
Can't Get Enough by Gena Showalter

somewherelostinbooks's review

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I've had mixed feeling about Gena Showalter's Original Heartbreakers series. I've enjoyed most of the books but some were a serious miss. Can't Get Enough, however, was definitely a hit! Brock and Lyndie were both scarred by their past but they came together in a marriage of convenience which is secretly one of my catnip tropes. Their relationship had clear ups and downs but they managed to work through them. There was just something so satisfying about seeing two deserving characters fall in love like they did in this book. I was a fan!

tanyad74's review

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I'm torn on Can't Get Enough. I really loved Ryanne and Jude in Can't Let Go and this book was going to have to really pull some magic to compare. I'm not sure it accomplished it. I really enjoyed the story, don't get me wrong. This was a really fun read, I have to get past my Ryanne and Jude addiction!

Brock has been a great character from the start. Yes, he's been the one night stand king, but he's also there, no questions asked for Daniel or Jude. Whatever they need, whenever they need it, Brock is there for them. That really made me love him right from the beginning. In the previous books this couple is pretty much hinted at anyway, so in your mind you're already excusing him his ways because you know it is all to cover up what he truly feels for Lyndie. He has always beens so nervous of scaring her off that he never actually makes any moves towards her, which leads Lyndie to think he is not interested, even if she is. Lyndie surprised me a little bit. Despite her friendship with Dorothea and Ryanne, I was still seeing her as the little mouse and was worried her character wasn't going to bring in the fun I'm used to with the characters of this series. I was wrong. Gena shows us a side to Lyndie that is fun and lighthearted despite the fears that still linger. I absolutely loved the scenes where she blames the wine for her ideas and actions. Cabernet can be a no-good liar!

The chemistry between Brock and Lyndie is shown right from the start. I was surprised by Brock's forwardness when he proposed to Lyndie. I didn't think he would get past his worry of scaring her enough to let her know how much he really wanted her. There is so much push and pull between the two throughout the book, but I was really glad that Brock was fairly quick in realizing what he wanted and was willing to work through Lyndie's fears to get it. I loved Ryanne and Dorothea's advice and help when Lyndie was at that turning point before letting herself forgive and accept what she wanted from Brock. Those girls are a hoot and I love every minute with them.

I felt like there was so much more that Ryanne and Jude had to overcome in their book, which kept me captivated. However, the banter and connection with Brock and Lyndie had me giggling in many spots. They really were meant for each other. Can't Get Enough was a fun read where we once again get to partake in the great writing of Gena Showalter that will keep your heart stuttering and lips laughing throughout. We get the suggestion at the end of the book that there is more to come. I hope that is so, especially if it is Brock's brother because I really took a shine to him in this book!

You could definitely read this as a standalone, although I think you would enjoy it so much more if you at least read the two before this one.

The Original Heartbreaker series

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received for an honest review

This is only my second read of the Original Heartbreakers series, and adored it.

The king of the one night stand and the woman who has sworn off relationships. You know this is going to go one of two ways. Actually, being a Gena Showalter story, you know which way it is going to go, it is just the ride we are taken on to get there.

I adore Lyndie and Brock. The chemistry between them is off the charts. They are both a little broken, and it was wonderful to see them meet in the middle and have a wonderful marriage... of convenience.

Right from the start you know that this is going to be fun and flirty and sexy. You can't help but fall in love along with Brock and Lyndie as they figure out whether they are "enough" for each other.

There are great secondary characters from the previous books. I love when the girls get together, the laughter and banter is wonderful. And watching these alpha guys fall like trees in the forest has been great!

There are some characters that I wanted to slap across the face with my kindle I disliked them so much. But watching them get theirs was awesome.

There has been so much goodness in the books of this series that I have read, I need to go back and start this series from the beginning, I know I won't regret it.

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susanpevensie's review

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lighthearted tense fast-paced


samie_k3's review

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With Brock being a manwhore extraordinaire, I expected this book to annoy me... Fortunately, it didn't. But it did feel very, very rushed... Don't know. Things could have taken a little more time, imo. Still a good book, though. :D

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, wow, this book was absolutely amazing! The relationship between Brock and Lyndie has been speculated on happening since book 4, and they were just great together! Loved it!

bhunky's review

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Decent read, although it wasn’t all I anticipated and it seemed over quick. Where was the drama?

brsrhr's review

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*2 1/2 stars*

There was so much potential for this to be an amazing book but sadly it just wasn’t.

I have loved the original heartbreakers series since book one and was so excited to read this. The story line was great in the previous books the characters were great but when it actually came time for their turn they kinda sucked.

This book felt rushed and was a very 2 dimensional reading experience which I hate, I couldn’t get lost in the characters it seemed like she was more interested in throwing in sex scenes then actual character/storyline depth

malissac's review

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I am rarely ever as happy as when I have a Gena Showalter book in my hands. She just knows how to give me all the swoons, laughs, a few tears, and lots of warmth from her characters friendships and romances. Can't Get Enough was no exception to this.

I wondered how Gena was going to take this one-night stand guy and turn him into a true hero, she's done it with each of the Heartbreakers up to now but I wasn't quite sure Brock could truly be redeemed. Yes, I know he is broken, they all have been, but those very prevalent, through his friends books, one night stands and constant drinking issues were extremely concerning and I was afraid too big of a hurdle to climb over. Well. let me be one of the many, I am sure, to tell you that I loved Brock Hudson. He has some serious issues, yes, but this guy is truly a hero in my book. He is the hero that Lyndie needs and even though he will tell you she changed him (she'd whisper with her 'magical vajayjay', ha) he really in a way was his own hero too, she just made him want to be that person, but he had to become it all on his own.

Lyndie, she's such a sweet soul. I loved her drive to create the life she should have always had. I got a little frustrated with her constant need to show her independence, but having never been in her shoes it is hard for me to not appreciate it at the same time. I knew that Lyndie's past was bad but I have to tell you until one particular moment right after Brock and Lyndie's wedding I didn't realize just how bad it had been. To overcome what Gena put her through and still keep her beautiful, yet scarred, soul was absolutely moving. Out of the two of these character Lyndie to me truly was the stronger and I loved her so much for it.

Together Brock and Lyndie were wonderful. They fought a hard battle, with a lot of missteps along the way but in the end they never gave up on one another. I loved how they were each others strength, how they were their to remind the other of how precious they were, these two people who were abused and practically discarded by the very people who were supposed to love them the most. I will say there was a lot of internal monologuing for me in this one, which is the only reason I didn't give this one a 5 star. I felt a times there was so much monologuing that you could basically skip entire paragraphs. I can understand the need for it at the same time however, these two are pretty complicated characters and most of that complication derives from their own personal feelings about themselves. To become who they ultimately will in the end they have to work out their own thoughts, but it did make it drag a time or two. I adored their romance though. While it was full of it's ups and downs there was always something so pure and vulnerable about it. You could feel the heat coming off the pages every time they looked at one another and their romantic moments, let's just say for Brock practice totally made perfect and Lyndie, she's quite the little hell cat underneath her khakis and cardigans (it's always the quiet ones, haha)

Can't Get Enough is just another wonderful addition to the series, I have not been disappointed in any of them and if you are a contemporary romance fan I doubt you will be either. These all can be read as standalones, of course you will see the outcome fo the relationships that came before the one you are reading, but we all know these are HEA's so I don't think that would spoil anything for you at all. I am even a little teeny tiny bit hopeful that this isn't the last of this series, or maybe into a spin off series....there was some talk about a certain gentleman that you will meet in Can't Get Enough and one that I would really like to know more about and see settled and happy. If this is the end, I am so going to miss Strawberry Valley, I am completely in love with that little town.


alexandra_92's review

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I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Review and blog Tour can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

I really couldn't be more excited to read the final book of this spin-off series! Lyndie and Brock were by far the best couple in this trilogy. Both with their own traumas, but both with the mental power to overcome them and be happy. There was no separation like the previous couple but instead a slow, good building with humor, sexy scenes and lots of pets.

I also got the idea that there will also be ANOTHER spin-off of this series, if we think of Brock's brother and the new teacher. But who knows? This book was the best of this author for 2017.