
Wild At Heart Series: Books 1-3 by Christine Hartmann

katie_83's review

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Wild at Heart series
By Christine Hartmann
4 stars

The Wild at Heart box set contains all three books from the series. All of the books can be read as standalones but are all enjoyable reads so I would highly recommend them all.

Wild Within (Book 1)
I really liked this story. I thought the author did a great job with the development of the characters, especially Grace. The story was told in a really engaging way and I felt like I really got to know Grace as a person. One of the things I really enjoyed in this story was the author’s descriptions of the PCT; I could imagine what the trail was like. I thought Grace was a really strong person and I had a lot of admiration for her and what she was doing. The romance side to the story was nice and for me quite low key. I thought that fit in with the story well and it was nice to read about something that develops at a slower pace. A good first book in the series.

Paradise Wild (Book 2)
I liked how different this book was to book 1. It was nice that it had a different setting for the story. It was however just as well written as the first one and I really enjoyed it. I really liked Ellie and I instantly connected with her character. There were some good twists in this story which I really liked and it kept my interest until the end. The chemistry between Ellie and Denver was pretty good! It is one of those stories that you have to keep reading and can’t put down until you find out what happens!

Wild Card (Book 3)
I liked the main character Bree and I really felt for her. I think one of the things I liked about her was that she was different to most of the female leads I read about; I thought she was just a really genuine and down to earth person. I think that her past had obviously scarred her - things people say and do to you at a young age always stick in your mind so I kind of felt she might have been settling for Mal. I’m not saying that they didn’t love each other because it was clear they did but there was something that wasn’t quite right. I could tell Bree was trying really hard to please her soon to be mother in law and she couldn’t do anything right. I found Mal’s family dynamic really interesting to read about too. I really liked his Grandmother and could tell that she understood Bree, even though Bree didn’t know this! I think that out of this series this book was probably my favourite. The uniqueness to the storyline is something that I really enjoyed!

bwagner's review

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Wild At Heart Series: Books 1-3 by Christine Hartmann is the first three books in her series and I enjoyed each one. These can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend you read them from the beginning. I love it when an author puts all their books in one box set, I don't have to wait to see what the next installment will bring, I can just dig in. This author has created so many twists and turns in each book that will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat one minute and the next just plain wanting more. Each book features a different woman who is either broken or just needs to realize there is more to life. They are all connectable and lovable. Each one will pull you into a world of romance and suspense. Each meet a man who will change their lives but they may just find more then they bargain for. The characters in these stories are strong, independent, know what they want and how to get it. The chemistry and attraction is off the charts in each of these stories. They really are just true to life and will pull you in their story. Each of these stories will bring you mystery and suspense. You won't be able to put these stories down and will lose track of time. You never know what is lurking in each page but that is one of the enjoyable things about this series. I highly recommend this box set as each story will bring you action and romance. Will they each find their HEA? Will their futures be changed forever? You don't want to miss this series!

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Wild at Heart Box Set by Christine Hartmann contains the three books in this fantastic series: Wild Within- Book One, Paradise Wild- Book Two, and Wild Card- Book Three. I was introduced to Ms. Hartmann’s work in the anthology “Craving Secrets- Everyone Has a Secret: Craving Series Book #3”. I enjoyed her short story, it intrigued me, so when I found that she had written this series, I knew that I just had to read it. As I expected this series enticed me and had me hooked from the beginning.
These books had so much happening in them. Ms. Hartmann showcases her talents in every instalment- she has produced a series that captures emotion, thrilling me with nail biting suspense, intrigued me with some mystery, had moments that had my heart in my mouth, then there were funny parts that had me smiling, and tender moments that touched my heart, even some action and adventure that kept my avidly turning the pages. I finished the series and wished there were more books to immerse myself in.
Every book has a really well-crafted plot; wonderful, fully developed characters; and all were very interesting and enjoyable.

Wild Within: Wild at Heart Series Book #1
4 Stars

This story has suspense, plenty of drama, mystery, action, adventure, danger and a little touch of romance.
Grace Mori has been through a lot, but she’s determined to honour her brother by completing a trek that was close to his heart. So, she sets off to cover the thousands of miles across the Pacific Crest Trail. She really doesn’t realise just how much she’s bitten off, or how unprepared she really is.
With her journey only just begun, she hits her first stumbling block- heat stroke, where she is aided by a mysterious and intriguing stranger named Lone Star. Along the way he leaves notes for Grace to find, and I enjoyed reading them along with her.
Her adventure really ramps up with a killer loose on the trail, danger and fear shadowing her.
The element of danger was beautifully offset by the wonderfully detailed and vivid scenery described throughout the story. Grace’s experiences along the way really see her growing and developing as a character. This becomes much more than a trek in memory of her brother, it becomes journey of discovery- particularly of herself.
A great read!

Paradise Wild: Wild At Heart Series Book #2 By: Christine W. Hartmann

Paradise Wild is the second book in this enticing series.
Ellie Atherton is in Maui renovating a house for a quirky and somewhat eccentric heiress, after a couple of failed relationships. She wants to lose herself in the work and forget about everything. So, she’s totally unprepared for her sexy and charming neighbour, Denver Edgerly. When a snorkeling session takes a frightening turn, it’s Denver who comes to her rescue. When perplexing things start happening, and then a body is discovered, this story takes a riveting turn. Who can she trust? Can she get to the bottom of it all? Will Denver prove to be friend or foe?
A superb addition to the series!

Wild Card: Wild at Heart Series Book #3 By: Christine W. Hartmann
4 Stars

Wild Card is the third book in the series.
Bree Acosta thought she had her future mapped out. Everything planned out in detail. But, sometimes life has a different plan? Or wants to test your mettle. Anyway, she has big plans for the future - plans that have been mapped out and written in stone, until a night in Vegas changes everything. Her experience in Vegas has her questioning everything, and re-evaluating her decisions. Overcome by indecision and doubt, she is torn by what she should do. Should she go along with what’s expected, what she always thought she wanted- or go with her heart. It’s a battle of heart and mind. What choice will she make?
Bree is such a realistic and believable character. We all have a little Bree in us. She has got body image issues, she has doubts and insecurities- but she’s also very relatable and fun.
But there is danger lurking in the shadows. What happens in this captivating tale? Does Bree figure out what she wants after all?
You really should read the story and discover all the brilliant details for yourself- you won’t regret it!
I loved the characters in this story- they really were quite complex, individual and endearing.
There was edge of my seat moments, mystery, action, spice, surprises and drama, that had me flipping the pages to find out what was going on. I read long into the night just so I knew what happened.
A captivating read!

All these stories were amazing- I was so engrossed with the wonderful plots, and all the well-developed characters.
I am really looking forward to reading more of this talented author’s work.

Thank you, Ms. Hartmann!

kirchersmiles's review

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Wild At Heart Series: Books 1-3 by Christine Hartmann

4 Stars

I read these books out of order and although it would have added some to the slight character weaving throughout it didn't impact or confuse any of the storylines.

The first book tells the story of Lone Star and Grace, aka Just Grace. I loved the suspense and the twists and turns in this story but I think my favorite part was following them on their hike of the Pacific Crest trail.

The second book was set in Hawaii with Ellie and Denver, the author had me inside Ellies head and I swear I was there and feeling exactly as she was, once again the twists and turns in this story were shocking and I could not put this one down till I was done.

The third book was set in Vegas with Bree, who thought she had her whole life planned out and ended one evening questioning everything. Again with the twists and turns and added danger made this one another nail biter.

I really enjoyed this author's writing style, the way she can take a story and have things going on in the background which twist up the story you think your reading and have you on the edge of your seat the whole time is awesome. The flow was great making them easy reads and although a couple were a bit slow starting for me once they had me hooked I was done. I can't wait to see what kind of twisted, fun, suspense filled mystery this author comes up with next. I'll be following her to find out.

Awesome set of books!!

jennadb's review

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Wild at Heart is a box set by Christine Hartmann has all three books from the series. I enjoy reading box sets because there is no waiting around for the next book to a series. These books are romance and the ​world and​ ​the​ ​characters​ ​Christine ​has​ ​created​ ​have​ ​depth​ ​and​ ​are​ ​connectable​ ​on​ ​many​ ​levels.​ ​​ ​There​ ​are multiple​ ​layers​ ​to​ ​these ​story​ ​and​ ​it​ ​makes​ ​for​ ​an​ ​interesting​ ​read. ​I​ really ​like​ ​her​ ​writing​ ​style.​

Book One - Wild Within
The story of Grace doing something her brother wanted to do and found strength, courage and something she never saw coming. The trials and tribulation she goes through sees her finding out just who she is.

Book Two - Paradise Wild
Ellie finds herself being offered something she can’t refuse but has she taken on more than she could ever imagine. What seems like a dream job turns out to be so much more for Ellie in so many different ways.

Book Three - Wild Card
When​ ​Bree​ ​runs​ ​into​ ​someone​ ​from​ ​her​ ​past​ ​it​ ​makes​ ​her​ ​question​ ​her​ ​future.​ ​Bree​ ​is​ ​a​ ​strong, sassy​ ​and​ ​outspoken​ ​woman​ ​but​ ​not​ ​without​ ​a​ ​few​ ​insecurities.​ ​The​ ​easy​ ​banter​ ​between​ ​the characters​ ​is​ ​funny​ ​and​ ​at​ ​times​ ​heartfelt​ ​as​ ​we​ ​watch​ ​them​ ​walk​ ​through​ ​this​ ​journey​ ​no​ ​one knew​ ​was​ ​coming.

There is lots of twists, turns and action, suspense and mystery, throw in good chemistry and you have three great stories that make for a good read that you won’t put down until you know how they end.