
Anew by Chelsea Fine

haleyelisereads's review

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SO FREAKIN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! :D Read this in one sitting, so so so freaking good! Will deff be on my "Top 12 books of 2012" list! :D Review soon!

zealous_bibliophile's review

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I actually said "interesting" out loud as I finished the last page.

OK so you have Scarlet, a teenage girl, who woke up in the woods two years ago with no memory. A live triangle between two guys, one who acts like a total jerk to her but she is drawn to him anyways, absentee parental figures, and an overly involved best friend. If you enjoyed the Fallen series you will enjoy this. This is not an angels series though. If you read Fallen you are inevitably going to spend the first chunk of the book trying to relate it to that, which is going to hinder this books some as you try to shove it into a box it doesn't fit into because they are two different universes. The universe is still pretty hidden at the end of book 1, but you get enough to pull you out of the Fallen stratosphere.

Spoilers from here on out

Have you read the book yet? If not stop. Seriously. I'm going to ruin it for you if you keep reading.

OK, whatever. I warned you.

OK, so how can these guys have lived for like 500 years and not have any idea there is anything else supernatural put there? And how did Nate become the go to guy for knowledge? They all got their immortality at the same time. And how did one of the voles go missing? And why did these two moms drink the voles? Why were they so special? And why does Scarlett 's body just disappear when she dies and where does it go? Like immediate rebirth on the spot with memory loss I could go oh year immortal blood, but something else is totally at play here. I mean bodies don't just disappear and hand out in the aether for one to a hundred years. And if witches are a thing couldn't they just find another witch to break the curse? I mean, it worked for Angel. Yes I just used Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a source. And Laura is totally up to something. I mean all these business trips to Europe. Is she working with the ash man? Is that why her eyes flashed at the sight of Gabriel? And shouldn't Scarlet think it's weird that she has been dating Gabriel for months and Laura never asked to meet him? And he was never at her house when Laura was there? So was Laura siphoning off Scarlett's memories and had the ash man do it while she was away, hence the ash man knowing exactly where to go?

Moving on to things that annoyed me. Don't you feel like the guys would have mentioned to Nate hey, don't tell Scarlett anything about the curse and what not. And seriously why would Scarlett hand over the arrow. Her flashback told her the arrow was dangerous. Why wouldnt she think huh there must be a reason I hid this from the guys? Also, it was so obvious Tristan was trying to kill himself, so Gabriel being a d**k about the whole murder thing was annoying. Don't be so dense Gabe.

betwixt_the_pages's review

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Two years ago, Scarlet awoke in the forest alone, afraid, and unable to remember anything. Lost and confused, her life was a mystery...until she met a boy with a familiar voice.

Gabriel Archer has a voice from her past, and Scarlet's determined to remember why. She immerses herself in his life only to discover he has a brother he's kept hidden from her: Tristan Archer.

Upon meeting Tristan, Scarlet's world becomes even more muddled. While she's instinctively drawn to Gabriel, she's impossibly drawn to Tristan--and confused out of her mind. As she tries to piece together her history Scarlet realizes her past...might just be the death of her.

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Rating: 3.5/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: unique plot and premise; characters that stand alone and beautifully together at the same time; love triangle (please insert gagging here please); never read anything quite like this before; simple prose, few descriptors; some iffy grammatical things that might be passed off as first-book syndrome

“What's the point of life if you live only to die? If I have no past, and I probably won't have a future, then I have no real meaning, right? What's the point of all that?”

Tristan was silent for a few moments, looking at the leaves before them. “Life isn't about the past and the future. It's about today.” He paused. “It's about five minutes from now and two seconds ago. It's moments, you know? Not years. Years aren't what define us.”

Scarlet wrinkled her brow. “But if you know your moments are numbered, are you really living at all?”

I picked this book up mostly on a whim, if I'm being honest—I don't recall where I first stumbled across it, but it immediately sounded like the sort of book I'd love to get lost in. Having just read it, I have to admit, I wasn't too disappointed! The premise throughout is intriguing, the plot filled with a sort of dramatic “action,” the characters both snarky and well-rounded.

Scarlet, especially, stood out to me. Her voice and personality, despite having amnesia through most of this read, were strong and sharp enough to cut diamond. When matched with Tristan... Well, to say that I saw fireworks flaring around the two of them (regardless the emotions being played out) would be a slight understatement. It's interesting to me, though—Gabriel, the twin brother, didn't really strike me as much of a character at all. He's actually pretty flat throughout, which didn't help his case with me in regards to being “the one” for Scarlet—he did absolutely nothing for her. No chemistry. That all went to Tristan—though he, too, could have been a bit more fleshed-out at the beginning. To be honest, I didn't really feel connected to any of them until close to the halfway mark.

For all Scarlet knew, the mysterious object was a magical ring of death that summoned demons from Middle Earth or something. She would probably trigger some ancient spell by wearing it and accidentally start a war in another dimension. The last thing Scarlet needed in her life was more voodoo drama.

That being said, this was a quick and (mostly) light-hearted read. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Scarlet traverse the world around her with no memories—and then, while rediscovering them. She did have a bad habit of freaking out over senseless things, if I'm being honest...but on the other hand, what teenager doesn't? I remember doing the exact same thing at her age, so... Realistic? Yes.

I wish other characters had been given the same chance to shine, however. We see hardly nothing of Laura throughout the entirety of the book. For being Scarlet's guardian, she doesn't DO a whole lot of supervising? That part felt a smidge off to me; wouldn't a parental figure like that be checking in more often, at the very least? I mean, I get the girl's immortal, but still! I felt like...a lot of the author's efforts went into the love triangle and the curse, and not enough to the characters or the writing. There were a lot of awkward grammar things happening that I suppose could be attributed to first-book syndrome, but annoyed me regardless.

AND THAT STUPID CLIFF-HANGER ENDING! I just. I can't even. Grr. Grr to all authors who use cliff-hanger endings to make readers feel obligated to pick up the next book in a series. If I'm really into the book, I don't NEED you to push me toward the sequel. So stop doing that!

Overall, though, this was an entertaining, enjoyable read. I really liked seeing the various twists Chelsea Fine brought to the ideas of immortality and the Fountain of Youth—and will most likely be picking up book two, because I'm weak-willed and need to know what happens next. I recommend this read to lovers of teenage angst, love triangles, and the paranormal. I've never read anything quite like this book before, so if you're into books of a different flavor, definitely give this one a shot!

nbwalks's review

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Actual Rating: 3.5

This was a hard one for me to rate. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

To start off, I enjoyed the story because it was original. It was a brand new idea that I have never read about before and I liked that. I just think it could've been executed better. I would say that the first 60% of Anew is plot filler material and I became bored with it. It took me forever to get through it because I didn't find it all that interesting. Once you get to the 60% mark though, it starts to pick up and it becomes exciting! The last portion of the book is what made the book. It's what saved it. If the whole thing was a little less mysterious and had a stronger plot throughout, I believe it would have been much better.

The author's writing was...fairly mediocre. It wasn't fantastic and it wasn't horrific. It was just okay. Sometimes it was repetitive and...I don't know. I just didn't really enjoy her writing which is another reason why it took me so long to read Anew. It might just be me but I didn't find her writing to be amazing.

I absolutely loved all of the characters! Heather was an entertaining best friend. Scarlet became a stronger heroine. I loved that she didn't want to be the damsel-in-distress! All of the boys were trying to tell her what to do but she wouldn't have it and I loved that about her. Nate was another funny character and probably the most trusting since he won't keep secrets from you. Then there are the boys. I know, I know, another love triangle? Yes. BUT, this love triangle is pretty perfect. Both guys are great! They both have amazing qualities to them but they also have their flaws. I loved Gabriel in the beginning. He's the perfect boyfriend material and an all-around good guy. As the story went on however, he started to annoy me because he became a hypocrite. Always telling Tristan that it's okay to be near Scarlet. He even left her with him while he went to New York. But then, when he comes back from NY, he THREATENS HIS BROTHER TO STAY AWAY FROM HER! Confusing much? Yeah, I'm getting mixed signals. Tristan has been trying to stay away from her the WHOLE STORY and now Gabriel thinks he can threaten his brother?? Makes. No. Sense. That brings us to Tristan. He seems like a jerk to Scarlet but he has his reasons for it. I'm not going to spoil but Tristan really is trying to do the right thing. That would be his flaw: He does stupid things and hurts people when he's trying to do the right thing. I think everything would've been a lot easier if they told Scarlet the truth and told her EVERYTHING to begin with. But who wants to do things the easy way, right? *sigh* Laura is another character that was introduced but we didn't learn , much about her. I have a bad feeling about her though. Since the beginning I felt like she was the bad guy but I can't say I was right. She's hardly in there. And like I said above, hardly ANYTHING happens in Anew, it's more like a plot filler that introduces characters and the start of a problem leading it to the sequel. The only thing that is making me want to read [b:Awry|13334934|Awry (The Archers of Avalon, #2)|Chelsea Fine||18542985] was the ending.

Speaking of the ending, BVKGUADVCLKWEQBVOUADSBFDCIMNCLMDSJ!!!! That is what I was waiting for! The big SHA-BANG that SAVED this book! Sure there were "surprises" throughout the book. I saw EVERY. Single. One of them coming!! ALL OF THEM! It was rather disappointing. BUT THEN! The ending came! I mean, I mostly saw the ending coming but not the words that Scarlet says! Those words are what shocked me. Nothing else. And those words are what leads you into the sequel! So yeah, now I'm interested in the sequel even though I didn't think I would be continuing this series. I've heard great things about Awry and I've heard that it was better than Anew. People also told me how amazing Anew was but I didn't find it to be. So here's hoping that they ARE right about Awry. *crosses fingers*

bookishvice's review

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Scarlet Jacobs doesn't remember anything of her life before she appeared alone in the woods two years ago. The only thing her amnesiac mind sees clearly is a design of a mysterious symbol. After so long without any more glimpses of her past Scarlet is about ready to give up. And then she meets the Archer brothers. Two Greek-god-like boys that seem to strike a cord deep within her, if only she knew why. Scarlet's life will be turned upside down with the revelation of a terrible curse cast on her...wait for it... five hundred years ago!

The whole mystery behind Scarlet's amnesia and how it's all slowly getting revealed, her crazy fun friend Heather, plus two hunky boys that want to save her, kept my eyes glued my kindle all through the night! Entertaining, romantic, and filled with emotion, Anew is an excellent beginning to this series. The characters a lively and interesting, the plot is filled with secrets, and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough! The story is told in the three exciting POV's of Scarlet, Gabriel, and Tristan.

Scarlet was fun to read, especially since she's almost always with Heather, her crazy fashionista friend who is just hilarious. I think Scarlet deals with her amnesia and the revelations really well. Thank goodness for heroines who don't just break down into a puddle of useless crying goo. Gabriel and Tristan were just a treat to read, a delicious and yummy treat. The only thing they have in common are their looks (well and their love for weapons other than guns), in everything else they are complete opposites. While one is sweet, cute and carefree, the other is dark, dangerous, and angry (but not in a cliché way). Tristan has a valid reason for being that way, and boy did it break my heart! My mind went blank and I stopped breathing for a moment when he revealed his plan. I didn't like Gabriel as much because he never seems to be taking the curse that seriously, always saying they have time when they really don't. I also don't think he really loves Scarlet, and I mean to REALLY love her.

My one and only complaint is that (damn it) the ending was a cliffhanger! Gah. Now who knows how long until I can immerse myself into Scarlet, Grabriel, and Tristan's lives! And believe me, there is reason to come back after that final scene! So go out, or click the links above and go get yourself a copy of Anew because you want to know the story of the Archers of Avalon.

feeniks's review

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I really liked this book.
Story is interesting and addictive and good. Very good.
There is no vampires or werewolves or any other frequently used creatures and I enjoyed to read something that was different than I usually read.
I will definitely read the sequel.

betterbeereading's review

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The Archers of Avalon by Chelsea Fine
Come iniziare questa recensione se non con OMG? Non è possibile. Quindi sì, la inizierò dicendo...
OMG! Perché non ho iniziato prima a leggere questo libro?

Come ho potuto essere così sciocca da lasciarmi sfuggire questa piccola chicca della letteratura YA Paranormal? Fortunatamente la mia cara amica e collaboratrice Viola è intervenuta mettendomi sotto il naso questa magnifica storia. *u*

Mi sono così fidata del consiglio di Viola... che credo di non aver neanche letto la trama finché non è venuto il momento che la traducessi per inserirla nel post della recensione. xD

In effetti mi aspettavo che la storia fosse in qualche modo legata al ciclo arturiano, almeno la presenza della parola Avalon mi aveva dato questa impressione. In realtà abbiamo a che fare con ben altro tipo di ambientazione, decisamente più moderna e con un ...

Per la recensione completa: Down the Rabbit Hole

joyousreads132's review

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What an amazing book! I started reading this a couple of nights ago when I was a bit loopy from flu meds, so I wasn't really feeling it. I woke up refreshed at four in the morning and decided to pick it up again because I had about ten minutes to spare. Well, la di da. I ended up buying a copy of it for my Kindle so I could read while hubs was on the wheels. So yes, indeed, I have a paperback and a Kindle copy of this book. I just didn't want to stop reading.

The legend goes that when a pregnant woman drinks from the Fountain of Youth, the fetus will have an eternal life. Gabriel and Tristan - twins, was not aware that they were the end result of this. They didn't know they were immortals until one fateful day when the town's witch, jilted by Gabriel, decided to kill Scarlet. But Tristan, having had deep feelings for his soon-to-be sister in law, tried to be a hero and jumped in front of loose arrow headed straight for Scarlet's heart. The arrow pierced Tristan's heart then went straight through Scarlet's. Dipped in immortal blood, the arrow was not only fatal, it also had the power to bring Scarlet back to life - in another place and in another time. Her life becomes a progression of living and dying and never remembering her past life until the Archer brothers break the curse. I think I'm going to leave it at that. This was my favourite element to the story. The legend of how it started, and how Tristan's soul always crave for Scarlet. Chelsea spun this tale so intricately and wrapped it up in one, thrilling, heartbreaking romance.

But there were so much more to this book. The basic gist is that Scarlet's life recycles in numerous lifetimes being torn between the two brothers. And you all know how much I loathe love triangles. Chelsea Fine did this remarkably well, however. Aside from a few times when Scarlet suffered from self-loathing for feeling so much about the cantankerous Tristan, I did not have the inkling to yank my hair out of frustration. My only problem is that Gabriel's character seemed to diminish as we go deeper into the story. He started off really swoon-worthy and then as we learn more about Tristan, it seems like he faded into the background. At the same time, I think it was the author's intent to actually sell Tristan as the bad, gorgeous, selfless brother. The one who had loved Scarlet from afar but had to stay away because in their past lives, she was always meant to be for Gabriel.

The characters' relationships were heart breaking, both literally and figuratively. Without giving too much away, Tristan's soul literally crave for Scarlet. The author's writing described his emotions really well. I am thoroughly convinced that Tristan is the highlight of this book. He has an admirable self-sacrificing hero personality that he covers well with boorish attitude. It's all a part of his charm and what makes him the ultimate bad boy in my books.

I do have some minor complaints. There were some typos, editing mishaps (BALLING instead of BAWLING, three commas instead of ellipsis, and a semi-colon was used instead of an apostrophe). These are eensy, weensy mistakes that did not deter me from enjoying the book. I was switching from paperback and Kindle edition and have found the same mistakes in both but seriously, this book is still all kinds of awesome. I'm inclined to say who cares but that would make me a hypocrite. I am also a bit disappointed that Scarlet's 'guardian' is ALWAYS, always, away on "business". What's up with that? Oh well, it would probably be explained on the next books.

Overall, Anew is an ingenious take on immortality. Chelsea Fine crafted a fantastic story woven with reincarnations, curses and deep, selfless love. The best part of this is the recycling story of the love of two brothers for Scarlet, one forbidden and the other, destiny but no matter how it ends, someone's bound for heartache.

fallen_for_books30's review

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The characters are well developed, the mystry took time to reveal which was awesome. both of the guys were sexy. This is the second love triangle which i loved after jennifer lauren's Heveanly series!

canadian_booknerd's review

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It took me a bit to get into this book but it did eventually hook me. It was good enough that I will be checking out the second in the series. I have a feeling it is only going to get better from here.