
Water by Terra Harmony

jaklettke's review

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Interesting concept, but not enough to get me to purchase the next in the series. There were enough typos that I noticed them, but I hear that's a little more common in e-books. I do like the world, but I'd prefer reading about the happier times than the convoluted ones.

jenniferx's review

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Five years after reading the series, I still get a bad taste in my mouth. Pretty sure the only reason I finished the series was because the books were free. Not a reread.

kaiaskye's review

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On behalf of Captain Planet, a well loved cartoon of my youth, I am deeply offended!! I mean ... REALLY??!?!?

mothmans_library's review

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I'm not a big reader of ebooks, but when I read this I was rather ecstatic that it was about something paranormal other than vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, etc.

I found myself disregarding the other books I had gotten from my local library in order to finish this book. The twists and turns in this book kept me wanting more. I hope to buy the rest of the series soon.

(: I highly recommend this book!

lolasreviews's review

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I really liked this book, but the beginning wasn't that good, so 4 stars for this one. When I found this book the idea of a book focussed on elemental powers attracted my attention. In some books elemental powers do play a role, but mostly as a side effect. Here it is the focus. Altough I think the blurb is giving a slightly different impression of the book. If you expect people playing with their element and trowing raw elemental power at each other it isn't exaclty what the book is about. It is more about a group of people whith varying powers and different strengts who use their powers to help nature. Think of elemental powers crossed with environmental activist. Well I have to admit the focus is not too much on that environmental part, but it does formed the whole core of this organization.

So what did I think of the story? Orginal, attention capturing and it does have that keep-on-reading feel in overall. I have to admit the beginning of this book is confusing as hell. Really confusing, there where so many questions that I had a hard time feeling connected to the book. Luckily I am not a person who put's a book down quickly. After the first 30 percent of the book was spent wondering where the hell it was about and when I would get an explanation I finally got a sense of where the book was about and I tried to accept that the author wasn't going to give me answhers to all my questions. So after the initial confusing beginning, which took a bit too long I think, the book got really good. The story was good, original and intriguing. It was very difficult from most of the books I read and I really liked it. The world keeps being a bit confusing and I still didn't get all the anshwers I wanted, but was such a good book that I was almost able to forgot it. There where some slow moment, but the story is very good and kept me reading.

Well now the characters. I really liked Kaithlin the narrator, she is a strong and funny girl. She makes many sarcastic comments and jokes and this made her an enjoable character. Further she comes over as a strong character, but also accpet that she needs intimacy and friends. There is a nice romance in this story, it starts off a bit too fast, but after that it somehow calmed down and I really liked that part it played in the book. It is interwoven with the story and somehow seems part of the story too. The side characters are very likeable too and even the evil chcracter has a soft side, which makes it that more believeable.

To conclude a really good book, but the beginning was a bit confusing. I liked the characters and the story was really good and original. I will be looking forward to the next book. Terra Harmony has already has proven to be a very good writer!

marinazala's review

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** Books 261 - 2015 **

This books to accomplish New Author Reading Challenge 2015

2,3 of 5 stars!

I got bored when the story is have slow plot and also this idea story is really common.
the super-heroes team and with different abilities to save the world?? >___<

Sorry maybe i'm not really through into this books.

jenny_reads_horror's review

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I LOVED this book, plain and simple. I am EXCITED about this book and the books to follow. This new author has completely amazed me, sucking me into this world she has created that I didn't want to step away from. This review is actually kind of hard for me to write as I don't want to post any spoilers!

The action starts from the first chapter as Kaitlyn finds herself in the middle of an avalanche, waking up in an unknown place with unknown people and not being treated very kindly by her captors. Little does she know that she has been watched for a very long time, as she has, unbeknownst to her, powers that are strong and powerful. As she comes to grip with this knowledge and begins her training to be a Gaia, a whirlwind romance is thrown into the mix. Soon Kaitlyn will find herself headed out to her first assignment with the other members of The Seven. Things won't go as planned and Kaitlyn must delve into her inner strength to survive.

I was shocked at the turn of evens about half way in, never in a million years seeing it coming. Same goes for the ending! I was kept on the edge of my seat through the whole book, not being able to read fast enough to find out what happened in the next chapter. Water reads fast, never lagging. I love the characters, I love the premise, I loved the writing style. If it wasn't for some grammatical errors, Water would of been given 5 stars, more if possible. Let me say this though, the errors were NOT enough to pull you away from the story, but are something that I personally take into consideration when reviewing books. Water is a very promising beginning to the three more books to follow in the series. I am excited to read book two, Air, which comes out early 2012.

UPDATE Jan 2012: Water has been updated for errors. FIVE stars!

bookishmisfit's review

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Got it free on kindle and decided if I liked the story I would add a hard copy of it to my shelves. It was a slow start that turned into a book worth reading though the space between re reading it may be a ways

biglibraryenergy's review

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I can't finish this book. Girl is kidnapped by a bunch of tree-hugging hippies whose primary goal seems to be to rape her. And they do. This is terrible!

emilyhei's review

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Kaitlyn Adler had always felt she had the worst luck, but she made the best of what life gave her until her latest incident has her caught in an avalanche. Waking up disoriented and under the care of people she does not know, sends her in a panic. When it is explained that she is a key piece to an organization that has gathered to help save the earth, Kaitlyn has a hidden talent that could help their cause once she learns to develop and control it. It should be fairly easy to do, but Kaitlyn has made an instant enemy and the one person she thought she could trust could be her worst enemy.

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