
The Other Man by R.K. Lilley

octopusgarden's review against another edition

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Unexpected and rushed is how I would describe this book.

ashkwtf's review against another edition

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Almost made me want to try to read the Iris series again.

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The Other Man RK Lilley
The Other Man by RK Lilley

Standalone Romantic Suspense. Related to The Wild Side Series.
Wow. RK Lilley really outdid herself on The Other Man. The Other Man is a standalone book with light ties to most of her other books. It's a spin-off of a spin-off, and while I don't think it's necessary to read any of her other books before The Other Man, I think reading it will be a whole different experience for someone who has never read The Wild Side Series vs. someone who has.

I remembered Lourdes from The Wild Side series, but I had forgotten the details of who Heath was. In fact, I didn't even remember who he was until I started reading (my memory sucks). So partially into The Other Man my curiosity got the best of me, and I went back to skim through Dair to refresh my memory of the outcome of The Wild Side series. And was immediately sucked into a full re-read of Dair (which I may have even liked more this time!).

This is where The Other Man can be difficult to review. Throughout the book, you don't know who Heath is and what he is doing unless you read The Wild Side first. And I think it's OK not knowing. I think it would even ramp up the tension and suspense in this fast moving novel. But I'm not sure. The books take place simultaneously, and since I did know who he was (especially after rereading Dair) I can't say whether I would be confused or frustrated with the not-knowing, or if would add to the tension and drama. I mean, that was the whole awesome thing about The Wild didn't know.

Lourdes is the 41 year old mother of two grown boys. The recently divorced photographer takes amazing care of herself, and is smoking hot. She is at the grocery store when she feels a set of eyes on her. She turns and sees a big, muscular blonde guy with a hard jaw and eyes buying condoms. She is immediately attracted to him despite his young age. Outside of the store, he boldly approaches her with no thought of 'the rules'.
QUOTE MARKI'd come to the attention of a man who didn't play by any normal rules, and my life was about to get very interesting."

When Lourdes runs into Heath the next day, she thinks it might be time to let her ever-cautious mind take a break and let her body do the thinking for her for a change.
QUOTE MARKRough, dirty, sheet-clawing sex fairly radiated off him"

She's never had a one-night stand, but this bold, dominant stranger makes her want it...badly.


Of course, intimacy changes things, and Lourdes was desperate to see that moment where the hard man let down his guard with her.
QUOTE MARKThe need was powerful to the point of self-destructive, especially considering the fact that I barely knew him, and what I did know only seemed to point to the fact that he was a wild thing that was not even close to being tamed."

Lourdes was an intelligent, well traveled woman with a great head on her shoulders, while Heath was almost an animal compared to her. She knows he disappears for days or weeks, but has no clue where he goes. It doesn't matter though, when he gets back, she can't trust her body to stay away from his.
QUOTE MARKGod, he was rough around the edges.
Why the hell did I like him so much?
He was uncivilized.
And strangely, kind of sweet."

Heath was the perfect blend of scary and sweet. Almost like a dog that has suffered abuse, you don't know whether he'll love you or bite your hand off when you feet him. I think that's how Lourdes must have felt, and it just added to the dangerous attraction.  Especially after she finds out he's a cold-blooded killer.

Like in The Wild Side Series, lots of hints and foreshadows are dropped throughout the book, and RK is fearless in her writing, if you ever doubt that an author will "go there" RK matter where 'there' is. Despite the foreshadowing, you never expect what happens.

The Other Man is filled with danger, hot sex, some romance, suspense, a convoluted, crazy back story, action and did I say great sex? Yum, nothing like taking a dangerous dominant stranger home with you!

If you read The Other Man first, you will immediately want to read The Wild Side Series, but there are spoilers in The Other Man, so I recommend reading The Wild Side Trilogy first (novella series available now as one boxed set), though you don't have to.

The Other Man


  • •The visits/girls night with all of the characters from her other books, like James & Bianca, Tristan & Danika, Frankie & Estella and Javier & Stephan, as well as Dair.

  • •The use of foreshadowing kept you on edge the whole time.

  • •A sexy, very dominant, very dangerous hot.

  • •Lourdes is an awesome mom, and her grown boys are almost too perfect.

  • •I was on the edge of my seat, unable to put the book down.

  • •That RK took chances and 'went there' in this book.

  • •I LOVE that it is a single book

  • •Heath is the perfect anti-hero. He's scary and dangerous as hell, but you know he would never harm Lourdes...but what he would do for her is another story.

  • •I liked Iris better after reading this.

  • •Loved the epilogue.


  • •I'm not sure how this would read as a standalone. While this is not a dislike of the book, it makes it difficult to review. I think it is a much different read for someone who knows where Heath keeps disappearing to, and what kind of work he's doing, than for someone who has no clue.

Rating 5 stars, 5 Heatstars_5


The Down and Dirty:
The Other Man is a standalone, but it is also a gift to all of RK's regular readers. We get to revisit all of our favorite characters within the context of the book. It was un unputdownable, unpredictable ride of epic proportions. RK took a character we should hate and turned him into a scary, dark sex god with a heart, and Lourdes, great mom that she is, was there to help him. I find it so cool that RK Lilley wrote this as almost another half to The Wild Side Series, and it fits in so seamlessly. Despite The Other Man being so intertwined with The Wild Side series,  I think it can stand alone just as well, but would read very differently for a newbie.  I must tell you though, reading this BEFORE the Wild Side would ruin a lot of the suspense from that series.

RK really outdid herself. Heath was all kinds of dangerous and dark and sexy, the action and suspense had me on the edge of my seat, there were no stupid angsty moments for no reason, and every single thing that happened seemed to be tied to a bigger picture. BRAVO!!!! Another spectacular read by RK Lilley, possibly her best yet. And yay! It's ONE book!


Purchase The Other Man by RK Lilley

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I recommend reading The Wild Side novella trilogy first, but it isn't necessary.

The Wild Side Trilogy | See my reviews



tomeannelida's review against another edition

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Okay so first off I came into this book thinking it would similar to Wild Side and it was I understand for the people who haven't read Wild Side or any other of R. K. Lilley's books you could potentionally be confused with the characters. Personally I loved it, and I am an R. L. Lilley fan, so no surprise I loved the fact we got to see character from her other series into the mix. Knowing her writing style and know that this is a side story I know they're would be hella of a lot of sex and boy there was, all the characters ever did was have sex but then again I understand that, and some of you could see this as not having a strong enough plot but personally I loved it. Sure you could read this without reading the other books but I wouldn't recommend it.

Lourdes for me was a good character, I think I didn't get annoyed with her as much as usually do with other female heroines was because she is mature, I mean she kinda has to be cause she's 41 but still I'm happy she wasn't a whinny heroine. She did have reason to be upset most of the time.

Heath (25 he doesn't seem his age, I guess that's good cause I don't think I can imagine him actually being 25 I felt like he was older. )was a hot ride and a mess, just like his sister. If you've read Wild Side then you've basically got the same story except this is the theoretical version where the author thought hey how would things be if it were a guy in Iris position.

Spoiler “I glanced furtively at his single item on the belt, my eyes snapping away, face flushing when I saw that it was a twelve-pack of magnum condoms.” Oh Heath!

danireadsbooks1's review against another edition

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I just reread this for like the 80th time. Still good. Still recommend. So spicy. Loved it the first time I read it and loved it the 80th time too.

romancebookaddict's review against another edition

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This book was a Sexy, sizzling, intense page turner.

When I heard about this book, I didn't do any research. Judging by how much I loved R.K. Lilley's other books. I knew this would be a one click book for me.
So I didn't realize until I started reading, that this book is intertwined with her Wild Side Trilogy [b:The Wild Side Trilogy|25398206|The Wild Side Trilogy|R.K. Lilley||45150840]. I had only read the first book. So I immediately went and read the last two books, they are short and can be read in one sitting. Though if you haven't read The Wild Side series this book can still be read as a stand alone.

This story kept my attention from the beginning. Heath and Lourdes meet and you can tell its strange. But heath is sexy and dominant so you know our senses fly out the window then. He allured Lourdes in knowing she wasn't the casual type of person, but there was something about what heath was offering that she didn't know she even craved until he gave it to her. He was a mystery he just came and went as he pleased.

And when Lourdes gets tried of that and wants him to at least have some manners, he starts to open up because he doesn't want to lose her. OH MY one scene where he tells her why he is the way he is and some things he had to do. GAH GUT WRENCHING

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Then he would disappear for longer periods of time, and eventually as they spent more time together he had to give up some of his secrets. I love that this book has a little bit of suspense in it towards the end of the book when things started to unfold. Can never go wrong with a woman being rescued by the man she loves. Over all I enjoyed this book it was a definite page turner.

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digitlchic's review

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kayla_llbr's review

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So...I was pretty much on the fence of DNF'ing this because it honestly felt like a filler book intended to just reintroduce us to previous characters from Up in the Air and Tristan and Danika and The Wild Side but my mind was made up for me once I hit a certain scene.

At about 35% Lourdes is on a date with Health and he asks about why her ex-husband is talking about pressing assault charges. Lourdes explains what she did to him once she found of he was cheating on her with her best friend.

“I waited until he got home, honestly not knowing what to say to him, and he acted like everything was normal when he greeted me. He went right away to take a shower, and that was when I lost my temper. You see, he’d done that a lot, come in from wherever and gone immediately to shower. He must have been stepping out on me for ages, and I hadn’t a clue.”

I studying him a while, trying and failing to gauge his reaction, and finally continued, “I grabbed the Fabuloso and his belt.”

“I like where this is headed,” Heath noted, and it made me smile. At least he didn’t think I was a complete nutcase. Yet.

“I sprayed the ground right in front of the shower. It’s very smooth marble. The second he stepped out, he slipped, cracked his head hard on the counter, and landed on his ass.”

“Good,” Heath said succinctly.

I smiled. I should have known this wouldn’t remotely shock him. “That’s when I took a belt to him, buckle first.”

“Good,” he repeated.

“I beat the shit out of him, beat him until he ran out of the house, naked, just to get away from me. Then I locked him out. Filed for divorce as soon as humanly possible.”

Does that sound familiar?

It would if you've ever seen the movie This Christmas
You can see the scene for yourself here:

So I'm not trying to make any sort of statement about that similarity, but rehashed is rehashed and I enjoyed that scene much more the first time around.

Moving on.

smitch29's review

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This is hard for me to rate. On one hand I enjoyed the story, but on the other hand the tone throughout the novel was irritating and took away from some of the intrigue.

This novel revolves around Heath and Lourdes. Both were introduced in the Wild Side series. Heath is Iris's brother and Lourdes is Dair's friend. They are an unlikely pair. Heath is mysterious and steeped in trouble with his family troubles that put him, and anyone he associates with, in danger. Lourdes is a divorcee with two grown kids. As per romance genre law, they are both hot and in good shape. Lourdes is doing so well for her age she is often mistaken to be a decade younger. She hasn't been in any real hurry to date again since her marriage ended, and she certainly never planned to start anything with a guy barely older than her sons. However, she can't seem to reject Heath or the emotions he evokes from her. He's not real big on communication, nor does he seem to be able to understand a lot of normal social conventions. He's had a rough and abnormal life, and it's essentially left him isolated. However, when he gets to know Lourdes, he sees something he likes, and is determined to have her. He knows he doesn't always know the right way to act, but he's willing to chance and figure out just how to be there for her. All the while Lourdes is bewildered by this romance that sweeps her off her feet. She expected to have a one night stand with the hot young guy, but instead she ends up starting something more serious with Heath. Their relationship is unusual with how little Heath reveals about his life, and how little he seems to come around. Lourdes goes weeks without hearing form him only to have him show up at odds times.

This book reminded me a whole lot of the entire Wild Side series. It had the May-December romance, with the younger character being extremely secretive, and the older character being enraptured by the younger one. Just like before with Dair, Lourdes is fairly accepting of Heath's secrets because her gut encourages her to trust him. And just like that previous series, this book carried a tone that left me feeling disconnected to the book. I think it was all the mystery. It was written in a way that felt akin to seeing something at the end of a tunnel. Since Lourdes (the main perspective) never had much of an idea of how to feel or what to believe about a lot of things in this book, it left me unsure how to feel about things, and prohibited me from really connecting with the plot. I think the author was going for a really intriguing story line, but it might've gone a step too far for me, to where the mood darkened the enjoyment. Though to be fair, this was better since it was a single novel, and not drawn out between three books.

The ending of the book was good and strong. It had excitement and resolution that left me satisfied. My one MINOR complaint was just about Lourdes's sons. She was very concerned with them at the start of the book, so the narration included a lot more about them and their feelings, but the ending really didn't cover them as much as the beginning, and it just felt unbalanced to me. Like I said, though, that is just a minor complaint and had little to do with my overall opinion of this novel.

danireadsbooks1's review against another edition

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I just reread this for like the 80th time. Still good. Still recommend. So spicy. Loved it the first time I read it and loved it the 80th time too.