
The Moment by T.C. Anderson

lezreadalot's review

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I don't love you because you saved my life. I'm glad you saved my life because it means I have more time to love you.

I first became interesting in reading this because of the short, vague, but intriguing blurb, and while I did enjoy this and I'm glad I read it, I do wish that there'd been some warning for just how heavy this gets. I don't know what you're supposed to get from the cover, but I wouldn't have thought that it dealt majorly with sexual assault and abuse. Not much of it is on page, but Jessie's PTSD, trauma and recovery are very much at the fore, and it would have been nice to have been a little more mentally prepared for this? 

That aside, this was so so good! A queer hard-hitting YA contemporary about two girls forming a bond and creating a family while one of them struggles to recover from the dark things she's suffered. I honestly really enjoy reading books by fic writers (and I could just kinda tell without looking it up that this author writes fic); there's something very fresh but nostalgic about it. I wasn't too sure that I'd gel with the writing style at first. Second person is hit or miss for me, and there were a lot of stylistic and unconventional things being done with style and punctuation and grammar. Not so much so that it made the book feel cluttered or unreadable, but it's definitely noticeable. I more or less got used to it though, and it helps that the writing remains lovely in its simplicity.

In the beginning, I had a lot of problems with believability, but as the book progressed, it addressed a lot of the little holes that I saw in the story. There were some really great conversations to be had about parenthood, internalised victim-blaming, and trauma. I loved the found family aspects with the parents and how far they were willing to go for Jessie. And the romance was really good. Very intense, but in a credible way; I don't think it's far-fetched for traumatised teens to become everything to one another in this way. I loved how they first started talking, and the ways in which they both looked out for and protected each other. It was so sweet.

A couple times, this did almost venture into trauma porn regions imo. Like I said, it was a lot. But not so much that I didn't enjoy it. Really good stuff, creatively written. It has a lot of heart behind it, which is what ultimately made it so readable, and so lovely.

Content warnings:
Spoilersexual and physical assault, kidnapping, rape, torture, intentional scarring, parental abuse and neglect, self harm

harleybasswood's review

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So, I discovered this author through Tumblr, of all places, and after reading some of her shorter work, I was intrigued enough to purchase this book.

First, the good: Ms. Anderson is an astounding wordsmith. I usually prefer A LOT more dialogue in my fiction than what "The Moment" offers, but this book - this magical little story? It's like reading poetry. Poetry that is about all the good, bad and ugly in the world. The story, while it has it's overly romantic notions about young adult love at times, for the most part stays true to the age and experience of the characters. Also, the portrayal of some of the darker elements of the story are so astoundingly, heart-wrenchingly written that I can't help but wonder if the author has gone through similar situations. The delicacy these scenes are handled with, as well as the way the scenes are fleshed out without being too graphic for the young adult audience is the perfect balance. Also, the portrayal of the end-all-be-all, fierce feelings of young love are played at so well.

Now the bad - because it should be mentioned, though none of these things took away my love of the writing style and story in general. I can't find anywhere where the publisher of this book is mentioned, which leads me to believe it's a vanity press publication. Which explains the frustrating number of grammatical/spelling/formatting issues in the book. I love Anderson's style of writing so much that I could look past it fairly easily (which, for me, is really saying something), but it may bother others a lot more. The other thing I need to say is that there should be trigger warnings somewhere in this book. There are unexpected things that arose that could cause adverse reactions in some readers.

All that said - I really, really enjoyed this story. I was emotionally attached to the characters and as I've said, the writing style was nearly poetic and captivating. I hope Anderson is able to get a publisher and continue with her craft wit a good editor, because she has a very unique voice.

misha_ali's review

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My heart hurts after reading this but it's also oddly hopeful.

The cover and blurb don't give much away so I won't either but this is a moving story. Potential trigger warning for a lot of abuse, physical and emotional, but worthwhile for a story about healing and hope.

menalippe's review

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There's a lot going on here and I just couldn't connect. 2nd person POV is not for me.

ravenness's review

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I have been meaning to read this book for a bit now. I hadn’t read the reviews because I wanted to form my own opinions about the book and the authors writing style. A part of me is kicking myself because there are some strong trigger warnings. The author doesn't shy away from emotional subject material. This is admirable, but be warned; there are some strong scenes throughout the book.

That being said, the book itself was moving and believable. I think that some of the subject matter called for the author to be very direct and sometimes blunt and she doesn’t disappoint. Within the first two chapters, you become passionately invested in these characters and their futures. Although second person point of view is my least favorite format, I think it was a smart choice for this book and that it helps the reader connect with the characters very quickly.

My journey to the end of this story was emotional. I want to avoid too many spoilers but if you are looking for a touching and inspirational story, I would recommend that you pick up this book.

skillwithaquill's review

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I have been reading this author's work on the internet and I am absolutely in love with her writing. I usually avoid stories written in second person, but here the style is poignant and never distracting. The typos, capitalization issues, and other grammatical problems might be jarring at first but the style fits the plot. It becomes lyrical like poetry when the rules are broken so consistently. The tragic and upsetting elements of Jessie and Mia's story balances with the sympathetic and heartfelt narrative. I enjoyed this story and I will keep seeking out this writer's work.

rilester's review

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first half was fantastic; 2nd half was a bit of a mixed bag.
Really not a fan of the typos

mattiestayreadin's review

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This book would have greatly benefited from an editor, as there are many grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors that are distracting enough to pull you out of its world. However, the strength of the story and the relationships that hold it together are solid enough to keep the reader engaged. I can understand how some may feel upset about purchasing this work, as it was a fan fiction and is available for purchase completely unpolished. However, this a great first effort from a fantastic storyteller that will only get better as she matures. Just consider it an investment in a bright writing future.

breyonnamorgan's review

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NO Spoilers: Just Thoughts

As a person who tip toes around emotions, this book destroyed me. It MADE me feel. It's impossible to read this book and be apathetic. It pulls. You will immediately become invested in the characters. That is something that is hard to accomplish in just one book. It breaks you. The story is gut-wrenching. It makes you smile. The ending, even the beginning, moves you.

mjsam's review

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First thing is the trigger warning, this is a book that covers difficult topics, and does them in a full on, nothing is glossed over way. Fair warning.

Also, for those who like to know such things, this was originally written online and has since been published.

T.C. has a fascinating writing style, that I am sure is not for everyone. The grammar nazi in me should have been chomping at the way it's styled, but I liked it. It feels like this book couldn't have been written any other way. However it does lose a half star due to multiple typos, hence the 4 star rating (it's really a 4.5 star book)

The characters are wonderfully drawn and their connection is both beautiful and sweet. As this is a romance, that deals with difficult circumstances, it is by turns heartbreaking and heartwarming.

There were parts that were extremely hard for me to read, due to the nature of the trigger content, but I have to give T.C. full credit for being brave enough to write something so raw and powerful.