
Wraith by Susan Kaye Quinn

susanthebookbag's review

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I absolutely loved The Debt Collector Season One. I am so excited that Season Two is being written as we speak! Wraith is episode 10, the first episode of Season Two. And it appears that this series of stories is going to be just as exciting as the first one!

Wraith is a different kind of debt collecter from Lirium, who we met in season one. She has her own agenda and is out to avenge her father's death. Episode 10 is as intriging and action packed as the episodes of the first season and left me wanting more. I love that I can now go back to this exciting world of the debt collectors.

lolasreviews's review

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I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

I was so excited when I heard season two of the Debt Collector series was coming and I as soon as the first episode showed up in my inbox I decided I could put my current read on hold to read this episode first.

The first episode of season two certainly didn't disappoint. It has the same fast pace and high action feel as the first season and I am so happy to be back in this world! It's going to be a crazy 8 weeks, but I am going to read and review these as soon as I can get my hands on a copy, because I think this crazy style of reading fits this series and reminds me of how I read season one.

In this book we're introduced to the main character for this season, Wraith. I immediately liked her, she a feisty female who struggles with being a debt collector, while on the other hand using it to do some good. I also liked how she met Lirium in this episode already, it was nice to see a cameo appearance from him. There also is a nice twist towards the end, I am pretty sure we will hear more about that in the next episode.

While a lot of the world building has been done in season one, it's immediately clear there is even more to come in season two. New organizations and groups we've heard nothing about so far are introduced and even a mystery about someone's death. It immediately got me intrigued and hungry for more.

To conclude: season two hits the ground running with this fast paced and action filled episode. I liked Wraith as a main character and how she struggles with being a debt collector. I also liked the glimpse we get from more world building and new organizations that are probably going to play a big part in this season. All in all this episode was a great start of season two and leaves me hungry for the next episode!

the_cover_contessa's review

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So I feel like I have been waiting forever for Quinn to start releasing the second season in this series. I so enjoyed the first, I wanted her to write the second one right away. But, alas, I had to wait. And I was not disappointed in the least.
I want to thank the author for sending me an early copy of this episode to read and give an honest review.
If anyone remember, I truly loved Lirium. So when Quinn said this pat of the serial would not be about him, I was disappointed. I wanted more. But then she introduces me to Wraith, and I'm floored.
I love the way this character is written so far. She's like two sides of a coin, each hidden from the other, separated by the fact that neither can see around the other side. And for Wraith, she has to keep her lives separate: the debt collector life versus her very public life as a well-known executive's daughter. But she walks a think line because the very company that has built her family up and made her father so famous, is the same one that threatens people like her. The push and pull and the tension it creates is palpable throughout the story. And the conflict it creates within Wraith herself is something you can taste.
I love how Quinn describes not only the energy collection process but also the pay out. I actually feel like I'm the one who is experiencing it, not the character herself. And the concept remains totally unique. Something I have not seen any other place.
I can't really go into much detail without giving things away, but let's say not only do we get thrown into the world from the first part of this serial (and yes, you'll meet some of your old favorite characters, although briefly), but Quinn is able to create a brand new world, one where there is some mystery and leaves me wanting that next episode right now!
And, gah, does Quinn know where to leave her story off? There is no way you can stop at just this episode. It's definitely like watching one of your favorite TV shows and not being able to wait until the next episode airs.
So if you're looking for a serial that pulls you in, twists you in circles, ties you in knots, and then leaves you wanting more, you've come to the right place. Wraith will keep you interested and on your toes. I can't wait to see where this leads!

gilwen's review

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J'avais beaucoup aimé la première saison de cette série qui se déroule dans un univers bien intéressant: Imaginez un futur proche où votre vie est monétisée sur les marchés financiers. Quand vos dettes dépassent la valeur de votre existence et de votre contribution potentielle à la société (trop vieux, trop endetté, malade …), un collecteur passe chez vous jouer la faucheuse en récupérant ce qu'il vous reste d'énergie vitale pour la transférer à quelqu'un à plus haut potentiel (un enfant malade, un scientifique…). J'attendais donc cette saison 2 avec impatience et ce premier épisode ne m'a absolument pas déçue. Il continue sur l'intrigue de la saison précédente (les dérives autour du système des collecteurs), tout en introduisant une nouvelle héroïne: Wraith, fille d'industriel le jour, justicière collectrice la nuit. Une identité secrète à conserver, une héroïne à fleur de peau, des machinations, un rythme soutenu ... bref que du plaisir. Je suis juste un peu frustrée de n'avoir entraperçu que brièvement Lirium (le héros de la saison 1), pour lequel j'avais eu un petit coup de cœur.