
Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Primeiro chegou a morte, trazendo consigo a loucura provocada pela perda, em seguida apresentou-se uma máscara de esperança, envolvida num amor por descobrir, e por fim tudo o que lhe restava era o sangue, sufocante, que lhe dominava a alma com algo inimaginável.

Magia de Sangue foi, e será, uma agradável surpresa para todo o público jovem-adulto que gosta de fantasia, com personagens intrigantes e um enredo apelativo, estamos perante uma leitura sedenta que nos prende com o folhear de cada página.

Tessa Gratton traz-nos uma narrativa criativa e inovadora neste género literário que, complementa o interesse do leitor, com uma escrita fácil e sedutora perfeitamente adequada ao público-alvo sem se tornar infantilizada. Promessas de amor, sangue, morte e magia dão as cartas a este livro, que foi para mim, uma revelação.

Opinião completa:

acbwalsh's review against another edition

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Well written book with distinct, believable characters who have great chemistry with each other. Lovely pacing with well earned surprises and twists that feel natural and in line with the worldbuilding.

Docked a whole star because these kids are too horny. You're being chased by a demon of a woman, STOP MAKING OUT!!

chris7w's review against another edition

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Too dark for my taste, but I liked the pacing and loved that you're immediately in the action.

esw_reads's review against another edition

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wish it didn't take 200 pages of repetition for it to get interesting, but at least it did get there

marialschez's review against another edition

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Me ha gustado mucho y me ha resultado muy innovador y original. En cuanto pueda lo reseño.

waclements7's review against another edition

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This is the first Tessa Gratton book I've read, but it won't be the last. I liked the magic, Silla and her family, and Nicholas and his family--the connection there was interesting. None of the older magicians were really _innocent_, which was an intriguing twist. Josephine definitely not, but not even Silla's father, who for all other purposes was. Longevity carries a heavy price. Still thinking about this one.

booksandladders's review against another edition

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I liked the magic portion but the rest was ehhhh. I am probably going to read the sequel or book based on this one or whatever you want to call it, especially since I own it. However, I wouldn't be rushing out to buy this one -- or it's companion.

Read this as part of Summer Series Challenge hosted by Amanda @ Brains Books Brawn!

Books and Ladders | Queen of the Bookshelves | Books Are My Fandom | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin'

khcarson's review against another edition

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I knew I had to pick this book up from the beginning, because come on, witches? I'm a huge fan of magic, and I knew that Tessa Graton's story would be a dark one. The book begins by introducing us to our two main characters, Silla and Nick and their meeting in the cemetery that binds them together. Both are written from a first person POV, which really helps us get into the main character's heads. Both of the characters have great voices here, seemingly very normal people but with really interesting quirks that separate them from the card-board cutouts, which I love. I particularly liked Nick's voice, and was hooked in within a few moments of him on the page.

But I think what really impressed me about the writing was the subtly that Gratton used here. It can be easy to slip into too much telling with first person narrators, but in Blood Magic we learned everything about Silla and Nick at just the right pace. Silla never came out and told the reader about her love of theatre, we learned it more and more as we got to know her, which was really refreshing. More so, the duel povs switch quite frequently, which gave us a more rounded view of some scenes. Her passages and chapters tended to be a little shorter for this, so if you don't have a long time to read, you can always sneak in a chapter or two on a lunch break.

I think what really made me love Blood Magic were the passages all throughout the book from the POV of her villain, Josephine. Not only were we able to sympathize with her villain through these diary entries from her, but we're able to get a glimpse into the darker parts of the magic that Nick and Silla haven't gotten to, yet, and it grew tension and created an air of mystery. Who is this woman? Why is she important?

I'm pretty sure I could go on all day about her characters. Each one was fresh and true to themselves. (My favorite was Reese, of course!) They were the strength and the heart of this book. Not to mention that she puts so much effort into the ambiance, making the cemetery and forest itself come alive as its very own character.

The pace wasn't overly fast, but it had just enough tension and mystery to make putting it down impossible. I loved the ending it all it’s heartbreaking, insane, disturbing glory, and would highly recommend this for anyone who's looking for an urban fantasy with a bit of a different twist.

Overall: 5/5 stars.

marisamoo's review against another edition

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AH so three stars really isn't a lot but I just liked it didn't love it.
This was an amazing book. the magiccc and ahhh. Tessa Gratton you lovely human

The only thing I didn't like was the love plot and i'll probably ramble but here we go.

SpoilerI did not like Nick. I don't know why??? He was nice but I just. idk

"Shes so hot oh she can do magic beautiful of course i luv u 4 who u r lets make out"
By page 100 they were making out extensively .___. And it was frustrating bc I like kissing but I felt like they kissed when they should not have been.

And I mean ok teen angst we are attracted to look but there was just quite a few things that Nick said/did/thought that just made me not like him. At all. There's too many to actually write down but that's just my thoughts.

I likeeee romance and kissing but this one didn't do it for me. At all..

Anyway, other than that it was an awesome book uwu. READ IT

bibblanmadde's review against another edition

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Tack B Wahlströms för detta bok exemplar!

Först och främst, ryggen är av sammet! Måste bara säga det för det är det snyggaste och coolaste jag har sett på en bok! Nog om det.

Det här är inte en bok för den som inte tycker/är rädd om/för blod, för den innehåller blod så det räcker och blir över plus lite till. Den innehåller väldigt mycket knivar och andra redskap som de för att skära sig väldigt djupt lite vart som helst för att få ut blodet. Själv har jag inte problem med det men jag vet att många inte är så förtjust i blod så nu är ni varnande.

Hela boken är ganska mörk och man ska inte läsa den här när man är deprimerad för man blir inte precis gladare när man läser den. Både Silla och Nicholas är båda två ganska deppiga personer av sig, men i och för sig förstår man det efter allt de har gått igenom.

Jag tyckte väldigt mycket om Silla och Nicholas till en början, men i slutet blev det lite för mycket. Silla blev bara för konstig efter hennes bror dog men Nicholas gillade jag i stort sätt hela tiden. På något sätt drogs jag till honom precis som Silla gjorde, han är charmig på något mystiskt sätt. Blev dock lite irriterande hur snabbt de blev tillsammans. De kanske inte blev kärlek vid första ögonkastet men det var väldigt nära. Och jag vet inte, men jag tror inte man kallar sin "flickvän" babe typ andra dagen man är tillsammans.

När det var kanske hundra sidor kvar hände det något som fick mig att tycka att det här är väl ett slut, men icke sa nicke utan massa andra saker hände då. Vilket jag tyckte om då jag inte kunde för allt i världen lista ut vad som skulle hända. Läste senare att den här boken är en fristående bok så det förklarade varför det blev ett ordentligt slut. Jag trodde hela tiden att det här boken var en del av serie men istället fick man en förklaring på allt som man vanligtvis inte brukar få när det är en serie.
Så det ska bli riktigt intressant att läsa vad andra boken ska handla om och jag hoppas att B. Wahlstöms kommer ge ut den boken på svenska också.