
Knightsblade by Andy Clark

trackofwords's review

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Luk Kar Chimaeros, now known as the Knight of Ashes, hunts his stepmother Alicia Kar Manticos from system to system alongside a small band of fellow exiles. Danial Tan Draconis, meanwhile, rules Adrastapol as High King, working to bring the three remaining noble Houses together and help his world to flourish. When he learns of a great danger threatening Adrastapol, Luk puts his quest aside and risks much to return home and fight alongside his former comrades.

It feels like a natural progression after Kingsblade, in terms of the plot and the character arcs but also with the confidence of Clark’s writing. The emphasis is on a fun, enjoyable plot; typical Knightly themes of honour and loyalty abound, but they don’t overwhelm the story. It’s a hugely entertaining book that stands on its own as a strong story, while clearly setting up a few interesting threads for the next instalment. It’s an evolution of the Imperial Knights story, and of Clark’s writing, and is well worth investigating.

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