
Family Reunion by P. Mark DeBryan

wulfwyn's review

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Loved It!

This book kept me swiping pages. I was absolutely invested in the characters. I still am. They are like family to me. I need to know what happened to them. Most of the time I can guess who survives but this author isn't afraid to kill anyone. You really are left worrying about who is making it. You worry about those who are going back to find family. Will they make it? What will they find? What happens next? Dang it! I need to know! I just missed the authors deadline on getting the next book and it kills me. I want to already be reading it, not waiting on my book budget.
The author knows his firepower and you will too. He also knows a lot about the transportation the characters use. I suspect he thoroughly researched at least two modes of transportation. He gives an amazingly detailed description of the Marathon Coach, (that I now want more than anything). I don't even care if he made up stuff in that baby. I want one because of him. The author had me drooling on some of the weapons, too. He was just as thorough with them.
One thing I love and found super helpful, (though it is at the back of the book), is the author gives us a characters bio. I suspect I will be using this with future books. There are also diagrams of the Marathon Coach, (apparently I wasn't drooling enough), and the Tokitae which will help you picture things. In the story, where they are first mentioned, there is a link that will take you back and forth so you can have a picture in your head for the author's descriptions.
There is a lot of action and gore in the book. If you aren't expecting that and don't want it, I'm not sure why you are here, (though you need not worry about sexual activity. The author doesn't have anyone graphically doing the deed while a horde is attacking). I am expecting even more action as the series goes on, (for those wanting the deed while the horde gathers, I am suspecting that might pop up. Even the Walking Dead went there.), and more gore.
I would definitely recommend this book to zombie fans. Though I will caution you that these are the authors view of zombies, (and an interesting view it is), not Romero's. Check it out and see for yourself.