The beautiful cover of this book caught my eye first, and when I found out it was about Arbella Stuart I could not resist downloading it. I adore reading historical novels and I knew a bit about Arbella from watching a documentary about her a few years back.

Arbella was a fascinating person, the great-granddaughter of Margaret Tudor (who was sister to King Henry VIII), and so therefore a possible heir to Queen Elizabeth I. As such, Arbella was used as a pawn by those who wanted power, including her own family, when she just wanted to read, write, and ride her horse.

The story is told from two points of view: Arbella's, as she looks back on her life, and a woman called Ami, who was friends with her at Court. It dawned on me about halfway through the book that Ami might also be a real life historical figure, and after a bit of Googling I discovered she was Aemilia Lanyer, a well-known poet.

Although Ami's life was interesting, I would have rather read more about Arbella! I loved the descriptions of Arbella's childhood and her relationship with her formidable grandmother, Bess of Hardwick, and how she grew up at Hardwick Hall, which was famous for being 'more glass than wall'. I felt so sorry for Arbella as she longed for a normal life as a wife and mother, away from all the political intrigue.

I could have done with a family tree at the front of the book, or perhaps a list of characters. Although I thought I knew a fair bit about history, I did become confused as to who was who. Characters were introduced as though I should know who they were and I spent a lot of time on Google, resulting in a few spoilers!

But the story was very well written and I did enjoy reading it. It would probably appeal to fans of Philippa Gregory and anyone who enjoys Tudor/Stuart history mixed in with a bit of fiction.

Thank you to Elizabeth Fremantle, Michael Joseph and Netgalley for my copy of this book, which I received in exchange for an honest review.

I liked her other books better. Having said that it wasn’t that this story was bad or that the writing wasn’t excellent. In fact I think the stagnancy of the first half of the book sought to induce the same sort of feeling of being trapped as Lady Arbella and I found it quite evocative. Maybe it was more the style that jarred with me a little. The to and fro between the characters perspectives. I also struggle to connect with first person POV. If I could I would have given 3.5 stars.

This is a historical fiction that was too difficult to plunge into and give even half a chance. Unfortunately. I’d say that I didn’t have the patience to agonise through this one, and get to the end.
adventurous emotional sad slow-paced

I really loved this one. Unlike some of the other reviewers, I didn't find the two stories to clash at all. I feel like they complemented each other very well, each story showing in a different way the constricting life of a woman in Elizabethan England, and the ways that women may have found to hold on to a little power over themselves.

The frame construction was sometimes just a little sloppy. At one point I thought that Arbella's manuscript had ended abruptly and that Amy would be left without knowing for sure how Arbella's went on after that point. But then the narrative from Arbella continued, and I don't know if I misunderstood or if the two sections just didn't line up perfectly.

I decided not to worry about it too much and just enjoy the stories. This being historical fiction, I knew how it would end, but still kept hoping despite myself. Altogether, I do think it ends rather beautifully and with hope, despite everything.
emotional hopeful sad slow-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: Complicated
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Complicated
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes

It’s tragic and you feel sad when you read it, but that was something that I liked, not every book can be happy all the time
emotional sad slow-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes

Very enthralling and heartwrenching tale, told in a unique and captivating way. A book worth picking up.

having visited Hardwick Hall many times it was lovely hearing more about Arabella. the book drew me in and i really enjoyed it.
challenging dark emotional hopeful informative inspiring sad tense medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes