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kirkles's review against another edition
Wow. This almost got five stars. I found myself bookmarking a lot of McCann's quotes (both his own and other authors') at first somewhat despite myself, but being drawn in more and more to the power and impact of McCann's language. The last chapter won me over, but you have to read it last after getting through the rest of the book in order to get the full effect, in my opinion. I also saw him speak a week or two ago at the Boston Public Library and very much enjoyed it. I had actually never read anything of his until this, and found Letters to a Young Writer to be full of wisdom and relevance for young writers today, and especially in today's world. I would say that it has relevance to all writers of all genders and ethnicities and races, even if McCann does mention to 'not be a dick.' Does that phrase apply to every single writer, or is it singling out men?
lottie1803's review against another edition
cornelio3's review against another edition
bethpeninger's review against another edition
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for this reader's copy. In exchange, I am providing an honest review.
Regardless of whether or not you are a "young writer", this book of letters by McCann is worth the read. Perhaps even if you are not a writer at all! These short letters (or essays) are McCann's advice to those who think they want to write for a living. It is not for the faint of heart, nor is it as romantic as people always seem to think writing for your living is.
McCann is easy to read and entertaining. He doesn't lecture the intended audience but just gives it to them straight. Woven into his advice for writers is some general life advice that anyone could benefit from. As a reader who dabbles, on the outer fringes, in writing, I loved reading "behind-the-scenes" of what it takes to craft something even just one other person might want to read. McCann talks about the things people don't - writer's block (although he doesn't call it that), your first line, punctuation, agents and editors, being a nice person, throwing your work away, critics, and a lot more. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Regardless of whether or not you are a "young writer", this book of letters by McCann is worth the read. Perhaps even if you are not a writer at all! These short letters (or essays) are McCann's advice to those who think they want to write for a living. It is not for the faint of heart, nor is it as romantic as people always seem to think writing for your living is.
McCann is easy to read and entertaining. He doesn't lecture the intended audience but just gives it to them straight. Woven into his advice for writers is some general life advice that anyone could benefit from. As a reader who dabbles, on the outer fringes, in writing, I loved reading "behind-the-scenes" of what it takes to craft something even just one other person might want to read. McCann talks about the things people don't - writer's block (although he doesn't call it that), your first line, punctuation, agents and editors, being a nice person, throwing your work away, critics, and a lot more. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
bymorganvega's review against another edition
Some takeaways, but after reading stellar books on writing, I found this to be lacking. The author’s privilege showed at times too. But overall it’s solid and a quick read if you need some writing inspiration.
annabenda's review against another edition
There were certainly some gems in this. Lots of take it or leave it advice. I especially liked how each chapter started with a quote on writing. I'm a sucker for quotes!
valparaiso's review against another edition
A quick, punchy collection of micro-essays filled with helpful, thought provoking advice for writers. I found myself nodding with appreciation for virtually every piece of hard-won wisdom McCann shares in this gem of a book.
Some key takeaways:
Write towards what you don’t know.
Language is more important than plot.
To write well, you must be a voracious reader.
Spare those in your life the indignity of writing them so directly into your fiction. Give them grace and write away from them so directly.
You must write. Fail. Write again. Don’t be afraid of the grind required. Do the work.
More to come.
I found this book online after picking up McCann’s short story collection “Thirteen Ways of Looking” and recognizing the author.
Some key takeaways:
Write towards what you don’t know.
Language is more important than plot.
To write well, you must be a voracious reader.
Spare those in your life the indignity of writing them so directly into your fiction. Give them grace and write away from them so directly.
You must write. Fail. Write again. Don’t be afraid of the grind required. Do the work.
More to come.
I found this book online after picking up McCann’s short story collection “Thirteen Ways of Looking” and recognizing the author.
madamecorvid's review against another edition
I think I may have read this already but it’s still fresh. Colum makes an excellent rah rah writer cheerleader. A great book to keep at your writing area for when you feel stuck, like shit, or otherwise.
racodellibres's review against another edition
És un llibre de no ficció, format per moltíssims articles sobre escriptura i l'ofici d'escriptor. Els articles són molt curts, la qual cosa fa que la lectura sigui ràpida i amena. A més, cada capítol comença amb la cita d'algun autor o figura del món del llibre. En els articles trobem recomanacions, es trenquen tòpics, ens parla del món editorial i com publicar un llibre, i s'encoratja l'escriptor a escriure, entre altres coses.
El recomano molt a tothom que li agradi escriure i que alguna vegada s'hagi plantejat publicar. Té un no sé què que fa que agafis una mica més de confiança. Òbviament el títol està inspirat en el meu estimat llibre confort "Cartas a un joven poeta" de Rilke (llibre que també us recomano moltíssim!).
El recomano molt a tothom que li agradi escriure i que alguna vegada s'hagi plantejat publicar. Té un no sé què que fa que agafis una mica més de confiança. Òbviament el títol està inspirat en el meu estimat llibre confort "Cartas a un joven poeta" de Rilke (llibre que també us recomano moltíssim!).