
Anton by Brenda Rothert

buchherz_eva's review against another edition

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Anton Petrov, der verschlossene (und unheimlich attraktive) Captain der Chicago Devils ist bekannt dafür ... für nichts bekannt zu sein. Strikte Diät, immer genug Schlaf und vor allem Enthaltsamkeit sind die Geheimnisse seines Erfolgs. Sagt man zumindest. Dem Eishockey-Star ist es völlig egal, ob die ganze Welt denkt, dass er sich freiwillig entschieden hat, wie ein Mönch zu leben - solang niemand die Wahrheit erfährt! Denn es gibt eine Frau, der Antons Herz gehört. Eine Frau, die er niemals haben kann. Denn Mia ist die Frau seines Teamkollegen ...

Ein Buchcover zum Verlieben
Das Buchcover sieht wirklich wunderschön aus. Wer träumt nicht von einem so gutaussehenden Eishockeyspieler? Also ich auf jeden Fall. Leider muss ich sagen, dass der Junge Mann auf dem Cover jedoch nicht meiner Vorstellung von Anton gerecht wird. Vor allem die Haare passen leider so gar nicht. Doch ich muss trotzdem sagen, dass ich vollkommen in das Cover und vor allem die Farben verliebt bin.

Ein angenehmer Schreibstil
Die Art, wie Brenda Rothert die Geschichte von Anton und Mia erzählt kommt ohne viel Drama aus und ist sehr direkt. Das spiegeln auch die Charaktere wieder. Man kann dieses Buch schnell lesen und es ist Meiner Meinung nach einer lockeren, leichten Geschichte für zwischendurch.
Leider muss ich sagen, dass es mich etwas gestört hat, dass vor allem Anton meiner Meinung nach nicht wirklich viel Charaktertiefe hat. Er hat seine Prinzipien und seinen Tagesablauf, an denen er festhält und zeigt kaum Empfindungen.

Eine geprägte Spielerfrau
Mia ist nicht die typische Spielerfrau, sondern eine eigenständige Kämpferin, die sich mit ihrem „Noch Mann“ Adam unvorstellbares durchmacht. Wenn man Mia als Leser kennenlernt, hat sie den größten Teil ihrer Charakterentwicklung schon durchgemacht, was mich persönlich nicht stört, da ich der Meinung bin, dass es der Geschichte keinen Abbruch tut, dass sie schon hier eine gefestigte Frau ist, die weiß was sie im Leben erreichen möchte. Gerade diese Eigenschaften haben sie zu einer wunderbaren Protagonistin gemacht.

Ein Eishockeyspieler mit Prinzipien
Anton weiß genau was er will und wie er es erreicht. Er ist zielstrebig und lebt für Eishockey. Als er Mia kennenlernt verliebt er sich zwar augenblicklich in sie, weiß jedoch auch, dass sie für ihn tabu ist, da sie die Frau eines Mannschaftskollegen ist. Er unterstützt sie jedoch wo er kann und dadurch kommen sich die Beiden immer näher. Dass man Antons Standpunkt zu Mia von Anfang an genau kennt, nimmt zwar die Spannung etwas heraus, schadet der Geschichte meiner Meinung nach aber nicht wirklich.

Perfekte Nebencharaktere
Vor allem Antons Onkel finde ich toll. Er ist zwar sehr schrullig und anzüglich, doch er steckt auch voller geheimnisse und toller Weisheiten. Weiters bringt er Humor in die Sache und kitzelt die ein oder andere Emotion aus dem Leser.
Auch Mias Opa steckt voller Weisheiten. Ich finde es zwar schade, dass er immer weiter in den Hintergrund rückt, je weiter das Buch fortschreitet, bin aber trotzdem Fan von ihm als Charakter.
Sports Romance oder doch nur eine Liebesgeschichte
Hier kommt der Sport dem ein oder anderen vielleicht etwas zu kurz, doch meiner Meinung nach steht Eishockey hier zum einen für den Ehrgeiz und die Zielstrebigkeit von Anton und zum anderen für die Verbindung von Mia und Anton durch den Sport, den sie Beide lieben.
Natürlich finde auch ich es schade, dass man kaum etwas von den einzelnen Eishockeyspielen mitbekommt und dass diese nur aus der Ferne beleuchtet werden. Ich finde, das hätte dem Buch noch eine weitere Emotionsebene gegeben.
Deshalb bin ich der Meinung, dass das Buch zwar eine tolle Liebesgeschichte ist, die ohne großes Drama auskommt, jedoch nicht wirklich eine Sports Romance ist, da mir der Sport dafür eine zu geringe Rolle spielt.

Mein Fazit:
Brenda Rothert kommt bei diesem Buch ohne großes Drama und gestellte Probleme aus, geht leider aber bei den Charakteren nicht weit in die Emotionale Tiefe. Auch Charakterentwicklung findet in diesem Buch zumindest bei den Protagonisten kaum statt. Schlussendlich kann ich sagen, es ist ein gutes Buch für zwischendurch, mehr aber auch nicht.

brightsunshaine's review

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Read this due to no electricity in my area because of the volcano’s eruption. Anyway, started this one without reading the synopsis.

It’s my first time to read Brenda Rothert book and it’s an okay read for me. I don’t like it that much but also I don’t hate it. Kinda expect more intensity or conflict between Anton and Adam, but well.

Full review soon.

leahtd's review against another edition

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Welp, finished that in one night. I guess I am back on my hockey romance novel kick.... haha.

I enjoyed this book, but it could be kind of triggering for some because the heroine is trying to get her way out of an abusive relationship.

The only things I didn't like was the description of the heroine as "exotic". "Exotic" is not a good description, it is othering, and cringe-y. And I also didn't love all the bad dudes also made sexual comments based on her race. One guy she even tolerated kept making chocolate milk jokes about her tits. Like, I get that it was supposed to show how strong she was, but I wasn't a fan of that. Also, while I love a guy standing up for his lady, I thought that Anton fighting her ex was kind of annoying, but also kind of hot? However, all that said, the attraction and tension is SO good.

franjessca's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

The first book in Brenda Rothert’s Chicago Blaze series Anton is an emotional rollercoaster that was hard to put down. This also happened to be the first book I’ve read by Author Brenda Rothert and will not be my last.

Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars and highly recommend it to readers that love reading sports themed Contemporary Romance books. Don’t worry there are scenes of hockey playing with the Chicago Blaze teammates. You’ll find out how great Anton is on the ice and how amazing he is in bed too. 🙂 This book is all about the drama and emotions before the romantic scenes though, which is something I enjoyed about this book. You get to know the characters and their stories and how they finally get their HEA.

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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Mia Marceau has had to learn to juggle in order to keep her eye on what’s ahead. Anton Petrov has a little sibling rivalry going on. Our author sneaks in a twist – so evil! But it did catch my attention and having me look forward to what else this author may have in store.

Mia has a lot placed on her shoulders and it tugs at the heart. Having taken care of both parents, I know some of what she was going through. Although, I was able to care for them at home. In that, I also know what Anton is going through. But my parents weren’t quite as “creative” as his uncle was. It can be frustrating and it can take up a lot of your time and resources. But when you love someone, you do what is necessary for their comfort.

One connection our two characters have is hockey. If you’re one that likes to set the mood while reading, why not watch a game on tv or maybe you have a local team and want more of an interactive experience. Maybe it will help you think of the people that Anton works with. Besides the hockey, our author reminds her readers how tough life can be for some people. There’s a saying, “God won’t give you more than you can handle” but there may be times when you think he’s giving you more than your fair share. It also gives a connection between our main characters.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

jaypeg's review against another edition

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This book was given to me free in exchange for an honest review

Anton is the captain of the hockey team who remains celibate for two years after falling for his teammate Adam’s wife, Mia. Mia meanwhile finds out her husband is a total dick and is desperately trying to divorce him but he is blackmailing her with threats not to pay her grandpa’s Alzheimer’s carehome bills each month.

This was pretty grim in parts. Mia’s ex, Adam, was such a total dickwad that I failed to see how he ever could have even faked being nice. Mia was valiantly trying to right her own wrong of basically letting herself become so dependent on a man by going back to school and working in a bar. I loved the message the storyline gave out.

I never want to be completely dependent on a man again. Any man.

So true! Go girrrrrrl!

I liked Anton and Mia. The slowburn was good and created delicious tension. I was allllll in. But I loved Anton’s uncle Dix the most. He was a great character.

He reminded me of grandpa Simpson.

Why did I drop one star?
Purely because Adam felt a little too bad to be true and because I felt a bit like Mia never caught a break and because people you like die in the book. Sorry guys, but I just don’t want that kind of sadness in my romance.

I am still giving it 4 stars though as I devoured it.

bookbae96's review against another edition

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Brenda Rothert can write a hockey romance like nobody's business, and, truly, the books in her FIRE ON ICE series are still some of my favorites of hers. Now, Brenda is giving us more hockey heroes to love with the release of ANTON, the first book in her new Chicago Blaze series.

Anton is pretty much everything that a book boyfriend should be. Besides all the usual attributes, he's got to be one of the most loyal guys that I've seen, and Mia is one lucky lady. And, even though she's got a 'past,' she is fierce, and I really enjoyed seeing her grow into herself. These two are definitely poster children for #couplegoals, and their story is, by turn, sexy, affirming, and exciting.

Fans of sports romance, fans of Brenda's books, and, heck, fans of sexy Russian skaters will love this book. And, lucky us, it's almost like there are two Antons, because his twin brother, Alexei, another sexy Russian hockey player, is getting his own book very soon. In the meantime, though, as an avowed Brenda fan, I say go out and get yourself a copy of this book. Anton's waiting, and he is not to be missed.

kellyk's review against another edition

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emotional medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


maleficentknits's review against another edition

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3.5 stars Thank you to Brenda Rothert and GoodReads for this book give-away.

Anton "Priest" Petrov fell in love with Mia Marceau, the wife of a teammate, three years ago but has done nothing about it. Until he finds out she left Adam, and why. Though she hasn't been able to divorce the man, she remains faithful to be able to keep her grandfather taken well care of in a nursing facility. Anton decides that if he can't have her yet, he will be her friend, thus this story of their slow building friendship to romance.

I was hoping for more sexual tension instead of the flirting, and maybe a little more menacing from Adam, especially on the ice (because, yeah, these are hockey players!) but this was still a a good start to a new series.

kiwicoral's review against another edition

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So I read this back in March, but apparently didn’t record it. I don’t really remember much except it was good enough that I bought the next one on sale.