
Deeper by Robin York, Ruthie Knox

viktoriread's review against another edition

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2,5 stars
the reason why it took me so long to read this book (i usually finish my ebooks in 1-3 days) is that i had a very hard time following the author’s writing style. at some points of the book i was so incredibly confused? many “important” things were introduced very fast and very briefly in the background.

i feel like this book was very...typical. we’ve got our good girl (caroline) & our bad boy (west) & the usual “we-are-not-dating-but-me-alpha-male-possessive-of-you-anyways”. of course as it usually happens, our bad boy starts to develop romantic feelings but because he has a hard life, that gives him the pass to be a total dick to our good girl in order to “push her away”. thankfully while west might be the stereotype, caroline has some balls and knows how to stand up for herself....sometimes.

i do find it quite refreshing for a change that this book also deals with the topic of revenge porn & the way girls are the ones looked down upon when their pictures get released without their consent & how they’re always blamed & shamed, never the guy who released them in the first place.

stumpfed's review against another edition

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This is a must read. MUST. READ.

I haven't experienced character development this good in hundreds and hundreds of books. I am completely in awe of this book. The story isn't exactly earth shattering or heart breaking, but it's a solid story that supports two of the amazing characters. The POV shifts in this book should seriously be used to teach other authors how to do POV changes. There are these little asides and then their own thought processes. Soooo good!

The "revenge porn" concept of what Caroline goes through in this book is extremely well executed in the plot. I feel like Robin York handled this so very well and wrote Caroline, as well as her friends, perfectly for this situation.

Caroline has it all together and comes from a good family. West has more than he appears to have together, even though his together is slightly illegal and rough, he's holding it together for his mess of a family and his dreams of medical school.

The amount of highlighting I did in this book surpasses the last 15 books combined. I won't quote any because I received this as an ARC extremely early, but just know it will melt your heart and become your deeper!

The cliffhanger wasn't really anything I was gasping for breath over. I am not even mad about it, as I often am. I am 110% on board with another Caroline and West book because there isn't anyway one book will be enough!

lbdoster's review against another edition

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Feminist af. This is the absolute best of the New Adult genre.

rpatel675's review against another edition

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Caroline was living a happy life until one day she saw the her ex boyfriend posted intimate photos of them on the internet. Now she hopes that the pictures along with her shame will be buried with time. She keeps her head down on campus and doesn't speak to anyone or make eye contact afraid of what they will say to her or how they will look at her. Like a slut. At first she believes she is one because why else would she take pictures like that she must be one. But then she realizes that none of this is her fault. It's Nate's fault. He had NO right to post those pictures of her. One day, West Levitt, a guy she has barely spoken to before stands up for her by punching Nate. She knows she should stay away from him because everyone knows he's a bit shady. But she doesn't understand why he stood up for her since they never talked much. They lived across from each other their first year in the dorms. There was an instant attraction but she already had a boyfriend then, Nate, so she thought nothing of it. Now here he was again, defending her. She goes to confront him about this. To tell him she doesn't need anyones help especially his. But things intensify as the keep seeing each other. Caroline insists they are not friends even though she finds herself going in the middle of the night to the bakery where West works. There they talk and West teaches her the art of baking.
West never believed he deserved a girl like Caroline. She had her life together. Him? He didn't. He was two different people. The boy that went to college was a totally different person back home where he's from. He knows they are totally opposite. But the more they hang out together the more he attracted to her.
Both Caroline and West cannot deny the intensifying spark between them. Things seem to be heading in the right direction until West gets a phone call.
This was a great book for two reasons: the main characters and the reality of the bullying. The way Nate posted those pictures of Caroline, it happens everyday to many girls. It is a form of bullying and must be stopped. Robin York did a great job by presenting the issue and resolving it by showing us what Caroline goes through when she thinks it was her fault to her finally overcoming her problem. She did a great job. Also I LOVED the chemistry between Caroline and West. They were so cute together! The first time they meet was adorable! West was swoon worthy. The way he always knew how to tease Caroline and make her smile and laugh. The way he stood up for her. I loved everything about him. I can't wait to read the second book! I want to read about Caroline and West's happily ever after.

d3n1z's review against another edition

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I love this book! I'm so glad I re-read it because I feel like it was better this second time around. I have not seen another book successful discuss revenge porn and how it would affect the people involved. I feel like Caroline is such a strong main character and you see her grow throughout the book.

I loved her relationship with West, even though it isn't the most healthy, it is loving. I understand where West is coming from, but at the same time I wanted to be yell enough with the back and forth. Although all the back and forth is pretty realistic and not done in an annoying way IMO. He was so supportive to her and very blunt. I loved that their relationship and dialogue wasn't the typical " ilove them so much, they're so hot, i'm so lucky." It was real conversations and every day activity. So i can understand why some people may have felt the book was so slow, but I loved it. Again, it felt very realistic.

I was completely heart broken when they went through the first "break-up" not officially a break up since they were never officially together (ouch!). But I was so damn proud of Caroline for standing up to West. I loved that neither character was written as being mopey about it even though it is written that that time was difficult. But man oh man i was not prepared for the ending. I loved where it ended because again I felt like it was realistic. Not everyone gets their HEA even if it is the best kind of Love.

I would highly recommend. If there wasn't as much steamy scenes, although I would think at least one would be necessary, I would think this is a good book for high school kids to read because this is the time where social media has so many different formats and "selfies" and "Sexting" are sadly fairly common. I mean this shouldn't be the bible on the matter, but I think its a good example/ source.

k_hancock's review against another edition

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  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


yesididbringabook's review against another edition

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Fascinating profile on an oft ignored tragedy. West is gorgeous and crushworthy, while Caroline's determination and weakness combine to create a relatable heroine. Cannot wait for the next book

staceyhust88's review against another edition

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The issue at the heart of this book, revenge porn, is a seriously big problem in todays society. Girls! Keep your naked pictures to yourself. There is no need to share them with anyone because we are only human and just because you think you know someone doesn't mean you do. There are some seriously mean and spiteful people out there.

The way Robin York weaves the story of Caroline had my heart breaking for her from page one. I could really sense that Caroline put her full trust into someone she thought loved her only to turn around and have that person hurt her in one of the worst ways possible. I really wanted to punch her ex in the face...with a hammer.. douche.

The characters that make up the main group are all so real. The bff who is a player, the love interest who comes from a shady past, the rugby player who swings both ways. They all had something about them that made them so relatable. Sometimes in books the problems of the characters are so unbelieving or aren't really problems at all or are magically fixed. Not the case here. Caroline's problem will probably never go away, it's the type of thing that will haunt her forever. West has had a messed up childhood and has done some dark things to get to where he is now and will have to go through even more to get to where he wants to be.

All throughout the book I was rooting for Caroline and West. When the end came around, I was left with so many questions! Damn series. Needless to say I'm looking forward to the next installment. I'm hoping that Caroline and West get a happily ever after but with realistic fiction it's hard to know which way the author will swing.

mirielgb's review against another edition

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Overall I liked the story, the revenge porn theme.
The bakery hang-outs were sweet, but I can't deal with the whole "we are not friends" part. I mean, nobody, not even the main characters buy it, then why force it?
And West shady drug business. No. I'm sorry, you can say I'm a typical priviliged white female, but I don't think there is a question where the answer is drug. There goes one star.
I deducted one more star because the go-to new adult "plot twists" and characters.

maggiemaggio's review against another edition

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Oy this book. For most of the book I didn't enjoy reading it. The writing, romance, and the pacing drove me nuts. I liked the overall concept of the story, but that wasn't enough make me excited about picking this up.

The story starts off with Caroline being attacked with internet revenge porn by her ex-boyfriend, Nate. Caroline and Nate dated in high school and go to college together. She broke up with him before the beginning of their sophomore year, saying she felt like they weren't a good fit, but if she's honest with herself it might be because of her feelings for West, the mysterious, hot, college drug dealer who lived across the hall from her freshman year.

At this point I didn't so much mind Caroline, actually, the more I think about the more I think I liked Caroline and West both, separately, throughout the book, my issue was how ridiculous they both were while together. Anyway, Caroline is kind of frozen in fear/panic/sadness about these lewd pictures of her being published online. And I didn't blame her. It's terrible what happened to her (the note in the back of the book says this "revenge porn" is legal in every state except NJ) and I don't blame her for not being angry since she was so devastated but I really wanted her to get pissed.

After West gets into a fight with Nate Caroline confronts West, there's very little talking, but lots of sexual tension and they leave with nothing resolved. Then Caroline starts to stalk West, hanging out outside the bakery where he works overnight shifts and driving by his apartment. Eventually West, who we know through his perspective is in love with Caroline, invites her in and they become just friends, eventually friends with benefits, and then go through a series of being together and not being together moments.

I went into this book expecting a lot because Robin York is a pen name for [a:Ruthie Knox|5308032|Ruthie Knox|] whose books I love. A lot of new adult books, at least to me, seem to fall into the same trap of moody guy, helpless girl, bad sex, and no communication. I really hoped that an author whose other books I've enjoyed so much could really break out of this mold. And, sadly, for probably 60% of the book I just didn't think she did. Although I will say, to her credit, I liked that West's moodiness and family history is explained early on in the book and he's only keeping it from Caroline (still annoying) rather than the readers as well (which is super annoying to me).

Much of this book follows the same patterns of girl and guy not communicating at all and missing tons of chances to be together because of it. I find this style of storytelling to be so frustrating. Plus the insane, almost indescribable sexual tension just seems so overdone and not realistic to me. Then, maybe 60-70% of the way into the book Caroline has this amazing moment where she stands up to West and I was so impressed. That speech woke me up from my kind of glazed over reading of this and made me start paying more attention. From that point forward I liked the book more. I was ready to give it two stars before that point and now I'm giving it three stars (my good, but not great or extraordinary rating).

My other main issue is the writing and the pacing. At the beginning of each chapter (the chapters alternate between Caroline and West's perspectives) there's kind of an introduction that leads into that chapter, but also talks about what happens in that chapter ("I started hanging out with West and we had so much fun and that was even before we finally kissed" or "My time with him was amazing until it wasn't"). I quickly decided this is pretty much my least favorite story telling device ever. The book is written in first-person present tense and having these overwrought introductions and prediction of the future was strange and awkward. Then, in the chapters, things would be building to a moment between Caroline and West or between Caroline and her dad, and then rather than just happening there would be several pages of description of what was happening around them or recounting some family history or talking about how this was a pivotal moment. I just wanted to get on with the story! I was so frustrated by this that I eventually started just skimming over these parts.

Bottom Line: In terms of the entire book I liked the overall story and I liked the characters separately. For much of the book I thought this fell victim to many of the new adult pratfalls that drive me nuts. But, I was very impressed with the last 30-40% of the story and I am excited to see where this goes. I just home some of the awkwardness of the writing gets worked out and that Caroline and West continue being adorable together, as they were at the end, rather than annoying together, as they were at the beginning.

I received an electronic review copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley (thank you!). All opinions are my own.