
Lead Me Not by Ann Gallagher

sapphicsolace's review

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So I'll be honest and say I went into this expecting some fun trashy-in-a-good-way gay romance and I was actually pleasantly surprised.

So I'm personally an atheist but I have a weird fascination with how queer people who are religious deal with their identity. And seeming how Isaac came from a version of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church I was even more intrigued.

One thing I actually personally really liked about the book is that it approached the situation differently than another book about a religious queer person would, and that is, Isaac doesn't know he's gay and actually thinks his attraction to men is something every man feels but resists it. This brought a real insight into his character and makes you really understand how much his families views affected him.

I really liked Colton as a character too. I would've liked to see more about his alcoholism he had gone through rather than snippets but I did enjoy how he was written.

The romance is a slow burn so when the two do finally kissed it felt earned (and I rejoiced a little).

This is a book where you can predict where it's going but it was still really enjoyable. One aspect I did like is that the book didn't ended with the church unrealistically changing their minds about being gay and accepted Isaac's relationship. I personally feel it would've been slightly cop out if they did.

Overall, I absolutely loved this book I if it sounds good to you, I recommend it.

bethifer's review

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This book came to me out of the blue. I had no idea anyone was writing books like this. Gay romance between Christians? I hope I'm not the only one this appeals to!

The characterization is deft and believable. I feel for our heroes, I have compassion for their struggles, and I understand them even if I don't agree with them. Some suspension of disbelief is necessary (would a hard-core Evangelical really accept the possibility of anonymous hookups the way Isaac does?), but the reward is completely worth it.

What impresses me the most is how respectful and honest the novel is when it comes to the perspective of the Evangelicals. The arguments, the (mis)use of scripture, the logical tactics all ring true, but it's not written as though these people are merely blindly hateful. They think they are doing profound good and the author understands this! It would be so easy to write them as muahaha bigot villains without hearts or reasons, but Gallagher has the grace and skill to circumvent the easy in favor of the true.

What I love the most (aside from the effective and touching romance) is how the (for lack of a better term) pro-gay Christians speak and behave. Their arguments and the explanations for the verses usually used to attack LGBTQ people are 100% accurate and expertly portrayed. And it's not as though the book screeches to a halt for a Bible lesson, either. It's worked into the story well and it doesn't overstay its welcome. For awhile I thought the Christians' inner monologues contained too many uses of the word "Lord," but then I caught myself doing the same thing in my every day, so I guess it's just something we honestly do.

I'm impressed by and grateful for this novel. I found it when I needed to read it, I enjoyed it, and I even learned from it. I don't think it will be changing any Evangelical minds, but I think gay Christians can find themselves in it. I think it can be balm for gay Christians who are afraid they can't be all right with God and true to the way He made them at the same time. And I very much hope it can help some non-Christians understand LGBTQ Christians better. We're not self-loathing Bible-thumpers or people who have to throw away their faith in order to live honestly. We have The Word too, we have the love of God, and His commandment to be compassionate and kind and empathetic and loving. We can be Christians and be gay people too. We are.

squirrely007's review

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3.5 This was a very well written story with great characters, but the strong religious aspect of it was not sitting well with my current frame of mind.

dc7's review

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I never thought I would EVER read a gay Christian romance but this book was available for free on Amazon and SURPRISE - I really liked it!

The chemistry between the main characters was great and I enjoyed the inevitable drama (sorry not sorry). As expected the heat level in this book was pretty low, you don't get much more than a kiss (but it's a good one!). What really stuck with me is the struggles gay people from far-right Christian families in the US have to go through. I was shocked to learn about the horrors of conversion camps - I couldn't believe it so googled it and unfortunately these places are a reality. It also points out that sometimes the most openly homophobic people are gay themselves and again my internet research showed that many conversion camps are run by people who later embrace being gay.

The book makes for an interesting, thought-provoking read - highly recommended, even if you normally don't read romance, or Christian romance or gay romance.

charkinzie's review

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I'm probably not the intended audience for this audiobook. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief long enough to get into the plot. It was inconceivable to me that someone who was a very conservative Christian would even entertain the idea of "choosing to be gay."

I absolutely get the point of what the author was attempting to do.... and I'm sure there are people who will appreciate the philosophical and spiritual ideas that are approached in this story.

This is a very cerebral story... that explores the "hows" and "whys" of religious belief and sexual orientation.

The Christian/ religious thoughts/overtones of the book were a bit too much for me though! Not what I expected so I didn't finish listening to it.

sunjaybooks's review

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A book that had to happen. I enjoyed it but the plot was contrived (the set up stretched my suspension of disbelief). It was adorable though, fast-paced and with a good ship