
One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

rachelp's review

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I really enjoyed this book but was a little disappointed at the ending. I would have liked a little more closure or a bit more explanation.

lisagray68's review

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I really loved this book and I like this author. An interesting concept, this book is based in a VISA office in the Indian consulate. Eight people are in the office when there is an earthquake and they are trapped together. In order to pass the time and manage their terror and anxiety, one of them suggests that they all tell a story of "one amazing thing" from their life that no one else knows. Thus, you get the storyline, plus eight other small storylines. A great concept, pulled off well. I only didn't give it 5 stars because I really didn't like the unsatisfying ending.

taliac36's review against another edition

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Omg I really love this book!!!! It is amazing!! well thus book is about nine people getting stuck in a Indian visa office during an earthquake! They all have different assumptions of eachother at first while being there for their visa to travel to india. What I like about this book is that they all had One Amazing thing That Happeneed to them and within their story I understood their reasons for wanting to go to India. I absolutey give this book five stars because it was awesomely written and very awesome in giving us glimpses of each and everyone of their lifes and perspectives.

abigailbat's review

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When an earthquake traps a handful of unrelated strangers in a basement visa office, they pass the time by telling each other stories of one amazing thing that has happened to them. I enjoyed the audiobook okay, although I can't say I felt particularly connected to any of the characters.

perednia's review

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A disparate group of strangers put their lives on hold in an Indian consulate in an unnamed American city one day, whether seeking travel visas or putting in another dreary day at work. There is nearly a palpable sense of being in a hurry to return to real life.

Until an earthquake hits. And life will never be the same for any of those strangers who are now forced to get to know each other.

Divakaruni gives her characters full rein to run the gamut of emotions and reactions, from panic to heroism to fighting and sneaking a smoke. But it is when one of them, thinking of her college course copy of Chaucer in her pack, proposes that each of them tell a story about one amazing thing that happened in their lives, that this novel comes to life.

The characters and their stories are pleasingly varied. All of them carry at least a tinge of poignancy. Some are especially compelling, perhaps in part because the characters to whom they belong seemed the least likely to be interesting. The little boy who found comfort in numbers, for example, carries an understated emotional wallop precisely because the author does not layer on the pathos with a trowel.

The ending may not satisfy some readers as the present day situation becomes more dire. And many of the characters' stories seem to exist within a vacuum, with little more than a passing glance at their current life.

However, readers who do not require having everything spelled out for them and all the timeline dots connected will find many small treasures in this novel.

amynbell's review

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The name of the author might not easily roll off your tongue, but stories certainly roll easily off the tongue of the author. One Amazing thing is the story of a group of strangers trapped together in a building collapsed by an earthquake. They decide to pass the time telling their most life-shaping stories to each other. I thought from the title of the book that this was going to be a book where everyone told one "amazing" thing from their life, but the characters mainly tell their deepest, darkest secrets. Most of these secrets are what led them to be in this office together in the first place, applying for a visa to go to India. Perhaps, later, if they survive, the story they tell of their survival together in this earthquake would be their true "one amazing thing".

This book is thought-provoking enough and titled in such a way that I wouldn't be surprised if it were to become an Oprah book club pick at some point. I haven't read one of those types of books in a while and often cringe thinking of reading a book that becomes hyped in such a way. But for the sake of this talented author, I hope the book gets the fame it deserves.

Note: While I critique both purchased and free books in the same way, I'm legally obligated to tell you I received this book free through the Amazon Vine program in return for my review. Blah blah blah.

destinugrainy's review against another edition

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Sembilan orang terjebak di dalam kantor visa di gedung konsulat India di Amerika, setelah gempa bumi meruntuhkan bangunan gedung tersebut. Dengan keterbatasan sumber daya dan beberapa diantara mereka yang mengalami luka, sembilan orang ini mencoba bertahan hidup hingga bantuan datang.

Cameron, pria berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat yang hendak pergi ke India untuk bertemu dengan Siva, bertindak sebagai "pimpinan" di antara mereka. Cameron mantan prajurit Angkatan Darat AS dan pernah mengalami kondisi bencana alam, sehingga setidaknya Cameron memiliki pengalaman dalam kondisi mereka. Selain dua pria tadi ada Jiang, wanita China dan Lily, cucunya. Ada juga Mr. Pritchett dan istrinya. Ada juga Mr. Mangalam dan Malathi, petugas di kantor tersebut serta Uma, gadis India yang sudah lama tinggal di AS.

Ketika harapan mereka semakin menipis, Uma menyarankan agar mereka secara bergantian menceritakan kisah penting dalam hidup mereka. Tidak semua orang setuju pada awalnya, tetapi kemudian satu per satu mereka mulai bercerita.

"Setiap orang punya cerita," kata Uma, lega bahwa salah satu dari mereka mempertimbangkan idenya. "Aku tidak percaya setiap orang bisa melalui kehidupan tanpa menemukan sedikitnya satu hal yang menakjubkan."

Pada akhirnya semua bukan saja menceritakan hal yang menakjubkan dalam hidup mereka, tetapi juga hal yang penting. Semua mendengarkan dan memikirkan bagaimana kisah-kisah itu mempengaruhi diri mereka. Kisah-kisah yang akhirnya mendekatkan mereka satu sama lain dan menjadikan mereka merasakan diri masing-masing sebagai bagian dari satu kelompok.

Saya sendiri menyukai kisah hidup Jiang dan Malathi. Keduanya adalah sosok perempuan yang berani mengambil langkah untuk mengubah hidup mereka dan terlepas dari tuntutan adat yang mengekang.

Spoiler Satu hal yang membuat saya agak kecewa karena akhir kisah yang menggantung. Meski di akhir kisah semua masih bertahan hidup, tapi apakah mereka bisa keluar dari dalam reruntuhan

Overall, tiga bintang untuk sembilan kisah menakjubkan

febrfebrfebr's review

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I enjoyed reading it, but not as much as I enjoyed The Palace of Illusions. Divakaruni is indeed a wonderful story-teller. I wish it's possible to give 3.5 stars because while I don't feel too amazed with the story, I enjoyed it a lot more than most books that I gave 3 stars.

megs2kool's review

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Wish the ending was better. I'm left wondering if there's a sequel.

dreamofbookspines's review against another edition

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Divakaruni has a lovely way of writing even the most bleak stories. I enjoyed the way the character's stories intersected, and watching relationships grow between them. The fragile thread throughout the book is hope, which is a timely message. Pretty short, ambiguous ending, totally worth the read.