
Days of Wonder by Keith Stuart

camila_caminioca's review

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This story follows a father and daughter duo as they deal with life changing events through their love of art. Hannah is a teenage girl afflicted by a heart problem, which is an imminent risk to her life. Her father Tom, tries to put on whimsical stories and plays for her to help distract her and make her feel better. When the council threatens the closure of the theatre that Tom runs, it's Hannah that does everything she can to help her father.

The way the beginning of the story is written felt a bit immature and unimportant, but I persevered and was rewarded. Halfway through the novel all the different plotlines and ideas had joined to create an engaging story about life, loss, death and theatre.

*This book was given to me by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review – all opinions are my own.*

nickimags's review

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What an absolutely fabulous book this was! You know when you can tell from the very first pages it’s going to be a great book? It was like that! So let me tell you more about what I loved about this fabulous book:

I loved both Tom and Hannah, although I definitely had more of a soft spot for Tom, maybe even a slight book crush. They felt so real and I felt like I was actually part of their lives, not just a fly on the wall.
I loved the way Hannah and Tom told their stories through alternating chapters, revealing their close father/daughter relationship.
I loved all the theatre, fairy tale, and comic book analogies, it made me want to read fairy tales again and try comic books. Any recommendations of where to start?
I loved everyone in the drama group, they made me want to join in, especially the trip to the drama festival with the cheap cider and acrobatic insect troupe!
I loved Tom’s dating adventures and really loved the sound of that adult music lesson. Where can I find one of those near me?
I loved the character development of both Hannah growing up, and Tom learning to let go.
I loved the comic book shop even though I’m not a comic book fan, but I wanted to hang out there with Hannah.
I loved how it made me smile, laugh out loud and nearly cry. It had such a sense of hope and wonder all the way through, making me think about my own life and how I might treasure and enjoy everything and everyone around me more.
I loved that I’ve found a new favourite author in Keith Stuart.
I could tell you about so many other moments that I loved, but that would ruin the story for you. It’s one of my favourite books this year and I will definitely be getting myself a paper copy so I can re-read it. I’m going to be recommending this to friends, family and, given the chance complete strangers!
Thanks so much to Clara Diaz at Little, Brown Book Group and NetGalley for my digital ARC.