
Adam by Lena Bourne

teresajluvs2read's review

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**I received a copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review**

Adam of the Archers,is the first book in a series, was at times a bit intense but you really felt for both Adam and Taylor as they learned about each other. I would give it a solid 3.9 stars. I liked the story line even though at times I really didn't want Taylor to let Henry back into her life especially since she was much more happier with Adam.

Taylor has just returned back from a vacation with her boyfriend, Henry, an assistant professor who is older than she is. He treats her terribly and it affects her self esteem because of his mean comments about her weight, clumsy (who doesn't occasionally trip over their own feet?). But when she receives a text message from Henry, meant for someone who was still in France, not in New York where she was. When finds out that he's cheated, she decides to go to her families cabin where when her water quits working meets Adam when he come to repair it. They hit it off immediately because they've already met at his brother's concert where they kissed.

Adam has returned home to protect his mother because his father, who's due to come home within a week, has physical abused which has damaged her brain. He'll protect her at any cost even though he would much rather not be there when his father returns. Its not really said but apparently, his family is well known to law enforcement in their town and county. But Adam has spent the last eight years in the Marines but when he disagreed with his command after five of his team were killed in a firefight. With a dishonorable discharge on his record he can't re-enlist or find a decent job. When he meets Taylor all bets are off as they feel an instant attraction to each other.

While the plot and story focused on Adam and Taylor, I would have wished for a bit more back story on his family and why Taylor felt she needs to stay with Henry when he's verbally abusive to her. I'd also like to know more about why Adam's family wouldn't leave before the father was released from prison if he abused them all physically. The ending went from the two getting back together to Adam's reinstatement to the Marines three months later. That was the Huh? moment where you had to scratch you head wondering where the middle of the story went. Other than the gaps in the plot, the book was fairly decent, with the love story between Adam and Taylor that made me not skip through the book.

meegzreads's review

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Copy kindly received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This one has potential all but there's too much Insta-love for me and it's just too weird the way they're thinking about each other already.

DNF at 22%