
Renegade Magic by Stephanie Burgis

wordnerdy's review against another edition

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The second book in Burgis' Kat Incorrigible series is more of the charming same, with more serious magical shenanigans this time around, as her family takes a trip to Bath for the healing waters (and to find some society husbands). Heh.

jennybeastie's review against another edition

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For some reason the words “regency romp” come to mind, with a precocious 12 year old leading the way. Magic spells and society misunderstandings are the trademark of this series. Highly entertaining to those of us who enjoy Patricia C. Wrede’ s Sorcery and Cecelia series.

deannah's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. This seemed quite slow, however, I kept plodding through it and enjoyed the ending. Enough so that I want to finish the series.

bowienerd_82's review against another edition

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Not quite as charming as the first book in the series, but still a fun and fluffy read. It was nice that we got a little more about Kat's brother and father in this one, but I was missing the sister dynamics.

mackle13's review against another edition

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Once again, things go awry in Kat's world - her newly discovered magical heritage is threatened, and her sister's love life gets serious turmoil - and it's up to Kat to set things right.

A lot of this book has that whole "people not listening to other people, which could easily solve everything in 5 minutes" thing, which was a bit annoying. Granted, I can sort of understand why people not always trust Kat - a bit of the girl who cried wolf thing, I guess - but, still, it got kind of old.

Also, I thought the bad guy was pretty obvious, so I wasn't remotely surprised by the big reveal.

That said, it was a cute story, overall, and a quick read, and I'll most likely continue with the series.

barefootsong's review against another edition

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Magical mysteries in Bath! Another fun adventure with Kat, and I enjoyed the closer look at some of the less-present characters from the first book. (The British titles for this series are so much cooler, though. A Tangle of Magicks!)

devafagan's review against another edition

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Even better than the first! This is one of the best *sequels* I've ever read, too. I am so impressed by how the book drew me right back into Kat's world, reminding me of what I needed to know from the first book, without over-burdening the delicious new story.

I just love these characters so much! They're funny and charming and true, especially Kat herself.

And while the ending was completely satisfying, I'm even more eager now for the third book!

jowillread's review against another edition

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I love this series so much but I have a sad feeling that it isn’t going to be as well-loved as it deserves to be. I’m not sure why, perhaps it’s probably because it’s more for younger young adults or because there’s no love story (unless you count Freddie, which you should. You should always count Freddie) and there’s no angst and the world isn’t complicated and edgy and it’s a magical-historical romp through Britain.

But… um… well, those are all the reasons why I adore Ms Burgis’ series. They’re so much fun. This might sound like a negative point to a few of you but when I pick up one of the Kat Stephenson’s books, I know exactly what I’m getting. I know I’m not going to be left glaring at the author photo in anger that the ending left me in tatters and I know that I’m not going to be rolling my eyes at the simpering heroine.
It’s safe… but it’s the good safe. I like reading books knowing that I’ll enjoy them. And I very much enjoyed this book.

I have to admit, I didn’t get as carried away with this second book as much as I did with the first one and I think I know exactly why this is. In my review of An Improper Magick, I discussed how much I loved the relationship between the sisters (I invoked the Power of the March sisters. Which is always a good thing) and, unfortunately, this story kind of skimped on that.

Slight spoilers for the first book. I’ll tell you when you can come back.

SpoilerElissa is in marital bliss with the jittery Mr Collingwood and is only in the first few chapters of this book before she disappears on her honeymoon. And Angeline… well… well. I’ll let you find about that when you read this book. But it involves Freddie (*girly sigh*) and she’s hardly in it either.

OK, come back now.

As much as I love Kat, I think her sisters bring the best out in her. They kind of amplify everything that I adored about her and their interactions were wonderful. I also think that this would have been a great opportunity to get to know Charles and Kat’s dad a bit more. We got brief glimpses of Daddy Stephenson but not nearly enough. I think they’re really different and unique characters and Charles always makes me laugh and, trying not to spoil it here, he had a really important part in this story… I just think it was a bit of a waste.
This book got a lot better towards the end where the story seem to find its feet a bit more. I’m not sure what it was, possibly that it took me a while to find the time to read it, but it definitely lost some momentum in the middle.

But apart from that, it’s a great story and Kat’s still brilliant and the world that Ms Burgis has created is still fantastic. I can’t wait to read the next one (last one? Possibly?) and see what other mischief Kat gets up to, hopefully with more family members in tow.

And Freddie, of course. Always Freddie.

holtfan's review against another edition

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[b:Kat, Incorrigible|6609744|Kat, Incorrigible (Kat, Incorrigible, #1)|Stephanie Burgis||6629179] was my favorite middle school read of 2017. Somehow, though, I never got around to reading any more in the series. And since so much time has passed, I sort of wondered if I built up the story in my head.

But this sequel proved surprisingly delightful! It hit the right emotional notes and brings the Heyer-esque magic of the Regency era to middle school readers. Well, Heyer magic and regular magic, as this story further develops the magical world building of the first book.

It was particularly nice to get some sweet scenes between Kat and the absent men in her life. Lots of nuance to these characters which I like.

elevetha's review against another edition

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A terribly cute sequel that garners almost as much enjoyment as the first one, [b:Kat, Incorrigible|6609744|Kat, Incorrigible (Kat Incorrigible, #1)|Stephanie Burgis||6629179].