
Alpha by Rachel Vincent

aclawlor's review

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As much as I would love to give this book 5 stars I just can't. I am so disappointed at the abrupt ending of this book! I was hoping for so much more, such as the consequences of actions incurred. It was a fantastic story and a book which kept me absorbed right till the end. But the end was such a disappointment. If there was another book I would be so pleased but unfortunately I find nothing of the sort, guess I need to leave it to my imagination.

amym84's review

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Overall I enjoyed this series. The characters all went through a lot and changed a lot throughout the course of the series. I think this will be a series that I will definitely read again. This story was the culmination of events that have been building since at least book 3, some that have been building since book 1.

The final fight with Calvin Malone was a long time coming, and often times irritating. Everything he did was so corrupt it was dificult to see people take his side. This is probably the reaction towards Calvni Malone that Rachel Vincent wanted and to that I have to say she did a good job. She did well also with all the political implications throughout the series. The south-central Pride believe they have Malone backed into a corner and he comes up with plausible oppositions.

The actual fight was well written and dramatic. Our characters went through a lot and sacrificed a lot. Even though losses were inevitable I think to not have them would undermine the seriousness of the conflict that was going on. There were a few times when I wished that things went better for our characters. A couple times I felt we were going through the same routine over and over again. I thought it became a bit redundant after a while, but in the end I was completely satisfied.

One of the other issues that was solved was who Faythe would end up choosing in the end. Marc or Jace. I have to say (trying not to give spoilers) that I was happy with who she ended up choosing. I wish that the choice would have come a lot sooner so we could see her be in her choice for a while. I understand why Vincent waited until the end it had that feeling of everything / everyone was starting anew. With hope for the future. So it's not a bad place for Faythe to make her decision, but personally I would have liked them to be together more on the page in a happy way.

Towards the end I became worried that she was going to settle, which is precisely what everyone kept telling her NOT to do. When she couldn't make her decision (after an already long decision-making-process) one of our guys made it for her. While I do think that the process of her choosing was drawn out a bit, I understand her hesitancy and the fact that there was a lot going on besides who she wanted to be with. But the minute her choice was taken away I knew who she had to choose (for my sake anyway). I think that helped Faythe figure it out as well. Take one out of the equation and see how your feelings change in either guy's direction. In my opion there was only ever one choice for her, and when all the love trianlge stuff really started (after book 4 for obvious reasons), looking back I can see all the subtle hints and comments that Faythe made throughout the series, and I can't doubt that's who she should end up with.

I wish that there was more to the story. It certainly left off with that possibilty. It's good to end where it does because it ends with hope for the future. All the readers can speculate about what will happen in things to come. Nothing is out of the question, and if there were to be another story I would read it, but it would take away from all that. I do, however, look forward to reading more from Rachel Vincent.

pixip's review

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This whole series came as a surprise to me i've been reading this genre for about a year now and have discovered many wonderful authors. Rachel Vincent was one I always meant to get round to reading but wasn't sure about the whole werecat thing. I couldn't have been more wrong this series had me on the edge of my seat reading all 6 books in just over a week. I laughed, I felt for the characters every step of the way, hell I wanted to be a werecat just to be part of their world.
This book was an emotional rollercoaster, I felt Faythe's rage I wanted to grab a weapon and fight for and with her. I cried repeatedly I felt for these characters so much. It is so rare for me to get attached to the level I did with these characters. This was definitely the best book of the series for me. Yes I can see where some people come from with the annoyance over the whole love triangle but I think it was brilliantly executed. Yes Faythe could be as annoying as a petulant child but she is supposed to be 23 and I know I sure as hell have my moments still at 25. Rachel Vincent is an amazing author and I can't praise this series enough. I would love to have a follow up book for a few years later to find out how they are all coping but the ending for me was good enough.

beastreader's review

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In the last book, Shift, readers were left with Faythe, her father, and the rest of the pride were trying to get Faythe’s father back on the council. Alex Malone, another council member is trying to take away the pride from Faythe’s father.

In Alpha, Faythe and her father are still trying to hold on to their pride and take down Alex Malone. Faythe knows things are going to get ugly real quickly. When a tragic incident happens, Faythe must find strength to stand strong against Alex Malone. Plus, Faythe will finally have to decide between…Marc and Jace. Both men have her heart but there can only be one winner. Who will Faythe choose?

Alpha is book six and the final book in the Shifters series. I am sad to see this series end but at the same time Ms. Vincent did end this series on a high note. I really got to know Faythe, Marc, Jace and the rest of the shifters. They were like friends. The beginning was a little slow going but I realize this had a lot to do with playing catch up. This only lasted for a short while. The big battle to end all battles did not happen until the last third of the book. It was a good fight. Faythe can still kick some cat butt. I believe that Faythe truly made the right decision with whom she chose to spend the rest of her life with. Ms. Vincent is the Alpha in my book when it comes to were cats.

pnwtinap's review

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A very fitting end to the series. I ended it content with where the characters were going next and how they got there.

purpleceders's review

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Oh my god! I freaking love this book! I can't believe how it ended. I could read this series over and over and over again!

cheesygiraffe's review

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Bitter sweet read. I loved the action pace of this book and there was definitely a sad element to this one, like the last one. Unfortunately now that Faythe is grown up enough to handle the Pride and the rest of the duties the series end.

booksandbedtime's review

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So many unanswered questions. There should be a spinoff. But other than that, amazing! :)

nbwalks's review

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This was a great ending to a great series! It was a VERY emotional story and I couldn't stop crying!
When Greg died and everyone responded to was almost as bad as Ethan!!!

The only thing I was disappointed about was the actual battle. I felt that it was too short. It definitely needed an extra umph. But...

Overall I loved it and still wish that I could go on more adventures with the characters...

blodeuedd's review

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1.) Reasons you chose this book

I have read all the previous ones and of course I had to read this last book since I like this series. And I had to know what happens to all of them.

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book

It was a good book, some ass-kicking, sexual tension between Faythe, Jace, and Mark, the birds showed up again. Faythe learns about responsibility and there are some major conflicts.

What I did not like was that the end felt rather abrupt. Everything was suddenly wrapped up, and for me it did not feel like I got any closure. Especially not about her personal life and that was something I wasn't happy about. And I was not happy about...arghh, I can't tell you, but I was not happy :(

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book

I still recommend this series because it is awesome! Just the kind of UF I like. And I am very sad to see it end.