
Two Times as Hot by Cat Johnson

tessisreading2's review against another edition

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A little disappointing that many of the set-ups/tropes involved didn't play much of a role, but this was fairly fun; the depiction of Logan dealing with family stuff was sympathetic and over all, the characters had plenty of room to just be nice, pleasant people dealing with run-of-the-mill everyday problems. Both Emma and Logan came off as realistic, although it was kind of annoying that no one ever got more explicit with Tara that her behavior was (a) obvious and (b) inappropriate.

kath12's review against another edition

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This book was given to me by Netgalley for an honest review.

I don't have a lot to say about this book so this review will be short and sweet. So honestly, I liked this book but I didn't find it fantastic. It wasn't a bad story and the characters weren't all that bad. But nothing really stuck with me and held my interest. Ok maybe the flirting and the sex did. Oh let's not forget about the stalkers lol. But yeah that was it. There just seemed to be something missing for me. It could of been with the characters or the story, sadly I just can't seem to figure it out. Overall it was cute and had a couple of hot moments and some sad and sweet stuff. So yeah that is really about all i have to say.

My song for this book: Be My Baby Tonight - John Micheal Montgomery

kbranfield's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Cat Johnson's Two Times As Hot is also two times as sweet, sexy and heartwarming. This second installment in the Oklahoma Nights series is sure to delight old and new fans of the series and it leaves everyone chomping at the bit for book number three, Three Weeks with a Bull Rider (love the clever play on the book titles).

Back in Oklahoma for her sister Becca's wedding, Emma Hart is not surprised to see Jace Mills, the bull rider she met at the same rodeo where Becca met her husband to be Tuck. What does surprise her is the unexpected attraction she feels for Logan Hunt, Tuck's best friend. Unfortunately, Emma has already agreed to be Jace's date for the wedding reception, but with Jace conspicuously missing following the ceremony, Logan gallantly steps in as Emma's escort. When their sizzling passion proves too hot to resist, Logan and Emma agree to a steamy one night fling. When the night is over, the two reluctantly and regretfully go their separate ways but will an unexpected twist of fate bring them back into one another's arms?

I really, really liked Logan in One Night with a Cowboy so I was super excited to discover he is the star of Two Times As Hot. I find several things about him appealing but his age and maturity are probably what I love most. Logan is also responsible and steady as a rock and this just makes him all the more irresistible. Although Logan has not had a serious relationship it is not because he plays the field. Instead it is because of his military career and the pure and simple fact he has not met the right person. Which makes it all the more sweet when he begins to fall for Emma.

Emma played a huge role in One Night with a Cowboy and I probably never would have forgiven Ms. Johnson if she hadn't written Emma's story ;). First up, I have to say I love the pairing of Emma and Logan. She, too, is older and she needs someone who was willing to put her first. And I am happy to report, Logan is willing, able and thrilled to focus all of his attention on her. That's not to say their relationship does not hit a few snags. Emma's life is not in Oklahoma, and after their incredible night together, she returns to New York. An unexpected emergency consumes Logan and the two don't have any contact after Becca and Tuck's wedding. But a surprising set of circumstances brings them together and their romance soon takes a delightful turn.

If I had to pick one word to describe Two Times As Hot, I would have to say "real" and I'll explain why. First, the characters. They are richly drawn and very realistic. Emma is genuinely happy for Becca but she is also a little jealous. She has insecurities but she does not let them consume her or keep her from going after her chance at happiness. Then there is Logan. Due to extenuating circumstances, he finds himself conflicted between family obligations and his career. He has a tough decision to make and there are no easy answers to his quandary. And of course, there is a vast cast of secondary characters who add so much heart and soul to the overall story. They are as well drawn as the primary characters and there is one in particular that readers are going to love to hate :).

But, hands down, what makes Two Times As Hot so realistic are the strong friendships between the various characters. Close knit and loving, they are there for another through thick and thin and all of life's ups and downs. They are extremely close and their support for another is incredible. The sense of family permeates the story and makes for a very warm and inviting read.

And last but not least, the plot. With Two Times As Hot, Cat Johnson puts a refreshing spin on a familiar storyline and readers will be thrilled with the outcome. A romance that is unique, appealing and delightfully unpredictable. Oh, yeah, it is also sinfully sensual and delectably steamy!

attytheresa's review against another edition

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This time, it is Becca's sister Emma and Tuck's best friend Logan whose more 'mature' romance we follow, with subplot developments for Jace and Tara who are the center of the final book of the series. Or is it more 'mature? At first it seems so especially compared to the behavior by 2 other characters, pro bull rider Jace and Tuck's baby sister, Tara.

Emma and Logan are part of Becca and Tuck's wedding party in Oklahoma, and are introduced the night before the big event. Instant lust, each eyeing the other as a potential partner for a short fling. After all, 40 y/o Logan is married to the military and 31 y/o Emma just wants to break the drought and make some sexy memories to warm her fantasies back in NY. Oops, unfortunately Emma already agreed to be Jace's date for the reception, and Tara, back from college and determined to make Logan see she is a woman now and they are meant to be together, attaches herself to Logan like a leech. Cue eye roll.

But they do manage steamy kisses, heavy petting and finally a super hot sexy night after the wedding:

Then there was sex that had you thinking holy crap, did we really just do that? [Logan]
So good I’ll never be able to tell another living soul about it, and I’m not the shy type.” [Emma]

Emma heads back to N.Y. where she waits for Logan to call [even though they never exchanged phone numbers] and working her way through a steady diet of ice cream, pastries, mysterious fast weight gain, sudden exhastion, and stomach upset, [cue the 'we used a condom every time didn't we question]. Logan's father has a massive stroke and his family is in turmoil, leaving Logan struggling emotionally with it all while missing Emma but not able to call because they did not exchange phone numbers. (Author conveniently ignored here that both were skilled at internet and directory assistance searches in Becca and Tuck's story).

All does eventually work itself out of course. And there are plenty of set ups for the final romance in the trilogy between Jace and Tara. Only I hope it is enough later, after these events, so those two are more mature and less irritating and predictable than they are now. I will see.

Irritating as some of this was, mostly it was fun watching Emma and Logan, both of whom as eldest siblings were used to being in charge and bossing everyone around, find themselves in an emotional maelstrom and unexpected situation that leads them to a richer life.

asalters's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book. It was predictable at time but I think the fiestiness of Emma made up for it. I think Jace's character kind of got on my nerves a little bit. I mean really? Who would ditch one girl to go help his ex and then ditch her at her sisters wedding to be with the ex again? Throughout that all he thinks he can charm Emma and get into her pants? I know he has his own book and I might end up reading it but I think Tara and Jace were my least favorite part of the book so I'm not sure I could stomach an entire book about the both of them kwim?

attytheresa's review against another edition

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This time, it is Becca's sister Emma and Tuck's best friend Logan whose more 'mature' romance we follow, with subplot developments for Jace and Tara who are the center of the final book of the series. Or is it more 'mature? At first it seems so especially compared to the behavior by 2 other characters, pro bull rider Jace and Tuck's baby sister, Tara.

Emma and Logan are part of Becca and Tuck's wedding party in Oklahoma, and are introduced the night before the big event. Instant lust, each eyeing the other as a potential partner for a short fling. After all, 40 y/o Logan is married to the military and 31 y/o Emma just wants to break the drought and make some sexy memories to warm her fantasies back in NY. Oops, unfortunately Emma already agreed to be Jace's date for the reception, and Tara, back from college and determined to make Logan see she is a woman now and they are meant to be together, attaches herself to Logan like a leech. Cue eye roll.

But they do manage steamy kisses, heavy petting and finally a super hot sexy night after the wedding:

Then there was sex that had you thinking holy crap, did we really just do that? [Logan]
So good I’ll never be able to tell another living soul about it, and I’m not the shy type.” [Emma]

Emma heads back to N.Y. where she waits for Logan to call [even though they never exchanged phone numbers] and working her way through a steady diet of ice cream, pastries, mysterious fast weight gain, sudden exhastion, and stomach upset, [cue the 'we used a condom every time didn't we question]. Logan's father has a massive stroke and his family is in turmoil, leaving Logan struggling emotionally with it all while missing Emma but not able to call because they did not exchange phone numbers. (Author conveniently ignored here that both were skilled at internet and directory assistance searches in Becca and Tuck's story).

All does eventually work itself out of course. And there are plenty of set ups for the final romance in the trilogy between Jace and Tara. Only I hope it is enough later, after these events, so those two are more mature and less irritating and predictable than they are now. I will see.

Irritating as some of this was, mostly it was fun watching Emma and Logan, both of whom as eldest siblings were used to being in charge and bossing everyone around, find themselves in an emotional maelstrom and unexpected situation that leads them to a richer life.

sarah1984's review against another edition

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This is one of a number of books I read over the holiday period, but didn't have the time (or more honestly the inclination) to write a review as I was reading it, so this review will not be as long or as detailed as my usual reviews are.  Christmas was crazy busy with cooking and last minute shopping and I just wanted to read another great book without having to use my brain to write an intelligent and cohesive review, so I apologise for my dreadful laziness and promise to do better through the rest of the year (except maybe during my two 3 week long holidays where I might be too tired to read as well as review).
Although Two Times as Hot is an average length romance it reads like a 100 page novella because 70% of the story happens over a 24 hour period.  Emma is a slightly different romance heroine than usual - she's much more modern and outgoing than the standard shy virgin.  She knows what she wants and is happy to have a one night stand if that's the only way to get it.
I really liked the sections that involved Emma, Becca, Tucker and Tyler playing 'keep Emma's pregnancy a secret from Logan', especially Tyler's comments and Logan being clueless about what was going on and why everyone was behaving so strangely.  It actually had me laughing out loud at a few points.

marie123's review against another edition

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This one, for whatever reason, just fell flat. I suppose I was a little turned off right from the beginning that it was a "two men fighting for her" kind of plot and even when it got past that, it just wasn't grabbing me like I hoped. Oh well. I might try it another day, or move on the one of the author's other books just to see if this one was a fluke.

scorchingnix's review

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FTC: I have a long-held admiration for this author and her work. She has been on the blog numerous times and I have chatted to her online via twitter on occasion. That being said, this review is as unbiased as I can make it and I wasn’t paid for it.

The first in this series was a book that I really enjoyed so I was looking forwards to the second outing. I actually enjoyed this installment even more as it hit more favourite trope boxes and I found the characters to be more relatable. All in all, it is one I recommend.

The book starts with Jace and Emma’s meeting in the first book. As I knew that he wasn’t the main hero in this book, I couldn’t help but wonder as to the reasoning for this addition to the book. All becomes clear later on as it seems that this chemistry between these two that creates some delicious jealous chemistry between Logan and Emma.

Emma is the driving force to this tale. Although she and Logan probably have equal POV throughout, hers was the stronger voice and the one who I related to more. She is the one who put herself out there first but she is also the one also keeping some massive secrets that are holding the relationship back. I felt that she was the one with the fate of the relationship in the palm of her hand and that made her actions more important to me. I liked her throughout the book, a woman in charge of her sexual identity but also chock full of the usual fears that all women face. When Jace walked out on her at the beginning, I wanted to smack him in the head but once I saw her and Logan together I knew that it wouldn’t have worked anyway. I loved the way she supported Logan without ever expecting the same emotional support. True, this led to the big secret (which I didn’t agree with by the way. Understand the reason for it yes, but agree with a secret of that magnitude? Never). It was all internal conflict keeping these two apart but Logan wasn’t privy to the information about what that conflict was.

Logan. *swoon*. An army commander who also is a cowboy? How could I get a more perfect hero for me? It also helped that he is playing the dutiful son, the sexy hero and the romantic all in one story. He tries his upmost to get Emma to agree to a relationship with him quite quickly, sure that he fell for her the first moment he laid eyes on her. I loved his character and there wasn’t a second I thought he would hurt her; he was just that darn nice. Nice isn’t what I’d say about the sex scenes in this book, the chemistry combustible and the details never off page. It was a nice blend of gentleman and sexy hero which made me love him from the start. I didn’t put this one down!

There is plenty of page time dedicated to furthering the relationship from the previous book. I loved that I got to see what came after the HEA and it amused me to see how meddlesome they were when it came to the love-life of their friends and family (especially Tucker!).

This is a fabulous addition to a series that I am sorry to see end with the next book. With a sexy, contemporary feel, these cowboys could make anyone gain affection for western heroes. In this one, with its feisty heroine and gentleman cowboy hero, I knew within pages it would end up on my favourite’s shelf. 5 Stars.

cdnmrs's review

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A fun ride! (See what I did there?)
I really felt like the synopsis of the book didn't represent the story at all. It was actually a lot better than what I was expecting.
I'm looking forward to book 3.

ARC provided by NetGalley