
Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Wow! I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad that this is book 1 in a series and that it ended the way it did. It was so heavy and thick with emotion and heartbreak it wouldn't do the next part of Niva's life justice to rush this. I love Sorensen and the way she crafts these heart wrenching novels. Can't wait for the next one.

jdun2's review

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I loved this book so much. At times I couldn't stop crying. I'm glad that Nova started living again and doesn't relay on drugs and I hope she can help Quinton in the next book.

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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I'm still not sure how I feel about this book yet. It's very well written and realistic to a point that sort of freaks me out. For some reason I thought this was more of a love story but I don't even think I can classify it as that.
I see the connection for Nova and Quinton and loved the short time they were actually together but I have a hard time reconciling if they genuinely like each other or if they just like what they represent to each other.
Is Nova just having feelings for Quinton because she feels like she can save him unlike Landon. Is Quinton having feelings for Nova because she represents the good that he once had in his life. If they have real feelings can they ever just let themselves feel them or with their guilt keep them from true happiness. I need answers...on to book #2!!

kaitrosereads's review against another edition

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This is going to be a super short review since I didn't finish this one and I honestly don't have a whole lot to say about it. I've heard great things about Jessica Sorensen's books so I thought I'd give this one a chance. That was a poor decision on my part. Maybe this one was just a fluke but there was honestly nothing about this book that I liked.

The main character, Nova, is so stuck in the past. She constantly throws pity parties for herself. I understand that she's not able to get over what happened with her boyfriend but she's constantly feeling sorry for herself. Then she meets Quinton and immediately loves him. That's even after she sees him leaving his bedroom with some random girl. She doesn't care about any of that. Quinton is just as bad though. He's stuck in the past just like Nova. Oh and he also immediately feels something for her even though he knows he shouldn't. Of course. Their relationship was so typical and just plain boring. They had no chemistry. Also, normally I'm okay with the insta-love thing but in this case it just did nothing for me because I felt like Nova and Quinton had nothing between them.

My other big issue with Breaking Nova was how stupid the characters were. I only skimmed the majority of the book (I wanted to see if it got better. It didn't.) but what I read was just bad. There was tons of drug use and just generally trashy behavior. I'm not against drug use in books but it was just horribly done in Breaking Nova. Nova and Quinton didn't have to live the lives they ended up with, they did it to themselves. They had potential and they pretty much just threw it all away. That annoyed me.

Overall, I don't recommend Breaking Nova. The writing, the characters, the romance, the story, none of it did anything for me. It was just plain bad.

madeleine_knutsson's review against another edition

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I first gave this book 4 stars but after 2 months not being able to stop thinking about this book and the story I feel that this book deserves 5 stars.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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This was my first Jessica Sorensen book, but I promise it won’t be my last.

I don’t know how to start this review. This book has left me so messed up, angry, and hurt. This book deals with some very real and dark issues. It made me open my eyes and really see what’s all around me.

Its every girls dream to grow up, fall in love, marry the man of her dreams, and live happily every after, but that’s not reality. Nova’s dad dies when she’s very young and shortly after his death Nova meets Landon. Nova and Landon become best friends and she believes that they will eventually marry. But Landon had a dark side that he kept hidden from everyone including Nova. To Nova, Landon was her EVERYTHING, so when he takes his own life and Nova happens to be the one to find him, her whole world implodes around her.

She once dreamed of being a drummer and doing something with her life, but after Landon’s death she doesn’t know how to go on and ultimately she turns to drugs, alcohol, and the wrong kind of friends. This book takes us on Nova’s journey to self-discovery and reinvention.

While Quinton is a secondary character in Nova’s story he plays an integral part. Quinton is no stranger to death and he truly believes he doesn’t deserve to live. Nora meets Quinton thru her friend Delilah. Nova sees the pain and sorrow in Quinton’s eyes, but she doesn’t not know how to or if she can help him. She sees Landon in Quinton and at times that’s a good thing and other times its just not. When your lost, alone, afraid, and broken you have no clue how to help yourself let alone another lost, alone, and broken soul.

If your looking for a book with HOT sex, hot alpha males, and a happy ending than this book is NOT for you. This book deals with very dark, very real issues and readers please note that you will cry and you will cry UGLY. If you don’t like books that deal with death, drugs, drinking, and meaningless sex than please don’t chose this book, but if you like a book that will open your eyes, frustrate the hell out you, and bring forth every emotion in you, than please pick up this book.

Readers beware this is the first book of the series and there is a cliffhanger, but please believe me when I say this book is worth every tear I shed. Thank you Jessica for making be see the world around me without my rose colored glasses.

I can not wait for the second book (Quinton’s story), but honestly, February is a LONG way away.

Reviewed by Carolyn for Cocktails and Books

bibblanmadde's review against another edition

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I first gave this book 4 stars but after 2 months not being able to stop thinking about this book and the story I feel that this book deserves 5 stars.

loribelle3's review

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Part of my rating comes from how much a story sticks with me after I finish reading the book. I have to admit, I can't get this one out of my head! I am so glad that the second part comes out TOMORROW; what a coincidence that is, and I am so very glad! Although I see that there is a third book coming out in April, so I can only imagine that I am not going to be happy with the end of Saving Quinton.

There was a lot of drug use in this story, and some dark topics address, giving this book a very grim feeling. I'm not sure how much I came to know Nova as a character, she does seem to be rather lost throughout the story, but then, I think that is part of the point. I felt more of a development of Quinton, even though he was in a downward spiral. I am antsy to read what happens next in their story!

booksabrewin's review

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I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jessica Sorensen is truly a household name when it comes to contemporary fiction, so it's not surprising that when I was alerted to a new series I was desperate to try it out. From the synopsis it sounded like a troubled girl who would ultimately tame the wild and broken boy. Seems like a light and fun little read, doesn't it? And then I got to page 1...

Nova's story opens on her discovering her childhood best friend and love of her life in some sort of traumatic situation. It is only to be assumed he died in some manner and she was the one who found him that way. (Okay... not so light and fun) Nova doesn't know how to coup with her existence without Landon. She tries to distract herself from the pain by counting things obsessively. Number of cracks in the street, number of rocks in a path, number of limbs in a tree, and so forth. She sets a routine for herself to keep her panic attacks and break downs manageable. She knows she will never love again and is merely surviving each day because she doesn't have the strength of will to end her suffering. Her life and routines are rocked to their core when she meets Quinton.

Quinton also has issues. He has also confronted a devastating loss that he can't seem to recover from. Guilt and shame eat away at him until the only way he can numb the pain is through drugs. He, also, swears to never love again. Enter Nova.

Nova and Quinton rock each others steadfast law to never enter into a relationship with another person. They are instantly drawn to each other. Perhaps because they are both suffering from the same sort of pain that is eating away at their souls, or maybe it's simply because they see their lost loved ones in each other and are hungry to experience that connection again. Either way, whatever is happening between Nova and Quinton can either mend their shattered lives or destroy it even further.

I have not had a book that rocked me to the core as much as this one did. I started it directly before bedtime thinking I'd get a chapter in and call it a night. I stayed up for 6 hours and finished the entire thing without stopping. I was sobbing my eyes out almost the entire book. Sorensen made the characters' devastating plights and their tragic stories believable. She made me want to root for Nova and Quinton to finally find happiness again and pull themselves out of the downward spiral they were headed. I wanted them to heal through each other's combined strength.

I will not give away the ending but... that didn't happen and I am MAD! I am mad that the book was so intoxicating and I have to wait until February 2014 to find out what happened with it's epic cliffhanger (why do you hate us, Jessica, why?). I am mad because when I could finally breath easy for the characters something happened and they started to backslide. I am mad because I will not be able to get over this book for many, many days/weeks/months! You are a genius, Jessica. An evil, diabolic, cruel genius of literature!

Breaking Nova will completely break your heart into a million tiny pieces and Jessica Sorensen will own at least a fragment of it even after it is finally put back together.

kbranfield's review against another edition

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Dark, sad & poignant.