
About Last Night by Carter Ashby

kaydanielsromance's review

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A slow burning romance that brings a widower and a divorcée together in a mix that sheds new light on sharing grief and growing together through it.

Loss is loss, but when one spouse loses his permanently his spouse is forever placed on a pedestal, but when the other loses a spouse through divorce by unsavory means you tend to place that ex-spouse in the gutter. Can you still build a relationship through a shared concept of loss?

Cooper Dean is a man still grieving his dead wife, Kirsten, while still struggling how to be a single father of two young children. How do you move forward when you've lost everything? Cooper's made mistakes, he's made a lot of them, but he's trying to move forward and make amends, mostly because he wants to be a better man for Tessa. He's finally met someone since he lost Kirsten that makes him want to pull his head out of his a** and finally get his life together. The tough part is he's having a hard time moving on from the memories of his dead wife. How can he possibly have a future with Tessa when he can't seem to move out of the past?

Tessa has been hurt by her cheating ex, but she's finally ready to move on. It wasn't exactly the smartest thing to jump into the arms of her younger neighbor, Cooper, but she was a little tipsy the night it happened. Since then he seems to have set his sights on her and hasn't let up. Her past hurts and his past manwhorish ways don't exactly instill confidence in building a future with Cooper, but his relentless pursuit makes it difficult to say no. However, when his past continues to haunt him she may not have a choice in the matter of having anything more than just a few nights to remember. 

How do two people come to grips with their different loses when trying to move forward in a new relationship? A new relationship is difficult enough but trying to understand where each is mentally coming from, really understanding each other's loss, just adds to that budding relationship while navigating through new feelings.

About Last Night is a really good story about overcoming grief and loss.

lowkeyreader's review

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About Last Night

This is a second chance romance between a widower and a divorcée together in a mix that sheds new light on sharing grief and growing together through it.

Cooper Dean is still grieving his dead wife while struggling how to be a single father of two young children when he's used to doing it with his wife. He has made a lot of mistakes after the death of his wife and is now making trying to move forward and make amends thanks to his neighbour, Tessa. He wanted to be a better man for Tessa. He's finally met someone that makes him want to get his life together. But he still didn't want to let go of his memories with his wife.

Tessa has been hurt by her cheating ex, but she's finally ready to move on. But it's not easy when his ex had planted ideas of her being an inadequate partner. But Cooper made her feel worthy, except her past still hurts and his past still holding him back don't exactly instill confidence in building a future together.

About Last Night is a really good story about overcoming grief and loss.

ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

elylibrarysec's review

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Tessa Hunt got a proposition that she couldn’t refuse but has come to regret. Cooper Dean speaks before he thinks. He shows how hard it can be sometimes to move on. This can be considered a second chance romance. Some may see it as an older woman/younger man but the age difference really isn’t an issue – the years between them are really nothing to feel weird about.

Cooper really lets the reader see how tough a time he was having dealing with his life. Our author shows that it’s ok for men to show vulnerability. The only thing they need to work on is opening up to women instead of hiding behind a veil of bravado. And you will come upon a scene where Tessa hits the nail on the head.

Our author creates some great secondary characters. Two of them are a great support system for Cooper – and one can be a little pushy. Two more help to create a connection with Tessa. Then we have a good friend to Cooper and every time he would appear in a scene I had to wonder what his story was. The last one doesn’t really say anything but she’s important to the storyline and she’s how we get to know Cooper the man. And actually there is one more but he’s such a jerk that I’m just glad that he’s fictional because if I could get away with it I would give him a swift kick.

Besides the great characters, this author had me wondering why she makes it seem so easy. Her story just seemed so natural. She has an easygoing writing style. You can picture every scene as it plays out. It was easy to picture myself being in the background. She also got me to laugh. It was hard not to when you can see Cooper always inserting his foot into his mouth. His mother-in-law also provided me with some laughable moments. Ms. Ashby has been writing for a while but this is the first book I’ve read. I can’t wait to see where this series is going to take me.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.