
A Game of Hide and Seek by Elizabeth Taylor

lnatal's review

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Opening lines:
Sometimes in the long summer’s evenings, which are so marked a part of our youth, Harriet and Vesey played hide-and-seek with the younger children, running across the tufted meadows, their shoes yellow with the pollen of buttercups.

This is the love story between Harriet and Vesey, a love they captivated since their youth. However, their lives take a different course and Harriet married another man. But their love nevertheless persists even if this not brings a happy end to the story.

This is the first book of this author I've read and I'm planning to read more. The author has a vivid way of writing, portraying in a very sensible way the social paradigms of the beginning of 20th century.

thebooksatchel's review

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A Game of hide and Seek is the story of Harriet and Vesey who develop affectionate feelings for one another as children but fate plays a game of hide and seek with their lives.

The novel has very strong character sketches. The reader almost feels as if inside Harriet’s head. As for Vesey, I found myself warming to him as the novel nearly reaches its end. Vesey is always the insensitive fellow, but Taylor explains how or why he is so towards the ending which made me love his character too. Both Harriet and Vesey are victims of misunderstandings, unsaid confessions and unexpressed feelings. Charles (Harriet's husband), who is aware of Harriet’s affections towards Vesey, feels his marriage threatened by Vesey’s presence. Taylor brings out his fears and agony as a husband while contrasting it to the desperation and yearning that Harriet and Vesey feel for each other. The secondary characters are well crafted too.

I found this to be a heart touching read. It is one of my favourite novels now. Highly recommended. For a detailed review visit -
