
Inevitably Yours by Verlene Landon

lzw's review

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Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink Book 4) by Verlene Landon is the fourth in this contemporary romance series that I gave 4 out of 5 stars. This novel is written in third person POV. Though part of a series, this can be read as a stand alone novel. In this story, we follow the lives of John & Gus who were introduced in earlier books. I feel like this story falls under the "second chance romance" category.
I. Love. Gus. She is such a strong woman, and loyal friend. To be able to carry a friend's baby for them, and then hand the baby over-I can't imagine the emotions endured! She is such a selfless person! She sacrifices a relationship with John in offering to be a surrogate. Gus & John have always been interested in each other, but neither of them had a made a move.
John is more of an introvert, and has been hurt in the past. Once Gus takes on the selfless task of being a surrogate he turns away from her-from them. Obviously, this hurts Gus very much-will she give up on them too? His life has seen several tragedies that he can't quite move on from, and seeing Gus pregnant triggers the past for him. Can they see around the issues to come together once and for all?
This book, this series-has it all. It just feels like home. All the connections of friends and families interwoven with drama/heat/tragedy/hope/love. The support among this group of characters is beautiful to read. Though it can be read as a stand alone-I would definitely recommend reading the entire series in order to better understand these amazing characters!

kelli513's review

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Book Review: Inevitable Yours
Author: Verlene Landon
Five Stars

The story Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink Book 4) by Verlene Landon is a contemporary romance book. This is the first book by Verlene Landon that I have read and yes when I started it I was a bit confused by the sequences etc. However the farther I got into it the more sense it made. This is a series and this fourth book is not meant to be a stand alone so I do recommend reading the books in order so that you know what is going on when you get into this one.
Inevitable Yours is a very good contemporary romance. The chemistry between Augusta and John is so hot that it is amazing that John has fought it for so long. Will Augusta be able to get John to at least give them a try?
The characters in this book are so well developed. They have amazing story lines and are fantastically created. They way they all interact and support and love each other.
John is dealing with some major emotional problems from his past and it seems no matter what he can't shake them. But will he get his head together in time? Will Augusta move on without him and start a life of her own?
All of their friends and family are rallied around them. And they will all support whatever choices they make. Being a part of a huge support group will help them make their way through their rough times.
I highly recommend this book and all the others in this series. Verlene Landon is a great writer and I am looking forward to the next book in the Imagine Ink series.
Kelli Harper

katie_83's review

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Inevitably Yours
By Verlene Landon
4 stars!
After reading the third book in this series I was really looking forward to getting to know John a bit more and I found this book really intriguing to read. It wasn’t your typical love story, it was obvious that the characters were attracted to each other but there is something standing in their way – especially from John’s point of view! I will point out that really this book needs to be read as part of the series so that you can fully understand all of the characters who appear.
Gus (Augusta) is such a lovely character and I felt for her because she really does love John but he keeps pushing her away. She is doing something totally selfless for her friends and John can’t really see past that. I think she is one of favourite characters for 2017! I really liked her!
It is very clear that John cares for Gus; he just can’t seem to shake off his past and fully commit to being with her. The chemistry between them is totally hot and I just desperately wanted them to be together! There is also something so sexy about John – I think it is because he has that hot older guy thing going on – I couldn’t help but love him a little bit!!
It’s been a while since I have really wanted a couple to come together and get through all the obstacles in their way like I did for Gus and John. I have taken both of them into my heart!
I loved the characters from the previous stories still appear in this one and we get to see their lives continue on.
I also absolutely adore the cover to this book! In fact I have loved all of the covers for the books for this series. They are very eye catching!
Verlene Landon has a wonderful, deep writing style that I have definitely enjoyed over this series so far and I can’t wait to read more from her in the future!

lisa01's review

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Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink #4) by Verlene Landon
Rated 5 stars

Augusta is a mess. She is not sure if it's the hormones from being preggo or her feelings about John. We catch up with Gus when she is near popping stage. She is so confused over John's behavior. She is thinking of giving up on him and trying to move forward. She has a great support system in all their friends actually both her and John do. It does seem no one is taking sides and everyone is for them to get together. Actually…...taking bets on when they will get together.
John has some issues. He had to grow up too fast and be a parent to his siblings. He had to learn control back then and and that has never left him. He likes control in every aspect of his life and doesn't know how to release some of it. His relationship or non relationship with Augusta (Gus) was moving slowly until she announced she was having a baby. Then due to a previous relationship experience it became too tough for John to be around Gus.
One of the things I love is when John calls Gus his "Gussy Girl". It just seems to roll off his tongue so easily and his voice when he says it. Oh ya! I like it….a lot.

Andy and Marco are the cutest couple ever! I love how they fawn all over Gus and will do anything for her. I know she is carrying a baby for them but they seem to always have her back. Stacy, who is John's little sister, and is mostly Gus' BFF unless she is ticked at her then it's EX BFF for all of 5 seconds. Ha! They have a great relationship and….well Stacy has no filter and what she says in the delivery room....cracked me up! I also love their friendship is strong enough that the names they call each other is in love not being mean.

bwagner's review

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Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink Book 4) by Verlene Landon is the fourth book in her Imagine Ink series. This book is a standalone but I think it would have been helpful to read the previous stories first as it would have given some background information. This is my first story by this author and I enjoyed her writing style, her attention to details and her creativity of characters. Her characters are true to life and connectable. They will take you on a roller coaster ride full of laughter, compassion and hot romance. Find out what happens with these characters as they are faced with second chances and letting the past go.

Augusta is a care free person with the heart of an angel. She decided that she would carry a baby for some friends who couldn't have any. She has had to give up coffee, not seeing her feet and maybe even giving up the man she adores. Will she find her happiness with him yet?

John is more of a control and routine type of guy. This way of life has served him well but not he is due for a change. Somethings are easier said then done especially when his motivation is pregnant with another mans child. When old wounds start to open his only way of control is to ride out the ride. What will he do when the only way to get what he wants is to gasp it with two hands and letting somethings go? Will he let go of his past in order to find a future with her?

Augusta and John's relationship has been one of friendship. They both have feelings for each other but there is a few things standing in their way. She is a “baby oven” for friends and he is carry around past that is eating at him. Will they finally realize that they want to be together? Will they ever reveal their feelings for each other? These are two strong characters that have been a lot. He has a past that has left him hurt and even kind of guarded. When we first meet him, we don't get to know a lot about him. She is a kind, sweet person that really just needs to tell him to how she feels. The secondary characters in this story are almost just as strong. They are supportive to the main characters and even try to push them together. They all seem to complement each other. I can't wait to see if some of these secondary characters appear in future novels. You will love all of these characters, they all are true to life characters that just pop off the pages. Sometimes love isn't easy but falling can inevitable. Find out if these two characters take the second chance they are faced with or if the past wins out.

This is my first story by Verlene Landon and I know it won't be the last. I will for sure go back and there the first three novels in this series. Verlene was born and raised in the south. With thanks to the military she has traveled the US and now calls Sin City her home. She has done much with the military and has seen just as much but feels that nothing is more brutal then writing. You will enjoy how this story is fast paced and will keep you engaged until the end. You will totally get lost in this story and find your self not being able to put it down. You will need to see how this story ends. I highly recommend the story as I know you will want to see if these characters ever find their HEA.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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Inevitably Yours is the first book I’ve read by Verlene Landon. It is the fourth book in the Imagine Ink series. I really loved reading about Augusta (Gus) and John. I really cannot wait to read the first three stories to learn more about all their friends!

There is a warning or suggestion to read this series in order but I am such a rebel I chose to read this one first. I have seen many advertisements on social media and I was just drawn in. Reading the fourth book first would explain why I feel this story is a little sad. John has a hard time being able to see around his past to find his own happily ever after. I believe we would have met John and Gus in other books and may have got to know them a little better. But luckily Landon believes that there is always hope!

“There it was, the most wicked word of all four-letter words. Hope. Not only was it the most evil but the most heavenly, too.”

And as always

“All humans are capable of love, no matter how much of their heart they have given away, or what lurks in the past.”

I like the way Landon writes. This story was smooth and easy to read. Even though it is the fourth in the series I was not lost wondering what the heck everyone was talking about. I could tell things happened to each of the couples and they had to work hard for their own happily ever after so I am truly looking forward to reading the first three stories.

As far as this book goes, I highly recommend it for those readers 18+.

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Inevitably Yours is the fourth amazing instalment in the Imagine Ink series by Verlene Landon. Yet again, I have been blown away by her wonderful story; each book in this superb series just seems to get better and better. Even though I knew this book would be good, because let’s face it, that’s a given with this author- I wasn’t sure how she could top the previous two, but I have to say that she more than succeeded…. I really feel that this is her best book so far.
This story could be read as a standalone, but if you haven’t read the other books in the series yet, I really recommend that you do because the ‘family’ of characters that make up the books in the series have a really wonderful bond and a camaraderie that infuses the stories and allows us (the reader) to fully connect and invest in them and their story- as well as making us feel like we are part of it all. The previous books also have a lot of character information and some back stories that will add to your overall enjoyment of this book.
Augusta (Gus) is lovely, kind-hearted and a bit of a free-spirit. She cares deeply and sees the good in everything. Her childhood wasn’t very good, but that hasn’t hardened her. Instead, she has become the most selfless and generous person, even going so far as to agreeing to carry someone else’s baby. When Andy and Marco couldn’t have children of their own, she agreed to become their surrogate so they could fulfil their dream- but she still did it knowing that the decision may destroy her own dream in the process. And now it seems as though her worst fears have been realised, because the man she adores can’t seem to stand being around her.
John has a lot of baggage from his past that weighs him down. He has some real issues which are preventing him from moving forward with his life, and have left him feeling like he doesn’t deserve love. He is disciplined, controlled, loves his routine and avoids chaotic situations. He’s incredibly loyal and protective of his friends and loved ones, but doesn’t think he deserves the same. He feels a lot more for Gus than he’s even admitted to himself, but seeing her pregnant with someone else’s baby has ripped open some old wounds and he’s having a lot of trouble dealing with it all. Will he be able to put aside his anger and pain and come to terms with what Gus has decided to do? Do these two have a chance at finding happiness together, or will this hurdle prove to be too difficult to navigate?
OMG….. First of all, did you notice the COVER???? That sure is one sexy cover. I mean WOW. I could stare at it all day. Maybe even lick it a few times. Love that cover!!!!
Ms. Landon has written a beautiful, funny, emotional and spicy story. Her character building is superb, crafting characters that are realistic, believable and very endearing. These are quirky and flawed individuals, who learn, grow and develop as the story progresses, and we are fortunate enough to get to follow them on this wonderful journey. These characters make you want to throw a barbeque and invite them around- they feel like part of my family now, and they would be a real blast to hang out with.
I love the set up and teaser for book five, that was added to the end of this book. I have a feeling that I may fall in love all over again. I can’t wait to get my hands on ‘Unmistakably Us”!

Thank you Ms. Landon!

kirchersmiles's review

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Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink Book 4) by Verlene Landon

5 Stars

This is my first book by this author, being that it is book 4 I really wish I had read the first 3 before starting this one. It was pretty much a complete story about Augusta and John, but there is history there that I would have loved to have read. Also, a lot of history of the other characters in the book. I fell in love with everyone of them and now need all of the stories to feel complete. This was a fantastic book, written very well, and I loved the connections with this whole group.

Augusta (Gus) is carrying a baby for her friends, she is just an incubator and is loving every minute of it, except maybe the no coffee, and not being able to see her feet, but she wants a man, not just any man, she wants John, and it has become apparent that he has a real issue with her pregnancy. She actually gets to a point where she knows she will love him forever and that he is her soulmate, but she can't wait around for him. She wants to be loved and to be the center of someone's world.

John is drawn to Augusta in ways he didn't think possible. His past is haunting him and he has a real issue with Augusta’s pregnancy. It has opened up wounds he is having a hard time dealing with, and he has not shared any of this with her.

Watching these two want to be together and not being able to was heartbreaking. Everyone they are close to knows they belong together and have even placed bets on this happening, but until John deals with the many losses in his life and the reasons he is so eaten up with guilt, him and Augusta will never be able to move forward as a couple. Can she break through to him and make him trust her, or will the hopes of a future together be over before they even begin?

I have to end this review here now because I'm dying to go find the first three books in this series. I want more :)

jennadb's review

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Inevitably Yours is the fourth book in the Imagine Ink series by Verlene Landon and just like all the other books this one did not disappoint. I have loved each and every book in the series and the characters just jump into your heart. This book can be read as a standalone but reading the other books first will ensure you have the whole picture of the world in which these wonderful people live. You will find yourself laughing out loud at their antics, crying along when things are sad and crying tears of joy at heartfelt moments. Valerne is one talented writer that you certainly do not want to miss.

This book focuses on Gus who is the one friend who is always there for her friends and knows how to take care of them. She is a free spirit and is willing to help them in every way that she possibly can. Her closest friends are also her family and she has made the ultimate sacrifice for two of those friends. Gus is unselfishly carrying the special gift of a baby but doing so means that she is possibly sacrificing a life with the man she loves.

John is our other main character in this book and he has faced tragedies in his life which have caused him to take on more than his fair share. It has caused some demons that have changed him from the man he once was, a man that keeps thing close to his heart, a man that has to rationalise everything and likes things in order. He is scared that in order to have a relationship means he has to give up control, lose control and that is not something he is sure he can do.

Can John face his demons and move on? Will Gus be the one to help him move forward? Will John be able to let go before he loses what he loves before it is too late? Will Gus be able to keep the man she loves? Will she let him go to set him free?

I love this can’t wait for the next instalment to the Imagine Ink world.

rooskie87's review

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Inevitably Yours (Imagine Ink 4) by Verlene Landon
4 stars

John and Augusta, or Gus as everyone calls her, have been walking the line of friendship to more for quite some time. In Inevitably Yours by Verlene Landon, we see previous characters from other books but the main focus is on John and Augusta. Told in dual POV we get to see the inner turmoil for John and the utter conflict and hard feelings of Augusta.
Augusta is near the end of her pregnancy, but she's just the incubator for Andy and Marco. Through all of this she thought she and John had something going but once the news dropped, he acted different and standoffish. As Gus gets her hopes up only to crash, she has a new outlook. She's going to date, and if it gets John to see his true feelings, all the better. What she doesn't expect is Johns story as to why its hard for him to see her this way. Can they overcome the past to have a future?
John has been hurt in life in many ways, and Augusta's pregnancy is bringing one of them to the forefront and its tearing him up inside. He refuses to acknowledge that he's capable of love. He's about order and staying chaos free, despite the crazy family he's apart of! When he opens up to Gus about his past, he leaves with laying it all out on the line. After a conversation with his spit fire of a sister, he now sees how Much he changed because of life and it's curveballs. Will Augusta welcome him in, scars and all?
I really liked this book. This couple was different in the best of ways and I really liked getting to see the rest of this wonderful unconventional family! I highly recommend this series!