
Dominance and Deception by Amy Valenti

fantasyliving's review

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It's nice to read a book that shows a relationship that grows over years. It is rare in romance novels, and was a really nice surprise in this book.

Faye and Pierce negotiate a Master/slave relationship over a year of dating. They seem to fit together really well. When they bring another player into their relationship it is for their mutual enjoyment, and temporary. Rather than this turning into a ménage relationship like many others do, it shows that sharing can be enjoyed without it turning into more. It was good to see that Pierce was meeting Faye's needs to switch, where he was unable to be submissive.

The twist was a little left field. It left me saying 'What just happened here?' as much as it did Faye. It was explained well, and didn't feel like it was just added in for action/suspense.

The BDSM isn't too heavy and I found the scenes that were described didn't push limits like a lot of other books do. If this is the type of sexy you like, I would recommend this book. For those into a harder limit pushing, harder scenes, this may not be enough.