
Drevet til mord by Rachel Abbott

joo13's review against another edition

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This is a stand-alone psychological thriller rather than the next in the author's Tom Douglas series. And what a corker. This author sure knows how to write a gripping book.

kirsty_bookworm's review against another edition

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Very enjoyable, plenty of twists and turns.

kellyvandamme's review against another edition

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Absolute psychological thriller perfection. The suspense was killing me until the very last page. I managed to figure out some of the facts, but the story is so cleverly constructed that I was taken by surprise a few times as well.

Highly recommended

sophiebeth23's review against another edition

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I couldn’t put this book down it has excellent twists and turns and kept me guessing until the end. The characters are very believable.

cat_literary_world's review against another edition

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Parti para este livro sem saber do que tratava, apenas que era um thriller. Na verdade a minha motivação para o ler foi ler "O jogo do crime" depois. Como este livro corresponde à primeira investigação da inspetora Stephanie King, achei que fazia mais sentido ler pela ordem.

Posso adiantar que recomendo muito a quem é fã do género. A escrita é bastante fluida, e permite-nos entrar na história desde o primeiro instante. Dei por mim a lê-lo em, apenas, dois dias.

Gostei bastante do facto de haver plot twists ao longo de todo o livro. Não gosto quando a história se desenrola apenas nas últimas páginas, o que não acontece neste livro. Houve alguns plot twists que achei previsíveis, mas pode ser por já ter lido muitos thrillers. Ainda assim, o fim foi uma surpresa, não esperava a motivação por trás, gostei bastante deste aspeto.

Outra coisa que adorei foi o facto de a história alternar entre personagens. Gosto sempre de poder acompanhar o raciocínio dos diversos intervenientes, é algo que acrescenta bastante a este tipo de livros.

Finalmente, achei a história da inspetora Stephanie pouco relevante para a trama principal, mas gostei muito de acompanhar o desenrolar dos acontecimentos no tribunal. Leio, geralmente, o ponto de vista da investigação, por isso este livro acabou por trazer esta nova perspectiva, que achei muito interessante.

sofialibrary_sofia's review against another edition

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Um thriller psicológico de deixar qualquer um à beira de um ataque de nervos até ao final com as várias reviravoltas e perspectivas da história.

Tive uma grande luta interior com o que está certo e o que está errado, com a violência doméstica muito presente, que é sempre um tema demasiado sensível, especialmente para qualquer mulher.
Não dou 4 estrelas porque muito cedo me apercebi do que poderia ser o final e isso de certa forma tornou a minha leitura mais lenta.

zooloo1983's review against another edition

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I am going to be completely frank and honest here and say from the outset that no words I have will do this book any justice. I mean wow what a book! When I read this I had three different theories going on in my head and I thought I was winning and then Ms Abbott just pulled the rug from out under me and I hit my head hard. That will teach me.

This book is definitely, big time even, at fault for the one more chapter malarky! Why, because the chapters are so short and snappy before you know it you have read 100 pages! So then I looked at the clock and it was nearly midnight…and then the dreaded voice in my ear says… go on, one more chapter! By gosh am I glad I did (ok bit tired today but was so worth it!).

I cannot tell you anything about the plot bar what the blurb says, Evie and Mark and their whirlwind romance, but is everything that it seems? Who has been murdered? Seriously the number of times that “OMG” and “shocking” left my mouth was unreal. This book is just so compelling, it is refreshing and it is also damn right terrifying! Most of all I LOVED it!

Evie seems off from the get-go, but then with the writing so is Mark and so is his sister Cleo. They all seem to have something to hide…but do they? Is it a red herring? You are misdirected so many times, it is like a sat nav on a bad day. But it made it so fascinating (unlike a sat nav!) because I did not feel any loyalty to the characters as I could not see any redeeming qualities, so I sat back and watched everything unravel at a lightning speed.

The events unfold from mainly Cleo and Evie’s point of view, but also Sergeant Stephanie King. With Stephanie, we learn a bit about her but also her thoughts and views of the case. Occasionally, we get other characters points of view, I love this and you always knew who was talking.

I loved that the story begins with the said murder, floats back to the past to build you to the current predicament, and then my all time favourite the courtroom drama, the trial and the fallout from it all. I was tied up in so many knots with the writing, trying to figure out how it would end, and then the ending. I breathed out and closed the book and tried to relax…not sure I can now! There was so much tension in this book, so much deceit, drama and chills, it has it all.

I think I have repeated myself a lot in this review but I am just in awe of this book and the author. This is one book I definitely recommend to everyone. Ms Abbott’s writing just flows through the pages, enthralling you, drawing you in deeper and deeper before throwing your world upside down and inside out.

nancy129's review against another edition

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A great psychological thriller. Many twists and you're never quite sure what's really going on. I will definitely read the next one in the series.

bookwormatheart's review against another edition

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Way too much of a slow burn with very unlikeable characters and an ending that can be seen from miles away.

antonella_taylorsversion's review against another edition

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Si bien medio que predije el plot twist, el final fue satisfactorio. Y si hay algo que AMO son los narradores en los que no se puede confiar.. nunca sabes bien qué carajos es real y qué no