
Life's a Witch by Brittany Geragotelis

daphx00's review against another edition

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Final rating: 1.5/5

I've tried my best not to make this a ranty review, but I'm so frustrated with this book that I couldn't help but write some of it down. I hope you won't mind.

The blurb for this one sounded great. Add that to 15 million readers on Wattpad and I was expecting to get a good story. Unfortunately, I was annoyed with the main character from the very first page. I have never, ever read about a main character as stuck up and full of herself as Hadley Bishop.

She is the most popular girl in school, as well as the prettiest and one of the smartest. Hadley reminds us of these facts every couple of pages, along with her obsession for 'fashion' at the most ridiculous moments. The only thing she worries about when she needs to get active in a fight for example, is how many inches her stiletto's should be and what kind of outfit should she wear? She only thinks of herself during the preparations for the upcoming war, not thinking of the dozens of teens she has to take care of. Everything is Me Myself and I and bothered the crap out of me.

But it didn't end with Hadley being so self centered that she thought the world revolved around her. There was a clear case of insta-love in this book. She loves him when she lays eyes on him, even though she knows there's a traitor around who is spying on her coven for the enemy (who, by the way, kidnapped the parents of ALL the kids currently under her 'supervision') and she doesn't even know this guy and it all made absolutely. no. sense. that she would run in to him at every place she goes and just be making a complete ass out of herself to impress him. Their 'relationship' develops very quickly and the big L-word is spoken pretty soon. They have nothing in common, don't know eachother and there is a big crisis going on with everyone's life threatened and all, and all she worries about is if he will think she is crazy.

The minor characters had potential, with a handful of them appearing to have their own small story, but nothing of that came across from the paper (or kindle, in my case). The characters fell flat and I couldn't seperate some of the girls because they all seemed the same because they had no personality. I felt no connection to them at all, which I was hoping for since I hated Hadley with a burning passion.

The story itself builds up to an 'epic battle' that was over in a couple of pages. All the exciting parts felt rushed and at all the points where it seemed to be getting interesting, there was an easy solution for the problem - Hadley would have a dream about the solution, she would find a book, she would just come up with the solution - which bothered me to no end.

I wouldn't recommend this book. I didn't enjoy reading it, and was annoyed from the moment Hadley was introduced (there's a prologue about her ancestors). I kept reading because I hoped it would get better, but it didn't. Reading on only resulted in me being very frustrated and wanting to throw my Kindle across the room, which I couldn't even do without potentionally destroying my ereader.

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justcrystalxo's review against another edition

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super boring. i cant even figure out why this is tied to the first book.. except asher was in it.. but this was just pointless.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, I just loved reading this book, so much happens in this book and I can't wait to finish out this series! 

readingundertheradar's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed What the Spell, the first book in the series. If you haven't read that one, read no further, because there will be a few (non-serious, but still there) spoilers.

Hadley's character was difficult to deal with. She was a cheerleader, obsessed with the latest clothes, and pretentiously powerful. She did not like to go to her coven's meetings because she found them non-useful and she was better than the rest of the others anyway. But when the parents disappear and the teens have to bond together, she makes sure she's wearing stilettos and the latest fashion to head out and save everything. Um, okay?

She also didn't have faith in a lot of people in her coven. Which, I mean, at first, she should have. She'd grown up with them, and she made a lot of annoying assumptions about people in the group before she had even spoken to them at all, and she was sure they were evil. Please.

Okay, so let's talk about the GLARING error here. This is the sequel (this is where you folks who haven't read the first one should stop), and in the first one, Brooklyn comes into her powers and has a super great relationship with Asher and his sister. At the end of the book, they are still going strong. SO.... WHAT IS HAPPENING? Asher shows up in this one, no mention of Brooklyn, and is suddenly in love with Hadley? Drama queen, cheerleading Hadley? Brooklyn was so cool, and he liked her before she made herself all pretty, and she was so interesting and had a great relationship with his sister. So this part made me super angry and confused. I just could not endorse this relationship. ERGH.

It was also way too fast. I mean, I get that YA books like to go super quickly with this romance. But it was like, "oooh, I see you staring at me from your porch." Next day, "Yes, come into my abandoned house because my mom's disappeared." Next day, "OMG let's make out I LOVE YOU." .... Very strange and dumb.

I really enjoyed the first one, so this one kind of blew me away at how much I had problems with. It wasn't totally horrible, I was still interested in how it would resolve, and I pretty much guessed what was happening through the whole thing, but I was just really upset that I didn't enjoy this like I thought I would.

Read when: You've read the first one and are dying for some more. If you only thought the first was only okay, you can skip this one. It's not for you.

kelsenator's review against another edition

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If I could rate this as a simple DNF I would, but I had to give it the minimum 1 star on here.

I don't like not finishing a book, but I really couldn't stand the main character in this book and I couldn't force myself to read any more of it.

The main character is really annoying. She's full of herself, self-centered and that is not how teens should be acting these days! Not a good role-model in the book world at all. She even called the school her own, and how she had to "keep it running".

I received this book for reviewing purposes, and I thank the publishers for the opportunity but I really couldn't get through it at all. I am not going to read the next book. But definitely check it out for yourself, you may end up loving it!

amandanan's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. I enjoyed the overall story, but definitely didn't enjoy the mentality of the protagonist. There were also a few too many pop culture references for my liking.

metelfordwrites's review against another edition

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I enjoyed Life's A Witch a lot more than What The Spell? The reason I enjoyed Life's A Witch more is because Hadley isn't as bitchy as Brooklyn was. I mean, I know she's popular but at least she's not so bitchy about it. Also, she doesn't go power mad like Brooklyn kind of did when she gained her powers.

The other thing I really like about Hadley is the fact that she actually cares about other people (unlike Brooklyn) and she's prepared to actually fight for the people she cares about. To be honest, the main reason I like this book better than the previous one is the fact that Brooklyn isn't in it.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes stories with a little bit of supernatural stuff and for anyone who enjoys action books.

rachelnicole's review

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I didn't realize this was the second book when I bought it. It was slow to start and I struggled to identify with the main character. However, once I got into it I really enjoyed it.

nannybooks's review

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Nanny Books

Cosas de brujas es el primer libro de la saga de Brittany Geragotelis. Con una narración sencilla y sin muchas pretensiones, descubriremos la historia de una bruja adolescente moderna, que le gusta ir de compras y hacer su voluntad.
Cuando descubrí la portada de esta novela en su lanzamiento en España quedé totalmente cautivada por la pinta tan moderna de la protagonista... Especialmente por esos tacones. Así empecé a imaginarme la historia con un parecido a La guerra de las brujas. Sin embargo, al empezar a leer la novela caí en la cuenta que se parece mucho más a la trilogía Rubí.
Hadley tiene una vida perfecta, todas sus amigas la idolatran, tiene siempre la ropa de moda y todos los chicos suspiran por ella. Pero, nuestra protagonista, a pesar de ser la chica más popular de la escuela, no se comporta como una diva. No quiere tener novio, así que ni mira a sus compañeros. Le gusta ser disciplinada y le exige siempre el máximo a sus compañeras de equipo (¡animadoras!, muy estadounidense). Es sensible y se comporta correctamente con sus amigos. Pero lo que la hace especial de verdad, es que ella es una bruja.
En la clásica lucha entre el bien y el mal, Hadley deberá liderar al resto de su aquelarre, dejando de lado todas las frivolidades a las que estaba acostumbrada. ¿Podrá lograrlo? Con enemigos dentro y fuera del grupo, las cosas se empiezan a poner realmente feas.
La narración es ligera, de rápida lectura y con guiños cómicos. Resulta muy moderno el tratamiento que le da Geragotelis a la magia. Mientras Harry Potter aprende a crear un Patronus, Hadley aprende un hechizo para maquillarse y ponerse muy bonita. No podemos culparla, hasta Hermione se embelleció una vez con magia. Por cierto, ¡yo quiero aprender esos hechizos!
Esta es una novela divertida, muy adolescente, que logra enganchar con su ritmo rápido y los chistes actuales. El amor se concentra en varias páginas, pero no llega a ser el tema más relevante. No, no, aquí el centro es si podrá sobrevivir el grupo de Hadley. Con escenas de gran acción y momentos de lo más light, se consigue un buen equilibrio que le da tiempo a los personajes de evolucionar.
Sin varita, los personajes de esta novela lograrán cautivarte. Con lágrimas, risas y suspiros de amor, la lectura de Cosas de brujas es todo un deleite. Y pensar que es solo el primer tomo de una saga (aún no se sabe cuantos libros serán), lo hace todo más emocionante.

luaucow's review

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Writing and character development was reasonable, not fab, but it was interesting enough for me to skim to the end. The main character was hard to like though.