
Success with Seeds by Valerie Wheeler, Chris Wheeler

laurla's review

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-seeds can be soaked prior to planting to shorten germination time. take care not to damage seeds as they are more liable to injury. take care not to soak too long, only a few hours. peas and bean seeds especially benefit from this.
-lettuce, celery, grasses, and most herbaceous plants and conifers require light for seeds to germinate.
-store seeds in paper envelopes so not completely airtight, or seeds may rot from sealed in moisture.
-covering sown seeds with a layer of fine grit or vermiculite prevents a cap from forming and ensures that some light will penetrate.
-sterilize pots and containers. use garden disinfectant or baby bottle cleaner solution.
-sow melon and squash seeds on their sides
-radishes and brassicas susceptible to damage from flea beetles. cover seed beds with horticulture fleece, or breathable row cover material.
-rutabaga has problems with powdery mildew. also, keep seedlings well watered so the roots dont become woody.