
The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart

tristanhunter's review against another edition

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Absolutely would read again, and can't wait for the second installment to come out in November.

graciediaz25's review against another edition

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this book just reminded me of why i love fantasy so much i’m in shock that was amazing. The story had multiple POVS and usually when this happens i’m always dreading going back to a certain character or leaving a plot line but not with this book. Every single character and every single story line had me in a chokehold. Starting book 2 the second i put my phone down.

artemissia's review against another edition

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Malgré une narration à plusieurs voix qui peut perdre les lecteurs, l'univers de L’Empire d’Ecume est riche, foisonnant d’idées aux intrigues passionnantes ! J’ai adoré ce monde imaginé par Andrea Stewart au doux air de « Chine ancienne » avec sa cité impériale, ses coutumes ainsi que ses costumes. Les scènes sont excellemment bien décrites et j’avais l’impression de suivre une série télé. L’idée des concepts est également excellente et j’ai tellement hâte de découvrir ce que nous prépare la suite. Parce que, je le redis, mais cette fin est juste démentielle. Je me suis pris une de ses claques !

Dans l’ensemble, j’attendais beaucoup de ce titre et force est de constater que je suis loin d’être déçue. J’ai aimé la manière dont les intrigues même séparées s’imbriquent. J’ai apprécié les différents enjeux, qu’ils soient politiques ou bien plus personnels. Bref, dans mon cas, c’est gagné parce que j’ai franchement adoré et l’impression qui me reste de cette lecture se résume en un mot : waouh !

moonchildsmonologues's review against another edition

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This was a very interesting read and I finished it in record time (for me). The story hooked me from the beginning and I devoured the first half of the story. The magic system was intriguing and I liked most of the characters. I liked the multiple POVs, even though in my opinion Ranamis/Phalues POV didn’t add much to the story and was repetitive and boring.
Sadly as the story progressed I found that the characters lacked depth and development and this took away from my enjoyment of the story. The world-building was almost nonexistent, up to a point where it was hard to conjure up any images of what the characters, their clothes, the buildings, cities, etc. looked like. Also the way the political, moral, etc. themes were discussed seemed almost… childish? What is more, all the characters are adults and 20+ years old, but this was easy to forget, since they acted, thought and talked like 15 year olds. There were also some plot holes and the storytelling was anticlimactic at times, which prevented me from losing myself entirely in the story and most of the time it was hard to feel the high stakes. The ending also left me somewhat unsatisfied and it felt a bit rushed and not thought through.
I feel like this story had a lot of potential but the poor execution took away a lot from the quality. In the end I was invested enough to finish the book and want to know how it ends, but not enough to really feel like I need to know what happens from here on out, so I might not be reading the other parts of the series.

olivandr's review against another edition

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Bruh this took me over a month to read and I still couldn’t tell you what the fuck happens

labibliothequedemilija's review against another edition

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Une analyse en double teinte pour moi.

Les 300 premières pages étaient longues et ennuyantes. J'ai presque failli arrêter ce livre mais il se lisait si vite que j'ai voulu aller au bout.

ET J'AI EU RAISON! Il arrive un point de basculement vers la moitié du roman qui débloque toutes les intrigues et nous fait entrevoir les réels enjeux de cette histoire et j'ai dévoré la deuxième partie du roman.

Je trouve la fin vraiment intéressante et j'ai hâte de voir ce que l'autrice nous réserve pour le tome 2

kim_possibly_reads's review against another edition

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Solid 3.5, rounded down. This one had 1 too many story lines going on at once for me personally. I liked 2 of them a lot and the other 2 fell short in comparison. That being said I think it was interesting seeing how they all interconnect and I am interested enough to want to read the next installment to see how this progresses.

tappkalina's review against another edition

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Buddy read with Sya.

leenichole's review against another edition

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Lin may be the daughter of the emperor, but that isn't enough to guarantee that she'll rule in her father's place. If she hopes to one day take over the kingdom, she'll have to regain a lifetime of missing memories and master her father's bone shard magic, even if she has to go behind his back to do it.

Jovis has spent years of his life and every penny he has on the search for his missing wife. He's run afoul of the emperor's forces and the local organized crime syndicate, and now he's somehow mixed up with the rebels. He just wants to keep his head down and find his wife, but fate seems to have other plans.

Frankly, a short synopsis isn't enough to do this book justice and I'm already frustrated by how much I've left out. Suffice it to say that it's very, very good. It's a twisting, complex fantasy universe with characters who have their own goals to pursue and a seriously messed up underbelly that comes to light gradually over the course of the story. It's dark, but it's also delightful. I'd highly recommend it.

dancingdane's review against another edition

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I love the premise and the action. I loved watching the chateaux come together. Maybe a little predictable, but still fun.