
Soy tu primera vez by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

thatssostelle's review against another edition

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Oof. Addicting, intense, and unlike any YA book I've read before.

Mercedes believes she is helping couples to have the first time she never had, by teaching guys how to satisfy their ladies (by sleeping with them) and then helping them to plan the perfect night for their "first time". Sure, this storyline is provocative (this arrangement is kept a secret from the girlfriends) but the author raises so many important points about sex -- girls who want to stay virgins, girls who happily want to have sex with their significant others, the pressure of THE FIRST TIME, and girls who had no choice and got stripped of their virginity. I loved all the layers here, and think this book would have been invaluable to me when I was in high school -- especially because there was no candid discussion about sex in this capacity at school, at home, or amongst my friends.

I was very interested in Mercedes' stunted relationship with her mom (could have used more here) and captivated by her new friend Faye. (They had some killer chemistry too.) And, of course, Zach was pretty much everything Mercedes had no idea she needed. She really did have people in her corner and it took forgiving herself to embrace all the good around her. Flynn also gives readers a strong, imperfect female friendship that I haven't seen much in YA and I was really happy to read here. There was compromise, misunderstanding, but there was also a loyalty and commitment that Angela and Mercedes felt to one another.

Lots to discuss and unpack in this book; looking forward to reading more from Flynn in the future.

allthebookblognamesaretaken's review against another edition

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Even with some, what I consider, minor flaws, this book was wonderful. Review to come.

maxwellen97's review against another edition

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Actually I'd rate this 3.5-3.75 stars, but Goodreads doesn't allow decimal stars, so that's life.

This book went in a way different direction than I expected and pleasantly surprised me in it's surprises and the way it proceeded.

The writing in this book was very true to teenagers, but still excellent for a debut novel. I wouldn't have guessed this was Flynn's first novel and I think she crafted a great, insightful, raw novel about teenage sexuality and friendship and facing past demons without too many fatal flaws.

The main problem I had with this book was that the twists sometimes actually came out of nowhere. Some of the character development was weak, and the characters actions didn't always make sense, but maybe that was part of building to the surprises that came.

Overall, I enjoyed this book more than I thought and it was a very different YA contemporary than most of the others I've read. It tackled teen sexuality in a very blunt way, but I loved that, because it's too often glossed over or severely downplayed and I liked how truthful Mercedes was in her experiences and her actions.

Also, extra points for the CUTE love interest.

silentsyren's review against another edition

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I loved the idea of this book. And the narrator, Mercedes, is likeable and probably the only reason I finished it. Unfortunately, there were a lot of downfalls that would prevent me from recommending it to others.

For one, the villain is one-dimensional. Other than appearance, there was nothing redeemable about him. In fact, all of the male characters were flat, boring, and predictable. Mercedes and Faye were the only characters that had positive attributes with their flaws, instead of just good like Angela or just bad like Kim. The parts of the end that I wanted to know more were rushed; the stuff I didn't care about, the author dwelled.

In the end, I didn't care what happened to the characters. I was disappointed by the obvious decisions. The first chapter held such potential.

bookishhollow's review against another edition

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I started my review and then I lost it when my computer shut down on me. So hopefully this is just as good as the first one.

Okay, I was recommended this book by an author and decided that now that I read their book I would read something they recommended. I knew the basic premise of the book but was still taken aback at the boldness of it. Mercy invites virgins into her bed so that she can help these boys give their girlfriends the best, most romantic first time. That's right, these boys are in happy relationships all except the fact that they are scared witless about their first time. Mercy treats this like a service, one in which she is helping the girls get the best first sex that they deserve, unlike Mercy's traumatic first time.

It was hard to like Mercy as a character at first because I was obviously appalled by what she was doing, whether it was being kept secret or not. As the story went on though I was intrigued by her personality, her ambitions, and her belief that she was really helping these couples. What she does is not okay but in a way it is her coping mechanism and she needs to be able to feel in control of her self in every situation. Obviously sh*t hits the fan because she is a teen in high school and when doesn't someone's secrets get blasted on the internet for all to see?

I like Mercy's commitment to her education and her love of science. I can be sympathetic towards Mercy because trauma of any kind can damage someone enough to do a number of unhealthy things. I can also, to some extent, empathize with her need for control and to compartmentalize her life. The level to which she takes these things are a bit extreme but everyone copes in their own way.

My favorite characters are Zach and Faye, they are both funny and complex characters. I like that Zach and Faye are there for Mercy through thick and thin but that they, especially Zach, struggle to come to terms with the direction Mercy's life has taken. In some ways I feel that Zach deserves better than Mercy (about 70% of the time) but I also think that is shows great strength of character for both Zach and Mercy that they can overcome their odds. The chemistry scene and the spaghetti scene had me all *heart eyes emoji* (this is vague enough to not need a spoiler warning I think).

I enjoyed the writing and the drama of the story and it touches on so many topics that surround teenage sex and high school politics.

Interesting quote:

"Virginity is supposed to be something a girl gives up only when she is ready and feels comfortable, something a girl discusses at length with her friends and flip-flops over a million times in her mind before actually doing it. A guy is expected to be born ready."
^ This kind of sets the tone for the whole novel.

zoilareads's review against another edition

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It was a great read but it got unexpectedly dark. I wish more serious repercussions were demonstrated in this novel. While Mercy is a strong female character, some of the male characters did not face any serious consequences for their damaging actions. This may demonstrate the double standards of sexuality between genders but some of the things went beyond the scope of simply being forgotten. I felt that issues of safety and harassment were treated a pit too lightly. With that aside, there character development and the progression of the storyline was great.

rynniereads's review against another edition

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Really 3.5 stars. A serious drama with an Easy A type plot. Emotional but had a few over the top 'what the?' moments. It didn't resolve some of main character's biggest issues, but that's okay. Definitely for an older teen audience.

whatsbrittreading's review against another edition

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Firsts is a complicated book that deals with some taboo subjects and it will not be a book for everyone, but it's one that you won't forget easily after you finish reading it.

Full review to come closer to release date.

bookswithbibi's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

What an interesting book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It was from the perspective of the Mercedes, who decides to sleep with other girls' boyfriends in order for them to have a better first time than she did. Mercedes' plan obviously is going to raise some eyebrows and her justifications were interesting (for lack of a better term). This book doesn't just deal with cheating, and there are mentions of rape, so for anyone that may be uncomfortable, I would say be cautious.

Mercedes is an interesting character, and though at points, I did get frustrated with her, I also felt for her. Her mom is absent all the time and doesn't seem to care about Mercy. As someone with a loving and attentive mom, I don't know what I would do if she was like Kim, Mercy's mom.

One thing I loved was the friendships in this book. It takes a little while for it to develop, but I really loved what Faye did for Mercy at the end. I also really liked Mercy's relationship with Angela, who's very religious. As well, this book talks about the double standards girls face, when they are sexually active, which I really liked.

Overall, this was a pretty good debut. The one thing that brought the rating down, was Mercedes constantly dismissing Zach. But, I enjoyed the characters, their relationships and reading Mercy's story.

annyeongkhim's review against another edition

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Lacks moral compass but a very well written book.