
Dead Heat by Ren Thompson

mxsallybend's review

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Pay no attention to the gorgeously misleading cover. Dead Heat is a book that was pitched to me as a "horror / zombies / lesbian novel" with a trigger warning for "dark themes and also for snuff" - and that pitch is exactly what this novel is all about.

The post-apocalyptic zombie genre has been done to death, but Ren Thompson has managed to do something fresh and original with it that I really enjoyed. This was dark, twisted, and extremely creative in the telling.

Before I get into the story itself, let me geek out for a moment. This may be a near-future zombie apocalypse, but the soundtrack here consists of classic Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Guns 'n Roses, and more. Thompson uses music to set the scene in a number of places, and the rumbling bass and racing guitars are perfect for getting the heart racing. Also, this is a story that unabashedly Canadian, taking us from the abandoned ruins of Ontario Place, to the streets of Etobicoke, to the Scarborough Bluffs, Wasaga Beach, and even Niagara. I'll be honest, that makes my heart bleed red and white all day long.

Okay, so back to the story. This is a book about zombie hunting, brutal cage matches, and near-homicidal rules of conduct that involve beating strength into people . . . and tenderness out. As the story opens, we see Dana Layton falter in the face of true zombie horror, putting the rest of her zombie hunting team at risk. It's completely understandable but, in this world, just as completely inexcusable. Upon return to camp, she's summoned before their leader, who proceeds to invite the team - including her girlfriend - to beat her nearly to death.

And that's the normal part.

So, where does the WTF element come in? Well, in a world torn apart by a zombie apocalypse, there are always people who are willing to sink lower than zombies. In this case that means zombie snuff porn . . . and that means precisely what you think it does. We're talking women riding zombies bound to the bed, some of whom are zombified in mid-coitus, while others are left to be fed upon as an after-orgasmic snack. Thompson spares us the truly pornographic details, but there's no question what's going on - and getting insight into the minds of the producers is even uglier. It's not just darkness for the sake of being disturbing, it's a crucial element of the plot, and it all plays into the final climax (no pun intended).

That's not to say it's all doom and gloom. There are glimmers of hope, including an East Coast refuge for repopulating the Earth, and some interesting studies into whether zombies are evil, sick, or just soul-less animals. Then, of course, there is the romance between Dana and Kelly that grounds the two women, gives them hope, and counters the blood and darkness they face night-and-day. The romantic element is definitely secondary to the horror, but still an integral part of the plot . . . and an interesting part of its telling.

What really amazed me about the story was Thompson's use of language. The frantic, passionate, almost hungry scenes of erotic romance between Dana and Kelly deliberately echo the description of zombies feeding, while their playful bedroom bondage scenes echoes the darker, dirtier, much deadlier restraints used in the snuff films. It's a contrast that isn't immediately apparent, but once you start making the connections, it's really remarkable.

Dead Heat is not your standard zombie novel. It's something deeper, darker, and more delightful. Thompson plays with emotions almost as well as she does with words, crafting a novel that completely delivers on its pitch.

Originally reviewed at Beauty in Ruins

charkinzie's review

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The short blurb bit: In a not-too-distant future Toronto, the world is crawling with zombies and policed by Riders. The Riders are a rough-edged, no-holds-barred group of zombie assassins. At the beginning of the novel, Dana Layton is just finding her footing as a newbie. After a nasty break-up and a tuning in by her colleagues, Dana meets Kelly. Kelly was a nurse whose life was derailed by the zombies. The second time she and Dana meet, there are sparks. But, the world they live in is full of dark people and monsters and it's difficult to love in that kind of place.

The descriptive bit: If you're looking for edgy, post-apocalyptic romance/erotica, then the first half of this books is definitely something you'll want to read. Thompson doesn't pull any punches. The opening of this novel is fiercely violent and paints a picture of people who have adapted to live in a hostile world.

My thoughts bit: Thompson's skills definitely lie in the area of writing action! The first third of Dead Heat is a crazy leap into Zombie killing, biker-like retribution and the disgusting mounds of flesh that are now wandering around Toronto.

The descriptions of the putrefying Zombie flesh, the sights, sounds and smells that Thomspon writes about, really help to create a visual image of the Rotters and the violence and death they leave in their wake.

One of the issues I had with the characters in the book, was that they seemed to be very stereotypical. The Riders were all either hyper-masculine beasts or very butch unfeeling women. I think that Thompson was trying to illustrate how a world filled with violence and depravity can harden people and shape them into a being that is only about self-preservation. I would have enjoyed seeing the characters a little more well-rounded. That could be personal preference though!

I loved reading a Canadian version of the Zombie apocalypse! I was quite thrilled to see Barrie, Ontario mentioned, as that's where my partner's family is from! I will always support Canadian authors.

And kudos to Thompson for continuing her commitment to describe the bleakly violent and shocking world right to the twist at the ending ... no, I'm not going to tell you! But, I love that the story doesn't resolve in a nice, tight, little, happy package at the end.

The warnings bit: Necrophilia (sex with zombies), forced drug use, abuse against women, extreme violence, kidnapping, torture, hints of homophobic thoughts directed at a character, not HEA in some ways