
Broken At Love: Whitman University by Lyla Payne

jlpxoxo's review

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I really enjoyed the development of these characters.

literarygeorge's review

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Full review at For Your Literary Pleasure

I feel the need to rename this book "Asshole's Redemption." The first chapter of this book had me in rage mode - think hulk but a 5'7" girl with curly hair = me. Quinn treats girls like shit because his tennis career came to an early end and he has nothing better to do.
I'm not joking that's essentially what this idiot does. I'm going to forewarn you I'm a not pulling my review punches. He was a douchebag wallowing in self pity who needed a solid and resounding slap of reality. Quinn's brother is a wanker who should be checked into a psychiatric ward for excessive misogyny and manipulation. I don't think he even has real human emotions. Emilie is a bit of a pitbull, which is great because she refused to let Quinn treat her like all the other girls. Unknowingly of course because she really had no clue HOW much douchebaggery Quinn was capable of. Typically Emilie is "not like the other girls" and spawns Quinn's self discovery mission to be a better person. They get their happily ever after and Quinn the asshole is redeemed. Buuuuuuut I couldn't feel sorry for Quinn, there wasn't a single part of me that was happy for him. I didn't think Emilie would forgive him because to me what he did was beyond a forgiving chat. I definitely did not like the whole "love will make you a better person." Why couldn't Quinn just grow up and stop acting like a spoiled baby? With or without Emilie there to be his purpose?

I like the way Payne writes and despite hating pretty much every character I still managed to finish the book so there is something to be said about that.

xxx Literary George
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purplepages's review

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“You started out as a player—a very beautiful and intriguing player—in Sebastian’s game, Emilie. But I lied at the house the other day. Everything that happened between us was true after the circumstances of our meeting.”

I seriously thought I wasn't going to enjoy this book.

This was me during the first part of the book:

Majority of it I was like this:

But towards the ending it was:

I loved the story.
I loved the characters.
I loved how it wasn't really hurried but it wasn't really that fast either.
And finally, I loved the ending.
It was the perfect way to end a story like that althought it was a little common but it works.

Here is THE GIST

Quinn Roland was broken.
He's just been dumped by his girlfriend.
His father doesn't want to have anything to do with him and sent him to college.
He has everything but he wasn't really happy.

A game was what started it all. A game that had Quinn taking a girl chosen by his pyschotic half-brother Sebastian and he has to have her sleep with him no matter what the cost. It was a bet that Quinn has no intention of losing.

Emilie Swanson had no clue what was in store for her the day she followed Quinn Roland up that room.
She caught him off guard and she caught a glimpse of him that he doesn't allow anyone to see.

Emelie saw through Quinn's facade but was Quinn ready to show all his colors to Emelie.
Was Quinn ready to give up his ways and open up to Emelie?
Is Emelie right about Quinn? Was she right that there was something more to him than the guy who sleeps with a different girl every night?


The first thing that got me was the cover. The cover is just beautiful. I love it. It's simple and it totally shows you what the book is about.

I wasn't really thrilled with the rating though. I think it was a 3.71 something and I usually read books which have high ones. And honestly, after I finishing the book, i think it SHOULD have a higher rating. This is one of those books that will unfolds slowly but beautifully.

Here are the CHARACTERS


So I had a hard time loving Quinn. He was the type of guy you'd like to steer away from but him being so perfect makes it very hard to do. He was the type who will shower you with sweet words, smile at you with that heartbreakingly beautiful smile, caress your body the way it should be, make you feel like a princess and then one day... POOOOFFF! You're history.

Seriously hated this guy. And this is a first for me which is really good!! I mean it wasn't every day that you read about a male character who doesn't swoon you immediately on the first few pages of the book. I didn't like what he did with the other girls. It was sickening. If I knew a guy like that I'll kick him right down there repeatedly so he won't be able to use it with other girls and make them cry after. Quinn was a seriously broken person and I felt for him as the story goes. I'm sure all of you will feel it too.


So Emilie is a half-Peruvian. I'm not sure why Sebastian called her Mexican but yeah a sexy Peruvian girl who knows what she wants. She was the exact opposite of Quinn. She knows what she wants and she goes and gets it even if it means losing her trust fund and all that. *YOU GO GIRL!* Nope. She's not the typical not-so-rich-girl-who-falls-for-the-rich-guy type. She's as previledged as Quinn but only a much stronger and feminine version. I thought at first Quinn was a coward. He was actually until near the end of the book but Emilie was not like that. She was strong-willed and she stands up for what she believes in. I also like that she paints. I do think she ate her words though because she said she wouldn't fall for him like the other girls but ended up falling for him big time but I don't really blame her. :p I think her motto when it comes to Quinn is:

Who could blame her? :p


Just a short one for Seb.


Okay at first I thought their story was a little clicheish. There were already a lot of stories out there where broken bad-boy sleeps around with girls and then meets nice girl and then falls in love with each other and then happily ever after. I thought it was going to be like that at first but it wasn't. There was a lot more to it and I loved it.

I just really love them together. There were seriously cute scenes here and there but when it was the steamy ones, "OH BABY" I want some of those. I really like how Emilie was so confident with herself. Quinn loved that about her and I kind of see why he liked it. She wasn't shy about getting naked and having sex, she wanted it and she wasn't afraid to admit it or show that she's okay with it.

And that elevator scene, *PHEW!* TOO HOT!
Spoiler And they didn't even have sex yet!!!

He didn’t, and apparently no one had lied about Quinn’s proficiency with women. Expert fingers shot waves of pleasure that weakened my legs, shuddered through my limbs until Quinn and the elevator wall were holding me up.

As the doors dinged he looked over and winked at me. “Plus, I’m not at my best standing up. I’d hate to ruin my reputation now.”



Like I said earlier, I didn't expect to like this book. But I did. I LIKED IT A LOT. And I think it should have a higher rating than what it currently has.

I loved how the story just didn't unfold immediately. It was like a step-by-step on how the characters developed and learned from their actions. The author takes us on the same ride as the characters were on. We see their imperfections, their mistakes, their choices and we also watch what the results of their decisions were. It was just beautiful.

It close to perfect for me. I loved the heart of the story. The ending was just how I wanted it to be.
Spoiler A happily-ever-after but done in the correct way.
The type of characters were a little common but the story itself was different. I'm adding this to my favorites and will be looking to more of this series and Ms. Payne's books!

5 stars for a very satisfying read.

acdom's review

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We all know you can't change people, right? No matter how much you love someone, you can't change them. Especially when they're selfish irreparably broken assholes who do nothing but hurt you over and over yet still feel they have some sort of power over you and you swear if you could just get them to admit their feelings everything could be good and right and wonderful because you think the sex is really good and that means you are meant to be together.

No. It's going going to happen. Stop trying to make it happen. This is why I can't read romance novels. I really want to give this one star, but I'm not going to, because that's a bit harsh. I'm sure Lyla Payne is a lovely person, but I just can't get behind this book and its awful characters and ridiculous story.

thebookdisciple's review

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The plot was kind of stupid-I mean, really, Q was a serious jerk who treated her and everyone else like garbage and she kept fighting for him. If they had known each other for years, I totally would have bought it. But, to say she kept chasing after him when she had only known him a week, and after what he way. It was just so annoying.

lovefades's review

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3.5 Stars
I didn't really feel the connection between the main characters but otherwise it was pretty good.

adominiquereads's review

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I don't know what to say. At first, I thought it was the typical college books, and yeah it was. Paired of with a couple of troubled kids - one a plain bad-boy with a lot of issues, and a girl sweet and innocent but is being rejected by her own parents. So, mostly, I can already predict what would happen. I wasn't actually thrilled that they only started to fall for each other after a week, and because they were playing their own games with each other. It sounds a bit... I don't know... ordinary. Bad boy goes nice because of the good girl.

lostinanovel's review

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Before I read this I was lookin for a slightly cheesy but not corny romanic film to watch and then I realized I prob described a bunch of books already better written then any movie out there

This def fit that !
It had the plot I might see in a movie, but way better written and better, more detailed plot. It wasn't too rushed..
Spoiler well if you don't count the end...
had good romance and a gal with a backbone who refused to play a player's games

I may have recently tried to leave this genre for lil paranormal romance but suddenly I want more!!

bookreadingjill's review

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A 2 star read for me.
Really did not like the male protagonist/love interest.
It is rare for me to not root for the couple to be together by the end of the novel but I really didn't for this one. Quinn just seemed too unapologetic and insincere and was mostly just an ass for a strong majority of the novel. He didn't deserve all the chances he got, especially when almost no effort was made on his part to make the relationship work. None. At all.
He said crazy mean things to Emilie multiple times throughout the novel and never once apologized for them, never once apologized for the whole bet and never once apologized for treating her like shit.

Also, they only spent collectively like two weeks together - which may be enough for some people, but I really wasn't sold on the 'love' between them and it being enough to completely 180 Quinn's life.

Another thing that bothered me was the language used in the novel. It is told from both Quinn and Emilie's point of view. Both are college-aged young adults. I believe around 20 years old. But a lot of the language used sounded so incredibly poetic that it completely removed me from the story. Multiple times I had to stop and wonder if this was really supposed to come from a 20-something college frat boy. Don't get me wrong, those sentences were well written and sounded nice together, but they didn't fit the atmosphere or characters in the book, at all. It took me out of the story.

It wasn't a bad story, I just didn't enjoy the character relationships or the main love interest.

bookifiction's review

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this was soo lame LMAOO p sure I'm just half reading rubbish like this to add to my book challenge smh