dknippling's review against another edition

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I like short stories. I like zombies. I knew this book was for me.

The stories range from the clever (Joe Hill's Twitter-based story) to the metaphysical/experimental (Aimee Bender's story Among Us). They all worked, even though I was disappointed with the endings of a couple of them. Joe Lansdale's story - it was done well enough, but only had thematic zombies, which I was disappointed with. Deep, sure, well-written, sure, zombies no. But, in context - it had to be done, I think, to push things as far as they could go, in that direction.

Overall, a satisfying book.

nsoroma's review against another edition

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Stopped at page 103. Some stories were too creepy for me.

bvzm's review against another edition

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Come in tutte le raccolte, ci sono racconti più o meno riusciti, ma la media è decisamente alta e ci sono almeno un paio di piccoli capolavori. Tra i racconti migliori What Maisie Knew, The Wind Cries Mary, Family Business e l'agghiacciante Twittering from the Circus of the Dead dell'ottimo Joe Hill (davvero buon sangue non mente). Non mi hanno proprio convinto Copper e Among Us, mentre Shooting Pool, di Joe R. Lansdale, mi è piaciuto molto, ma non presenta traccia alcuna di presenza zombesca, e quindi non capisco che ci faccia in questa raccolta.
Ampiamente consigliato.

jay_the_hippie's review against another edition

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Wow, these were some of the best and most creative zombie stories I ever read. Okay, so there were a couple that didn't resonate with me, but many of them are among my favorite zombie tales now. I took my time reading this book, hoping to keep the stories from ending up all mashed together in my memory... I think that worked. There are so many creative ways to go with a zombie story... I was impressed with the variety here.

mommigator's review against another edition

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Amazing collection of short stories for the zombie lover!

jmshirtz's review against another edition

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This review is only for [a:Kelley Armstrong|7581|Kelley Armstrong|]'s "Life Sentence".
SpoilerI was really hoping this would contain a twist, and boy did I get what I wanted!
Even disliking Shana for her zombie-like (pun intended) obedience to Daniel, I still liked her more than him. His much deserved "life sentence" is fitting and just.

mjhogan29's review against another edition

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If you're a fan of the Zombie story then you should definitely check this out

infogdss29's review against another edition

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This strong collection centered on the reanimated begins with a take on the story of Lazurus, casting him as a zombie, and concludes with a tale using Twitter as a plot device - a girl on a forced family vacation posts frequent disdainful updates about the road trip and how much she hates her mom. The family detours to see a circus act, and thinks the special effects are so realistic! until they realize it's a zombie circus! This was a fabulous story, but the 140 character posts (complete with proper punctuation) don't utilize any chat speak, so come off an inauthentic, though, the voice is a good attempt. With a true Twitter feed, the story would be posted most to least recent. It's possible the ending would have been given away by doing this (an editors note to flip to the final page and read BACK could have taken care of this), but it made the story not ring as true. A feed at is a pretty clever
marketing tool.

Several stories in between are concerned with the return of soldiers. One is experimental and repetitive and hard to get through. Two have wonderfully inventive premises, one casting zombies as servants, another as science experiments. Two stories in particular really stood out to me: one, titled Family Business, is about two brothers; Tommy, the elder is a zombie hunter, and his younger brother Benny, who has just turned 15, is reluctant to join him, and explores a variety of jobs generated through necessity after a zombie invasion, and finally goes on a ride along with his brother, and finds it enlightening. This was a wonderful story on so many levels - easy to relate to characters, highly readable, teen protagonist, creativity and humor, well written.

Golden has assembled an impressive array of writers to deliver sexy, profane, gory, and thought provokingly macabre stories, cleverly arranged, and well edited. Move over, vampires and werewolves - ZOMG ZOMBIES! are the new hawtness.

rwilhoyte's review against another edition

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This is a really awesome zombie anthology with new stories from some great authors. Lots of new twists on zombies.

my top 5 faves were:

"Family Business" by Jonathan Maberry- one of the longer stories, more of a novella, about two brothers. One is apprenticing the other in the "family business"-killing zombies-but it's not your typical violent, shoot-em-up story. Lots of heart, great relationship created between the two brothers, not perfect but realistic.

"The Wind Cries Mary" by Brian Keene-very short, sweet story about the relationship between two very different people.

"Closure, Limited" by Max Brooks-Written as a continuation of World War Z, the narrator is visiting an organization that helps people gain closure for what occurred during the war. Um kind of, in my opinion :)

"Lazarus" by John Connolly-great retelling of the Bible story of Lazarus, from Lazarus' POV. Kinda sad, great way to open the anthology.

"Twittering from the Circus of The Dead" by Joe Hill- Great representation of a new format. I don't Twitter (or whatever) but a story told only in Tweets moves pretty quickly. Story starts out with teenage girl bitching about being on vacation with her family and takes a dark twist. Hill really creates the character through her Tweets, which is rather impressive and creates a slow burn to a great scare.

Those were just a few of my favorites. This anthology is full of authors that I was familiar with from other anthologies but their stories are all new. Definitely worth a read if you love zombies as much as I.

mariesreads's review against another edition

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A wonderful collection with some real gems. "The Family Business" and "The Storm Door" in particular stand out.
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