
Zwischen uns nur ein Wort by Renée Carlino

mike_bolter's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The writing and story really sucked me in on this one, and that’s a good thing because I don’t think I could have put up with Mia and Will otherwise! There’s a lot to love about both of them but oh my god I would be hard pressed to think of a more exasperating couple! When I think of all the drama they could have not had to endure if they just actually said what was on their minds *smh*

I spent most of the book worrying and dreading what was going to happen to one of the other characters because I knew right away that it was coming and it was going to wreck me. And more than anything in the book it did :~(

I know Mia is a really polarizing character (face it, we all love Will) folks seem to love or hate her, but I find myself just feeling sorry for her through most of this as she’s so at war with herself and keeps letting her fear keep her from really living her own life. I think she was just flailing around in her own life and took over her fathers not just in a sense of duty but also because it was easier to follow his footsteps than to figure out her own path at that point.

So follow along with Mia as she takes an emotional roller coaster ride on the way towards being able to let go of her fear, love herself, and those around her.

This story has all sorts of things that I love that people never seem to have ever heard of when I tell them about it, like;

I was pleasantly surprised to see a reference to one of my favorite piano players Jon Schmidt of the Piano Guys! Here’s Jon Schmidt playing “All of Me”

That had to be one of the funniest meltowns I’ve ever seen!

Turducken! Only what is wrong with her taste buds? All that coffee burned them off?! Insanity!

An awesome example of live looping

akiikomori's review against another edition

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This was one of those books that received so much hype that I didn’t know whether or not I should read it. Every time I saw it pop up on social media sites I always went to goodreads to read the summary. After I read it I turned the book away. It just didn’t seem to grab me. Perhaps I wasn’t as much of a big trend-follower as I thought. I don’t know what got me to cave and to buy the book, and the novella Sweet Little Thing, but from the first chapter, no, from the prologue, I knew this was going to be a different kind of touching love story.

Growing up we have plenty of time to decide what we want and who we want to be. Some people need more time than others. Other people have their future laid out for them. Graduating from an Ivy League school, she struggles with her future, wondering whether to put her business degree to good use, or to purse her love of music. After Mia’s father unexpectedly passes away, she’s the one that has to pick up the pieces and move to New York to take care of his affairs. While in New York she meets Will, an up and coming musician who’s almost if not just as talented as she is. He’s sweet, gorgeous, charming, extremely talented, and soon goes from being her friend to her roommate, maybe even a little more. But Mia can’t bring herself to open up to him. She wants a steady and stable future and isn’t sure if Will’s musical career is enough to keep her going and to pay the bills.

In a lot of ways Sweet Thing reminds me a lot of The Sea of Tranquility. (Please, before any haters feeling like arguing this, or disputing it, it’s my opinion.) The Sea of Tranquility had a lot of depth and emotion from start to finish, but Sweet Thing had…something special, something realistic about it all the way through. Different emotions set off inside me that resonated like TSOT, which is why I made the comparison.

I really didn’t know what to expect when I picked up this book. All I knew is that there was a musician, and his name was Will and that it was a love story. Three of my all-time favourite things. I really didn’t expect this book to have as much of an effect on me as it did, and was surprised with how the way it moved and touched me.

I felt like I could relate a lot to Mia, or at least could admire her tenacity, and her ability to uproot herself, start over, and try to figure out what she wanted in life. I find myself like her, wanting stability rather than taking a leap of faith. Stability might be safe but it won’t necessarily make you happy. As much as Mia frustrated me with the decisions she made and the way she was acting, I couldn’t help but sympathize with her, which is sort of rare. She speaks her mind, sometimes doesn’t think before speaking, and overall makes her seem very human in the sense that “if I was in her position this is probably how I would react”. I could see where she was coming from, turning Will away, not sure if his lifestyle was going to be enough for her. And from a third-person perspective it would be obvious to use that Will is clearly in love with her right from the get-go and she’s the one stalling. But like the saying goes, “we don’t know what we have until we lose it.”

It’s definitely at the end where this book touched me the most. I was SO CLOSE TO TEARS, choking them back and trying not to cry from the overwhelming waves of emotion I felt. The story really does come full-circle and in the end Mia does get her happily ever after. It’s just that sometimes, like in real life, it takes us a long time to really figure out what we want and who we need to be with in order to be happy.

“You have to teach your heart and mind how to sing together…then you’ll hear the sound of your soul.”

Now, as much praise as I give the story and the characters and the romance, there is something I found a little off about the book. The pacing seemed odd and disconnected sometimes, and often times there were big time jumps between events. There was little to direct the reader into really connecting with the event or the passage, as it quickly jumped from one scene to another. I found there to be little character interaction between Mia and a lot of the characters; most of the story taking place in her head. I have to admit there were times were I was tempted to put the book down, but at the same time I needed to see the story through to the end and see where it was going to go.

Before this review gets any longer, I’d just like to take this moment to talk about Will Ryan. Who I wish was real and wish he was mine because he’s what I need this exact moment. OFF TOPIC FOR A SEC. Can there be like….a service, where you hire guys to be your boyfriend for the day…or for the night, and you know pay them. I don’t even mean just sex I mean just to have someone to hold your hand, give you physical contact and cuddle you while you sleep, I mean is that so much to ask? (Obviously there would have to be a female equivalent for this to work, but you know what I mean).

I think Will is the epitome of PERFECT BOYFRIEND MATERIAL and am insanely jealous of Mia. Sure, I hate her for some of her poor life choices, but I defend her a lot. Will is just, amazing, talented, charming, sexy, he’s damn playful, responsible, and even though he isn’t sure of his future he’s not a deadbeat. He doesn’t just sit around and do nothing, he has a plan, he knows what he wants and wants to work for it. More to the point he wants someone in his life to share the dream with him and to be with him every step of the way. Where are guys like these? Seriously, where are they? Can I please move? Cause this is ridiculous.

There is no doubt in my mind that Carlino is EXTREMELY TALENTED. Her characters are believable and her emotions capture the real feelings of loss, heart-break, and completely being able to find yourself. Sweet Thing has definitely become one of my favourite books, and will probably rank higher upon extra re-reads.

4/5 Hearts of Love

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inessova's review against another edition

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When I just finished the book, I thought this was awesome! I read it in one sitting. 4.5 stars,
But then I started to think about it and I have to say I have some problems with it:
- The heroine : she's very tiring, she doesn't know what she wants, and nothing is good enough for her
SpoilerIf Will is poor, she can't be with him, because he's not stable, if he's rich, she can't be with him because he will leave her. Nothing of what Will did showed that he will, she just put it into her head and believed it.

- How they fell in love: I didn't get it. it was so fast and yet so slow. I know it doesn't make sense, but I just didn't get why and how they fell in love with each other, especially Will. he loved her at first sight I guess..

- the angst in this story is very high and I loved it but the ending was fast and it didn't pay off as it should have. I needed more.

ritasreadingcorner's review against another edition

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I really, really liked this book and I'm sad I couldn't bring myself to give it 5 stars. Actually, Sweet Thing is very similar to Slammed, by Colleen Hoover, and I loved that one. The only thing about this book I didn't like was that Mia could be really mean and bitchy to Will even though she loved him. I can't understand why she was so afraid to reveal her true feelings and why love wasn't enough for her. Thankfully, she came around all that and the end was great, but I would've liked to see them together longer.

That's pretty much it. Sweet Thing is a beautiful book despite everything.

magencorrie's review against another edition

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4 stars!

What a beautiful story!

mjennings17's review against another edition

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Will Ryan, Will Ryan, Will Ryan... What more can I say? He is my new BBF!

“Wisdom is not the same as information; it's something entirely different. It's often mistaken for good advice, but wisdom cannot be imparted to someone. Wisdom can only be earned.”

So the story definitely was a slow building book romantically, but had tons of drama to keep me going. I love how they met as soon as they met I knew I was going to love Will Ryan. I really like the Prologue and how it was written from a different POV too. seriously I am recommending this book. it was a good short and sweet read, I did cry a bit
Spoiler when Jackson died.
. but all in all it was well written and secondary Characters where great.

Though there were things I didn't like. Like I said It took FOREVER for romance I'm shallow, I like the juicy stuff (no pun intended). At times Will seemed... a bit immature with some of the things he said, but that was like twice maybe three times ignorable, and I wanted to slap Mia sometimes but what books don't have those girls but I can always understand her situation too, but it would've felt good to slap some sense into her a couple times. haha

but anyway that's why it got 4 stars from me. I hope you read it, the ending makes it all worth it!!

Happy Reading!

My Casting

Will Ryan

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Mia Kelly

Mia Kelly photo PicMonkeyCollage-1.jpg" width="40" height="100" alt="description"/>

jdgagnon's review against another edition

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Will Ryan. I just love him. His character always put a smile on my face. I loved how patient he was will Mia, (although his character is just way too good to be true and that’s probably why I love him so much.) And I wish I had someone like Jenny. She was the person who told you straight up and knew when to keep her mouth shut to help Mia grieve, realize and live again. Granted Jenny wasn’t the only one who had helped her heal, Mia had a whole family without realizing it.

I don’t typically love slow burn books. I’m so impatient and just want the two main characters together as soon as possible but I just loved Will and Mia. Like I said, I love how patient Will was towards Mia and did nothing but love and care for her even if it meant giving her space for months.

I don’t know… after writing this review and thinking about it some more this book is a 10/10 for me.

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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First of all, a caveat: Some of you may not love this book or even like it but I absolutely adored it. I am writing this review with my mind assured that my rating on this book is solely based on how it has impacted me. I am not known for being such a literary snob who examines every detail of a book from the writing to the characters to the blah and blah. In fact, I mostly rate books higher than they deserve just because I was so immersed in them. And this is one of those books. It isn't perfect. I mean, God! The main character here has got to be the most annoyingly fickle-minded character I have come across with. But still, I found myself - though I really didn't want to - empathizing with her.

Goodness, there's just so much that I loved about this book and I think it will take a while before I can finally figure my thoughts out on whether this book is another new favorite of mine.

Full review in a bit. (If I don't get lazy. And if I get my thoughts together. Hopefully!)


halynah's review against another edition

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The book has its moments, the writing is good, but Mia was so annoying, unreasonable, shallow and selfish, that I hardly tolerated her.