
F*ck Love by Tarryn Fisher

simplyxkate's review

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It wouldn't be a Tarryn Fisher book if it didn't make you want to throw your Kindle across the room every other chapter. The thing I love about Tarryn is that she writes characters who aren't perfect. They all have flaws, some of them major. They do some pretty messed up things. That's what makes them feel real. Helena and Kit are no exception to this. Helena is funny but she also made some questionable decisions in F*ck Love, as did Kit, whom I disliked a lot at certain points. But despite their flaws, I was rooting for them and holding out hope that they would both somehow get a happy ending.

Overall this was a very good book and I'm so glad Tarryn wrote another romance. She is pretty awesome at it.

yashiras_archive's review

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Couldn't get past chapter 16, I felt no need nor urge to continue it. It didn't grasp my attention the way I thought it would.

Helena's sudden desire for Kit, after just ONE DREAM, came off a bit as obsessive. That just didn't sit well with me, I would notice small details of the obsession and it just threw me off. As for Kit, I didn't know him. He came in and out the story randomly that I felt nothing towards him. I didn't swoon, I didn't squeal. I know I didn't get far enough into it to know him, but he fell flat to me.

There were some details I did like, such as the fact that there some parts of her dream that were occurring in her life. But, I felt no connection with the characters whatsoever, there were things distracting me, so I just had to put this one down. Saddens me to say all of this because Tarryn Fisher blew me away with the LMWL series, but F*ck Love just wasn't for me.

aoibhrua's review

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Rating: ★★★★☆
Genre: New-Adult, Romance,
Recommend: Yes


Review originally posted on Aoibh Reads

Helena has a dream. A dream where her husband is Kit- who in real life is her best friends boyfriend. She barely knows him, but when she wakes up facts from the dream start unfolding in real life. Helena can't ignore the pull she feels towards Kit or the need to please him. But Kit is not hers to have. Meanwhile Helena is on a journey to discover herself, anything to distract herself from her best friends boyfriend.

This is hilarious. I really didn't know what to expect with this book so I was going in blind and laughed so much.
The writing is brilliant throughout with great one liners;
"She is heavy with child, as I am heavy with topknot"

Helena: she is epic. She's far from perfect but just a woman trying to find herself and not get her heart crushed. She was so impulsive and I love how her stream of consciousness was depicted - not polished off to fit into a literary box but exactly how the mind of a young woman goes. Erratic and all over the place and it worked.

"His text bubble appears as he starts to type, then abruptly it's gone. It starts, then it's gone again. He's typing things then erasing them. I strangle my phone, then slam it on the bed a few times. It's lying facedown on the comforter, and I lift the corner to peek at the screen. There isn't a text. I go to the kitchen for a snack, then circle my bed a few times while I spoon peanut butter into my mouth from the jar. I'm scared that he's texted. I'm also scared that he hasn't. 'You chicken!' I yell. I lunge for the phone, dropping the peanut butter jar on the floor."

I had to stop for a second when reading this. I've never read a more realistic depiction in a novel that I could relate to before. It's so funny to read the ridiculous actions or thoughts we have in actual words.

"I almost have no nails left by the time his bubble pops up, but that's cool because everyone has fingernails, and I like to be different."

L. O. L!!!!

Kit is a different love interest. He isn't some great gorgeous charming dream guy that will make it onto any book boyfriend list. But he is the man of Helena's dreams - despite not having a choice in the matter. I wished he had more of a back bone at times, but I suppose his weakness was integral to the whole story.

What's great about this book is that the characters are realistic. They are not idealised or perfect representations of people who always do the right thing. Or some unattainable ideal of being an 100% great person. They're real and have their flaws and that's what makes this so brilliant.


I've never read a story like this. It's filled with humour but surrounding a serious story of ultimate heartbreak and friendships. I couldn't put it down and it's definitely a memorable novel! I look forward to reading more work by Fisher.

See more of my reviews here

sherleymarie's review

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This book was a masterpiece and I’m saddened it took me this long to read. It was so witty and so well written. If I could give it more then 5 stars I would. Perfect book to finish in the new year. Loved every minute of it!

betwixt_the_pages's review

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Helena Conway has fallen in love.
Unwillingly. Unwittingly.
But not unprovoked.
Kit Isley is everything she’s not—unstructured, untethered,
and not even a little bit careful.
It could all be so beautiful … if he wasn’t dating her best friend.
Helena must defy her heart, do the right thing, and think of others.
Until she doesn’t.

- - - - -

Rating: 3/5 Stars
Quick Reasons: weird, weird read; unpredictable story; lots of drama, angst, and wishy-washy romance; hard-to-find suspension of disbelief; it was all a dream...and I'm not real impressed; pretty writing; some hard-hitting snippets of wisdom; a love I could almost taste

Huge shoutout to Deanna @ anovelglimpse for lending me this book on Kindle! I really appreciate it, even if I'm very confused right now about what I think.

I just?! I didn't love this read, but I didn't hate it. I lusted and loved the characters...and yet despised them all the same. I devoured this read, but was bored by all the wishy-washy BLECH. I just... I don't understand what I'm feeling right now! Someone, please, help me out a little bit? I'll adore you forever if you put it into words I can explain.

“Okay, but I'm trying to find myself.”

Greer grins. “That, my dear, is the scariest thing you're ever going to do.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you might not like what you find.”

This book is weird—and I don't mean the sort of weird I want to frame and hang upon my wall. It all starts with a dream...and I'm SO glad I can say, having finished, that the beginning is the ONLY dream, because if at the end it had been pulled out that it was all a dream I'd have been... Well, I wouldn't have liked it. Still, the dream plays a huge role in this book, and I'm not sure that was really to anyone's benefit. Because the dream... It acts as a sort of character growth, I guess, but... it also becomes the sole motivator in said character's growth, and I'm not sure I'm okay with that in the end? It all seemed just a bit too unrealistic, to me, I guess.

Also, the characters. THE. CHARACTERS. I mean don't get me wrong, I love them. I lusted for them. I rooted them on and giggled like nothing else and enjoyed the witty banter/snark. But?! I also loathed them? They're just so freaking wishy-washy, and dramatic, and angsty, and... UCK. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a good angst, but this book needed something to break up the emotional mess. Which is sad. I mean, shouldn't that be the other way around? Shouldn't the emotional mess be breaking up everything else?

If each of our lives represented a page in a book, happiness would be the punctuation. It breaks up the parts that are too long. It closes off some things, divides others.

There are, despite the weirdness and the overbearing angst, some really gorgeous snippets of wisdom found throughout! I found myself holding my breath, waiting for the gut-hitting, mind-boggling sections that leapt out like the sun from behind dark, thick clouds. Seriously—those snippets? Could change the world, they're done so brilliantly.

And this was an emotional read. It reminded me, a lot, of a relationship I had in high school/college. But despite how quickly I was devouring this, it seemed to drag and drag. I think a lot of that had to do with the sheer amount of angst; it really made it hard to drop into this read, when all it is is drama after heartache after crushed hopes! There are entertaining moments...but in a book of emotional downpour, a few moments of entertainment sort of fall to the wayside.

Then Della drops something in the kitchen. A glass shatters along with my moment. Timing is everything when you're about to tell someone you dreamed him into your heart.

So... Yeah, I'm confused. I'm confused about what I think of this read, how I feel about this read, how I feel about the characters. I'm just confused all around, which means this is, for the moment, getting a neutral rating. I may come back and change that at a future date. I'd still recommend (I think?) to lovers of drama, angst, and emotional romances. This is a weird, weird read... Too bad that's all I can decide for certain about it!

lisamarie1124's review

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I loved this book! #beigebitch Loved how she referenced Harry Potter! I really wanted to speed read this book but at the same time I wanted to savor it.

fsmeurinne's review

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No words can really express everything I went through while reading this book. Definitely one I will be rethinking in the future. It has been my first book by Tarryn and I can already say she is an author you have to read at least once. I gave her a chance with this book and certainly I never expected a masterpiece of a rollercoaster of emotions plastered in wonderful words. Tarryn might be thought as funny laid back person on social media. I found out the other side of her mind and has blown me away with the deepness she took while creating these characters and the storyline she plotted for them. Outstanding book.

ladywestfall's review

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"The best kind of love is the love that isn't supposed to happen."

This is just simply beautiful & brilliant. Congratulations to Tarryn Fisher for a wonderful job! 👍 Tarryn still has the element of mystery in this book. Idk. Maybe it's just me? But I think there are metaphors hidden in the book. I'm still intrigued with the dream thingy and also Muslim's character. But nevertheless, Helena is such a refreshing, modern character. I love Kit Isley. I love the book. I LOVE TARRYN! 😍😘 This surely deserves the attention and recognition!

leojole's review

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I couldn't put this down not really sure what is what about this book but it kept me wanting more.

charlottenw1's review

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I absolutely fell in love with this book. I dove into it, not knowing anything about the storyline but seeing the odds comments from other readers on Tarryn's social media asking questions and now I have so many of my own bloody questions. Tarryn's writing really gripped my attention, it's so easy but still effectively gets the message across to the reader. I've never really read anything like it and I can say I won't be waiting as long to read Tarryn's other books.