attytheresa's review

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I stumbled by accident across this collection by several romance writers while looking in the NYPL system for an ebook copy of [a:Louisa May Alcott|1315|Louisa May Alcott|] gothic stories. The description of the Emma paranormal retelling hooked me right in, even though as a general rule I don't really care for paranormal genre. This was a really enjoyable Halloween weekend read!

There are 4 novella retellings, two of which I loved and two which were just ok. Each has a letter introduction by the author talking about how she came to write this particular story.

Almost Persuaded - is of course a Persuasion retelling. Historical Romance Grand Dame Mary Balogh, who isn't into the paranormal at all, had always wanted to try a reincarnation of lovers over eternity story. Persuasion being her favorite Austen was the perfect setting for lovers who keep repeating the same missed HEA story through eternity --- unitl now, during the Regency Era -- or can they finally find their HEA by overcoming the obstacles in their path? This was OK, though I find Balogh's romances a bit meh generally speaking. The adaptation of Persuasion was excellent I thought.

Northanger Castle - by Colleen Gleason - is a joyous romp! Caroline is enamored of those gothic novels of the day, and is convinced they exist. The story opens with Caroline attending her first Regency Era Pump Room Assembly armed with her largest reticule filled with a wooden stake, a silver cross, and other items to use should she need to leap to the rescue of some poor woman being attacked by a vampire. Loved loved loved this retelling of Northanger Abbey.

Blood and Prejudice by Susan Krinard - Retelling of Pride & Prejudice with vampires -- set in modern day NY, CT, and England, Lizzie is the daughter of the owner of a small pharmaceutical company that's the subject of a takeover by Bingley and Darcy. This was probably my least favorite. I find that when the author works too hard to include all her favorite scenes exactly from P & P, the result is disappointing and stilted. That's true here. Although I did like her treatment of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Rosings.... that was inspired.

Little to Hex Her by Janet Mullany - Emma retold in contemporary Washington DC where Emma is a witch running a paranormal dating service that seems to be under a curse. My favorite of the 4, and just inspired hilarity. This is also the most sexy of the 4.

cmbohn's review against another edition

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I really only read the first book, a story about reincarnation inspired by Persuasion. It was okay, but I didn't see any reason to read the other stories.

jennybeastie's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this, but it just didn't work for me. I think, partly, because only one of the stories really reimagined the storyline -- the others were very very true to the original. If that's what you're looking for, go with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies -- which is a surprisingly great read.

elysareadsitall's review against another edition

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I was a little surprised by the collection. Mary Balogh's name is the biggest on the cover, and the introduction showed that Susan Krinard, who came up with the idea and got it together, was super hype to get her. It was Balogh's first paranormal story and the weakest of the group. She chose to do a resurrection story, which I thought was a neat idea, but the story was just the characters talking about their feelings for 90 pages. I almost didn't go forward with reading the rest.

I'm glad I did though because I enjoyed the other stories. I thought they were fun takes, and they were far more plot driven than the first one. I particularly liked Colleen Gleason's story and will probably check out her Gardella Vampire Chronicles now.

Each author wrote an intro for their story explaining why they picked their Austen novel and paranormal theme. I thought that was a great touch. The stories were all around 100 pages and super quick.

virginiaduan's review against another edition

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I'm never a fan of short romantic stories and I am reminded again why paranormal fiction doesn't really do it for me. I only read the one by Mary Balogh since she's one of my favorite romance authors. It was ok.

sabrinadarcy's review against another edition

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overall i liked it. i think it started stronger than it finished but the stories each had their own value. definitely enjoyable.

elizajaquays's review against another edition

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Each adaptation was fun and witty in its own right. If you are looking for the exact story with words switched out to include the supernatural then this isn't for you, it's not "P&P& Zombies." These shorts take on the spirit of Austen, each with varying degrees of exactness to the original tale. None of them disappoint. I highly recommend this anthology, my only regret was that it didn't include adaptions of all her works. I would have loved to see what they did with "Sense and Sensibility" as well as "Mansfield Park."

achenaille's review against another edition

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Interesting spins on Austen classics combined with supernatural. Ended up liking it more than I ever thought I would.

laurla's review against another edition

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four stories that give jane austen stories a paranormal twist.

almost persuaded by mary balogh. in this Regency tale of Captain Robert Mitford and Jane Everett, Mary Balogh brings together former lovers who have seen beyond the veil of forgetfulness to their past mistakes, and are determined to be together in this life, and forever.

northanger castle by colleen gleason. Northanger Castle by Colleen Gleason. Caroline's obsession with Gothic novels winds up being good training for a lifetime of destroying the undead with her newfound beau, in this Regency by Colleen Gleason.

blood and prejudice by susan krinard. Set in the business world of contemporary New York City, Liz Bennett joins Mr. Darcy in his hunt for a vampire cure in New York Times bestselling author Susan Krinard's version of the classic story.

little to hex her by janet mullany. Little To Hex Her by Janet Mullany
Present-day Washington, D.C., is full of curious creatures in Janet Mullany's story, wherein Emma is a witch with a wizard boyfriend and a paranormal dating service to run.

holtfan's review

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What I saw: Jane Austen and paranormal. Sweet!
What I missed: Published by Harlequin. Noooooooooooooooooooo

This collection contains four different retellings of four different Austen novels. I really enjoyed one. I hated the other three.

Almost Persuaded: (aka - Persuasion) 1 star
GOUGE MY EYES OUT WITH A SPOON. Reincarnated soul mates/forbidden lovers. Utterly awful twattle combined with a random sex scene between two people who met maybe 24 or 48 hours earlier. I know the fact that they loved each other in past lives supposedly justifies this, but...

Northanger Castle: (aka - Northanger Abbey) 4 star
I mean, does it hold a candle to the original? Not even close. I still found it an overall fun story. It captures the Gothic vibe of Regency fiction with a modern feel and creates a likable heroine who drags books, garlic, and stakes around in her reticule. Initially I wasn't totally on board with giving the Mr. Tilney-like gentleman the personality of Mr. Rochester, but he eventually won me over. I would almost bump this collection up a star for this piece. But the others were too terrible. Still...I might give this particular story a re-read before I return it to the library.

Blood and Prejudice: (aka - Pride and Prejudice) 1 star
Although it garners one star like Almost Persuaded and Little to Hex Her, I did not feel the same wrath towards this book that I felt towards them. Mostly I felt...underwhelmed. Imagine Mr. Darcy as a vampire, stick him in the 21st century, and you can probably predict how this all goes down. I was considering 2 stars because I did like the characterization of Lizzie, but then she does something extremely stupid and I washed my hands of her. Also the ending was super boring.

Little To Hex Her: (aka - Emma) -5 star
Emma as a witch who runs a match making agency in D.C.? Yeah!
Because this book does not really talk about Emma's match making. It focuses on Emma's love sex life. In detail.
Way, way, way too much uncomfortable detail.
The possibility for something creative was there but Emma and Knightley were terrible people without an ounce of cuteness to their romance and the whole 'Emma is super powerful but never knew it!' plot line left me confused and irritated. But that might be residual reaction from her one night stand with...not-Knightley. And then with Knightley.