But no, the author stuck to the story. And for that I am grateful.

Even if the plotline started to resemble [b:Fallen|6487308|Fallen (Fallen, #1)|Lauren Kate||6678670] in some aspects, I didn't mind it much -- the narrative still compelled me to learn all about Mia and Michael.
And 'Fallen' had too many full-grown angels hanging around high-schools and youth detention centres with nothing to do; it got to the point where it was ridiculous. Here, we have Arielle and she gets the job done, thankyouverymuch.

By the way, I'm happy the author resolved the conflict in one instalment and didn't drag the story onto two or more frustratingly cliffhanger-y sequels. It's somewhat rare in YA fantasy fiction these days, where stories seems to be fabricated in order to drain a reader's patience (and pocket) dry.
And "The Watcher" still left room for a sequel, so something was done right.

Now for the things I didn't like as much:

The second half of the book practically only features Mia, Michael, and their relationship. It got a bit tiring at some point, and I felt there should've been more to Mia's life than that, even with danger looming on her doorstep.

At some point, characters blame Mia for
SpoilerMichael's fall, past and present. And then she starts to blame herself
. It sounded a bit sexist, to be honest.
I would have liked a stronger assertion of choice on Michael side. Of mutual attraction and lucid understanding on both sides, actually, and to know where they both stood on spiritual matters such as these.

But I appreciated ever so much when Mia asserted
Spoilerher free will as a woman and stood up to Damiel, saying she'd never carry his demon spawn full-term again
. How unexpectedly refreshing!
A sound thing to say in a contemporary setting, but nevertheless so on-the-spot and respecting of female characters that it blew my mind.

The ending didn't sit all that well for me. I would have wished a
Spoilerstronger punishment for Damiel. Or if so, that his forgiveness was handled by Michael, who knew him longer.
My thirst for an epic death ran high at that time and I dunno
... I didn't find it a fit ending for a millennial creature of evil.

So that's that. I still liked this book, very very much.

lifeandliterature's review

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It was my own desire that made me kiss him, but his response tingled and rushed through me like a spell. I was playing with something strong and tempestuous and I wanted to be consumed by it. My life. Me. I didn't matter. This mattered.

There is something that just appeals to me on a whole other level when it comes to Angels and Demons. I'm truly a sucker for these types of books, so as soon as I heard about The Watcher I knew that it was a book that I would definitely read. So when Lisa Voisin contacted me about being a part of the blog tour and reviewing it, I was beyond excited.

Mia Crawford is not your typical teenage girl. Yes she has a great group of friends and is part of a fairly popular crowd, but what sets her apart is the fact that she sees things that none of her friends do. The Watcher starts off with Mia stumbling upon a body and coming face to face with a red eyed creature in the park. Catching sight of a boy lurking in the trees, Mia is surprised when the new boy at school Michael Fontaine turns out to be the same boy that she saw it the park but when she questions him about it, he claims to have no idea what she is talking about.

Sitting across from me, he didn't seem too dangerous, unless you could kill someone with good looks. In which case he was lethal.

But Mia feels a connection to him and can't help but be drawn to him. Michael seems to always be pushing Mia away and for a little while there I was confused as to where their relationship was going.. Especially when there was the introduction of bad boy Damiel who is in no way backward in his intentions when it comes to Mia. But Michael has secrets and Mia is determined to find out what they are.

Mia is such an amazing character. At first she come off as a bit meek and mild, but as we get to know her better she is really anything but. As we learn what the past connection is between her and Michael and then the things that she endures in the present, you really get an understanding of her true strength.

The struggles that Michael was going through had my heart breaking. He was so torn between what he wanted and desired against what he perceived to be the right thing to do. To be so in love with someone and to believe that you can't be with them. To have an overwhelming need to care for them and protect them. Michael and Mia were beautiful together. There was friendship, tenderness, love, desire, heat and passion. If you don't fall in love with Michael than there is something seriously wrong!! He is deliciously appealing!!!

"Every day on earth, as beautiful as it is, can never touch the beauty of Heaven."

Lisa Voisin has written a fantastically engaging story. The Watcher was a book that I fell completely in love with and I was incredibly sad to see it end. If you love the idea of good verses bad and right verses wrong combined with a love that defies the constraints of time, then The Watcher will capture your heart the same way that it did mine.

5/5 madly in love with Michael stars!!