vampirerat's review

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Just read bits for dissertation research :)

sourliquor23's review

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adventurous challenging informative inspiring medium-paced


arlingtonchamberofgay's review

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funny informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


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aus10england's review

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


Dang, this is a hard one for me, as I hard a lot of problems with the formatting, not so much the subject matter. I’ve never read an oral history, but I found it rather difficult to differentiate the different perspectives. I got about halfway through before I realized there was an index for the speakers in the back, but I didn’t feel like flipping back and forth trying to remember who everyone was. The content itself I really enjoyed! Especially about zines and the conversations about gender. This would be a great read for someone wanting to study queer history in an academic sense, maybe not as accessible to the casual reader. 

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klor's review

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


juksu's review

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mariane_g's review

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informative reflective slow-paced


philipeos's review

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adventurous challenging hopeful inspiring reflective slow-paced


It's so hard to describe how home I felt reading this book. As a young queer person myself it's so indescribably beautiful to how about my queer ancestors, the people that paved the way to the world of today, that I have the privilege of living in. As a citizen of Germany I am a member of the queer community that has a lot of privileges and still there is so much work to be done! And I love seeing that energy and how it always existed and isn't dying down. 
Viewing the world through a queer lense has been eye opening for me. I finally feel like I could actually be free. This book is one of the tools I had, also including talking to queer people a lot more and surrounding myself with my community, that made me feel like I'm opening my eyes for the first time again! 
Thank you for all the people that did such a beautiful job capturing this eventful time and emphasizing that this moment is still very much alive.

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rocketships's review

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dark informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


kierkegaawd's review

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Even queer punks are annoying racists.