
Vrućina by Maya Banks

amalathomas_23's review against another edition

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Plot was a flop I think, but it is a definite spicy read

krissyranae's review against another edition

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This book was the exact same book as the first book. There is zero depth.

thewordslinger's review against another edition

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dark emotional medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


This could have been really good. A real sweet, romantical story with some darker elements to give it edge. 

Instead, it gave me Sarah McLachlan weepy ASPCA commercial. I couldn't shake the impression that Jace just picked up a stray from a shelter (because that's literally what fucking happened) and proceeded to give it a forever home. 

Just an example of what I mean: For Christmas, he gives her a leather collar with a diamond pendant attached. Given their kink it's not <i>that</i> weird on it's own. But then he goes <b>"I want you to always wear it," he said in a low voice. "Never take it off. Promise me."</b>

Okay, bro, you gonna have her chipped too? That's way more reliable these days.

And twice in the span of like 15 lines of text she pounces on him, knocking him onto his back and peppers his face in kisses. 

All I can hear is this goddamned commercial, I swear to God.

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And this cursed story even takes place over CHRISTMAS when Sarah Mclachlan won't shut her fucking face and makes all of us sad!

It's compounded by the fact that Bethany actually acts like said stray animal around people, and even Jace from time to time. Flinching, hiding, cowering, curling in on herself, moving close to her 'safe person' when new people enter a room. I get that there's a reason she's so untrusting of people--it's just the way it's <i>written</i> that gives me the ick.

The mental image of a guy fucking a whipped beagle puppy just doesn't do it for me. 

There's more about this book that I disliked. And even a few things I DID appreciate. But I have to go cuddle my dog now (in a very non-sexual, appropriate, platonic way). It's all in the reader's notes if you're interested.

One more thing--
"Baby" count: 219. 

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Reader's Notes: 
Chapter 1: Okay. So Jace knows <i>immediately</i> that he doesn't want to share Bethany with Ash. And if they're all into kinky shit, consent is a big thing for them, right? So if he ends up in a threesome with her...why? Why wouldn't he speak up? 

Chapter 2: Whoa, Ash is really kind of a creep. 

<b>". . . we're not in the habit of fucking women we don't know the name of," he said bluntly.
Whoa. There was so much wrong with that statement she didn't even know where to begin. She put her hand up in automatic defense before he could get any closer.
"We?" she demanded. "<i>We?</i> What are you talking about? Who the hell is <i>we?</i> And I'm not fucking anyone. You. We. They. No way."</b>

Which is where it should have fucking stopped. But alas...

<b>"Jace wants you."
"Who the fuck is Jace?"
"And I've decided that I want you."
She barely suppressed her snarl of rage. Barely. She grit her teeth and then went on the attack. "I am not putting up with sexual harassment on the job. I'm filing a complaint and then I'm out of here."
To her surprise, he merely grinned and then reached out to touch her cheek.
"Cool your jets, sweetheart. I'm not harassing, I'm propositioning. Big difference."</b>

Nope. Pretty fucking sure that's harassment. You're even touching her without her consent. If these two are into the kinky shit they're into, CONSENT is a big thing. It has to be. Unless Jace and Ash are just serial rapists. She's said no. Expressed her disinterest. And yet here he keeps pushing. I'm already appalled and I KNOW where this is headed and I already hate it. 

<b>"Does this offer come with dinner?" she blurted.</b>

Oh Christ. Now they'll just be fucking the poor homeless girl because she needs food. She's essentially selling her body in order to have her basic needs met. This is gross. On so many levels. 

<b>Bethany went cold and she took a step back, ice forming over her face. Then she shook her head. "I changed my mind."
"What the fuck?" Ash demanded.</b>

Boy if you don't get the fuck outta here. No means no. Not "try harder". 

<b>I'm not for sale." she said in a low voice. "I get that I asked for dinner. I shouldn't have. You were offering sex. But I won't be paid for it."</b>

Annnnd again. This conversation should have immediately ended there. 

I know I'm quoting like, all of this chapter. But I hate it. All of it. Even if she is into Jace, the whole situation has given me the worst sort of ick. 

Chapter 4: The conversation happening between Ash and Jace would have had me high-tailing it out of there. Don't hurt her? Are you serious? I don't like Ash in this moment, but I'm sort of outraged for him at the implication that he would hurt Bethany or any other woman. That statement alone would have had me (if I were Bethany) on defense. She doesn't know these men from Adam's house cat. She wouldn't know what they're usually like or what they're capable of. A warning from one man to another not to <i>HURT</i> her? Are you fucking kidding me??? No way. 

Chapter 5: <b>Jace watched her closely, looking for any sign that she was hesitant about what was going to happen next. If she looked even the least bit reluctant, he was going to pull the plug on the whole damn thing, and he didn't care if it pissed Ash off or not. This whole evening was ten kinds of fucked up. He didn't want his best friend here sharing his woman.
<i>His</i> woman.
Jace had already laid claim and yet he was about to let Ash fuck her. Again. Twisted didn't even begin to describe this.</b>

This is happening WAY too fast. He's already got it in his head she's his? She's describing what Jace is doing as <i>loving</i>. It's giving insta-love in the worst way. 

Chapter 6: Jace is acting sort of like an animal here. It's kind of bizarre to be so possessive over her after only one night.

<b>"What's going on man? You've acted differently with her from the moment you saw her at the party. We've fucked a lot of women together but last night you didn't act like you were down with what we were doing at all."
"I wasn't," Jace said quietly.
"Then why did you do it?"
Jace stared at him a long moment. "Because it's what I had to do to have her."</b>

I mean. WHAT????? 
Was talking to his BFF and telling him to back off, that this woman was his too much to ask? Do they ONLY EVER sleep with women in tandem, never going at it alone? Surely Ash would have understood? They're like 38 year old men... Adults. Surely they could have had a fucking conversation like grown-ups?

Chapter 11: 23. I don't have an issue with age-gap stories in books...but this is giving father-figure at the moment and...ew. Especially since Jace has already raised and taken care of his sister. Is this just Mia part deux? Cause 

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Given Bethany's background, it's not at all unrealistic that she wouldn't have parent (daddy) issues. If that's where this is going I'm gonna vomit.

<b>She bit her lips and looked away, her stomach bottoming out. He'd never understand. So far, she'd left out a lot of her relationship with Jack, revealing only that he was her brother and that they were close. Jace would never ever understand. Not in a million years.</b>

Girl. Has he not listened to all your other horrible heinous shit and been able to look beyond it and still say he wants you? This is like the 7th time he's asked who hurt you. What makes you think he won't be okay with whatever you're not telling him? Spit it out, damn. 

Chapter 14: All of this is super sweet. But if it's not daddy vibes, it's rescued puppy vibes. Jace literally went into a shelter, selected a woman the way one would select a dog, took her with him and is now giving her a forever-home. It's a fairy tale, but it's also...wild, right? I can't blame Bethany for being incredulous that all of this is happening to her. I'd be dubious as fuck too.

I want to love how tender and considerate Jace is. I want to love how much he's doing for her. But we're 1/3d the way into this and I'm not there yet and I know there's gonna be hardship and drama galore coming up.

I'm really hoping this situation grows on me, because I actually do like Jace and Bethany together. But it IS weird, right? How he just laid eyes on her and immediately knew she was endgame? After years and years of mindless, emotionless fucking with Ash and random girls, he lays eyes on one girl and that's it he's done for? I wish there was something concrete tying the two of them together beyond this seemingly ingrained need Jace has to help this young girl out of a bad situation. It's just insta-lovey in the extreme. 

Chapter 15: Good thing Gabe's understanding. If he'd been anti-Bethany, I'd have thrown things.

Chapter 16: He never should have accepted the threesome with Ash if he didn't want to share Bethany. Jace knows it, but he never should have let Ash touch her if he's gonna hold it against him the whole book.

This "a ten kinds of fucked up" is getting repetitive. We've seen it twice within just a few pages, and a couple times before this too. It's such a specific phrase (and reminds me of the whole "fifty-shades of fucked up" monstrosity) it doesn't need to be repeated this often. 

Thank god these dudes communicate with each other as well as they do. It's a little late, but at least they're talking about it. Let's hope he keeps it up with Bethany. 

Chapter 21: Look I'm not saying they <i>aren't</i> soulmates. But there is still absolutely NOTHING to bring these two together.

<b>For the first time in his life, he was scared. Because he knew if he didn't handle this just right, he'd lose her. And that wasn't an option. No matter what it took, no matter what he had to do, she had to be part of his life.</b>

This is obviously not the first time Jace has thought or said something like this. It's basically his mantra, on repeat at this point. But I still do not understand the WHY. And it's funny, because Bethany doesn't understand it either. Because there's no logical reason. He's just magically decided that SHE is the one for him, on a whim, at random. 

I mean I guess we could go Ash's route and assume it's because he's essentially an empty-nester now that Mia has Gabe to take care of her. And he's looking for another downtrodden innocent little woman to take care of. 

But that's...gross. 

But what else is there? Is she really just SOoOOoOOooo beautiful that he fell head over heals at first sight? 

Even at 46% of the way through this book they still know virtually NOTHING about each other. He only knows what he's picked up from Ash and police reports, he knows more from his friends sleuthing than he does from having actual conversations with the girl of his dreams. 

Maybe if he could keep his dick out her mouth long enough they'd actually be able to have a get-to-know-you conversation. 

Surely her tight little V and the fact that she's basically a rescued puppy aren't the only interesting things about this girl. 

Chapter 25: <b>Care? He didn't goddamn care. He <i>loved</i> her. With every part of himself. It was crazy. Insane. Lunatic, even. Shit like this didn't happen in real life. You didn't meet a woman and fall instantly and completely in love with her after only knowing her a little over a week.
But it did and he had.

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Again may I reiterate...the insta-love is BAD in this one. Like REALLY bad.

Chapter 30: I'd care about all this anguish if I actually believed these two liked each other for more than just sex. I just don't believe they have the foundation to care about each other as deeply as this text is implying. Jace's suppositions are NATURAL given her background, given JACK'S background and given the fact they've known each other like a week and a half at this point.

Well. At least she didn't relapse. Thank God she ditched the pills.

Chapter 31: These two have had the exact same conversation like 24 times now. She doesn't believe he wants her, he tells her he wants her, she says okay.

Like girl. I GET that you've got trust issues. But can we at least have a variety? I'm tired of rereading this copy-pasted dialogue over and over again.

Chapter 32: <b>"What is this to you?" she asked quietly. "What is it really? You told me in the apartment that as long as I wore your <i>collar</i> that I was under your protection. What does that mean?"
He sighed, hating his inability to control his tongue when he was pissed off. This wasn't the way he wanted to explain the significance of her wearing his jewelry.
"It's a symbol of my ownership," he said in a careful tone. "It's a gift a man gives to his submissive. To a woman he cherishes who is in his care. It means that you belong to me. That you're submissive to me." 
Her brows furrowed harder and she was silent for a long moment.
"Why didn't you tell me when you gave it to me?" 
He pushed up to one elbow so they were more eye to eye. He reached out to touch her cheek, caressing the smooth skin. Then he let his fingers drift down to the choker, to the diamond that rested against her throat.
"I was afraid that it was too soon. That you wouldn't fully understand. I didn't want to pressure you. I was afraid you wouldn't want it if you knew what it truly meant."</b>

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<B>She bit her lip pensively. "But Jace, why would you want me to wear it if I didn't understand the significance?. . . "</b>

Bitch out here finally asking the right questions! 

Pretty sure the nature of a dom/sub relationship is full disclosure and complete consent in all aspects of the relationship. Him collaring her (like the shaking bedraggled ASPCA rescue she is) is manipulation. He's let her go out in public with that shit on, knowing other doms (IE his friends) would know exactly what it meant, when SHE hadn't been informed and hadn't consented yet. That's fucked up, yo.

I'm also really getting bored of all this smut. Can we back up and try the drug thing again? Just for something different?

<b>He remained there, wanting to plant himself into her womb.
In that moment, he cursed birth control. He had a savage need to give her his baby, to make her pregnant with his child. Their child. A son or a daughter. The image of her swollen with his baby kept him hard...</b>

BRB going to call my therapist.

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Chapter 35: There is <i>entirely</i> too much smut in this book. I think we've read about them having sex like 20 times by this point and it's not even <i>interesting</i> sex. Jace is supposed to be this totally scary alpha-male Dominant bro who likes whipping and pain and we've only seen him tap her ass a few times with a riding crop during ONE session. Every other time they've been together it's been mostly vanilla. 

We're at 80% of the way through, the FMC is drunk off her ass, and NOW they're getting into kink? I'm pretty sure this breaks a few of the core BDSM rules, but whatever I guess. 

Annnd it's just a little paddling. The fuck? Gabe is kinkier than this shit.

I'm tired. I'm bored. I don't need a sex scene every chapter. I don't need it after every platonic interaction either one of them has with another human being. 

<b>I'm still going to fuck you, baby. Whether you're conscious or not.</b>

Welp. New ick unlocked. 

Chapter 36: Thanks for the recap, Jace, but I was there the first fucking time. This is entirely pointless.

Chapter 37: This relationship is a fucking train wreck. He does or says something stupid and emotional, she immediately threatens to leave, he stomps his feet and says no, then locks her in his apartment. 100% totally healthy, non-toxic relationship goals.

They've been together "only a few weeks" by Bethany's own admission. And already they're tossing I love yous around like it's candy. He's contemplated both marriage AND children. 

If you told me this entire book happened over the course of a single drunken weekend in Vegas, I'd believe you. 

Chapter 38: Oh shit. When I asked if we could revisit the drug thing, I wasn't SERIOUS!

Chapter 39: Jace is so fucking dramatic.

Chapter 40: I shouldn't be laughing, but Jace's melodrama is <i>hilarious</i>

Chapter 42: Mia is too precious for this world.

Chapter 43: They're seriously getting engaged after only like a month and a half? Okay.

kristid's review against another edition

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Made it to 53% but I just can't do it.

griddevil's review against another edition

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I definitely liked this book more than the first book of the series. This one had a story line from beginning to end. Had some steamy sex scenes but was well balanced with the story line. Looking forward to book #3 of the series.

sukka's review against another edition

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Well, what can I say... Lots and lots of sex. The plot is quite traditional in the romance scene: insanely rich alpha male meets a very poor (ok, homeless), yet mysteriously beautiful and intriguing girl. The guy is very protective and possessive. Did I already say there's lots and lots of sex? The plot in itself is very unrealistic, but then again these books aren't meant to be realistic in any way. I guess the book was ok, but have to admit that towards the end I was just skimming the pages and wishing for it to end.

themichellegray's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the fact that this was absolutely a love story and the readers were able to live through everything that happened between the two. However, I didn't fall in love with either of the characters like I did in the first book of the trilogy.

mrs_ayn's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

dinamarie831's review against another edition

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Can't wait for the next one!!!

itsjulia_reads's review against another edition

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I like the book going in but this took me forever to finish! It was too repetitive and I kept waiting for something big to happen, but it didn't until the last 10% of the book. I'd give this an overall 2.8